Are you going to keep pestering yourself?

Thinking of this, Ma Hui's aversion to Han Yang became more intense,

Who knows

Han Yang still did not pay attention, carrying the bag, toward the door.

On such a hot day, who has time to listen to your show off!

Ma Hui is so angry that she jumps!

Not long ago, the company dinner, empty lonely cold she, while a bit drunk, see Han Yang is not bad, a bite, want to let each other take advantage of.

As a result, the hot days even open an air-conditioned room are not willing to pay?

Fuck off!

From then on, she looked down on Han Yang from the bottom of her heart. Today, she ran into Han Yang and naturally came up with a tone. However, Han Yang didn't pay any attention. It was like a punch on cotton, not to mention much depression.

"Hello, is this the property management office? I... "But at this time, I didn't know that Ma Hui was so angry that Han Yang had already gone outside the community and dialed the property management office.

"Mr. Han! Are you... Are you Mr. Han? "

However, Han Yang had no choice but to finish his speech. A beautiful female voice came from the other end of the phone.

The tone is full of excitement and tension.

"Er... It's me."

Han Yang Leng for a while, but did not expect the other side will know themselves.

But on second thought, he also reflected.

He bought a building in Lanyuan mansion. I'm afraid the property has been disturbed for a long time.

"Mr. Han, are you planning to come to Lanyuan house? I'll send someone to pick you up right away. "

The manager's voice is charming and respectful, and her nervousness and nervousness can be felt across the screen.

"I've arrived at the gate of Lanyuan mansion. I'll wait for you nearby."

Han Yang replied casually.

"Ah? Have you arrived yet? I'll be right there. I'll be right there! "

The manager is nervous to the extreme, for fear of causing Han Yang's dissatisfaction.

Hang up the phone, Han Yang is going to enter the door, but the next second was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"For what?"

The security guard holds the glue stick and stares at Han Yang.

After glancing at Han Yang's clothes, an undisguised disdain appeared on his face.

"Find someone."

"This is a high-end residential area. There's no one you're looking for!"

Well, the most important thing these days is this kind of guy who looks down on others.

Shaking his head, Han Yang is about to open his mouth, but at this time, not far away came a slightly surprised voice.

"Damn it! It's really you, Han Yang

Looking along the voice, I saw a young man wearing a white shirt and a work permit hanging around his neck. He went straight to Han Yang.

See clearly please each other's face, Han Yang's face showed a bit of joy.

Because he knew the man in front of him.

He was a classmate in high school and had a very good relationship.

But after they graduated from high school, they gradually lost touch.

Han Yang didn't expect to meet each other here.

"Yang Tao, why are you here?"

"I work in the property here. I'm in charge of logistics." When talking about these, Yang Tao's face showed an undisguised complacency.

I don't know how many people admire his job.

"By the way, what are you doing here? Don't tell me, a few years later, you have become a rag picker. Ha ha... "

Eyes fall on Han Yang, Yang Tao suddenly noticed the black garbage bag in each other's hands.

As his eyes rolled, there was a banter on his face.

Although these words sound like a joke, Yang Tao's eyes clearly show some contempt.

The security guard on one side couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Han Yang's eyes, full of ridicule and fun.

Although there was no emotional change on his face, Han Yang sighed in his heart.

It's hard for him to connect this sharp spoken white-collar worker with the boy who was not familiar with the world and was sexy and straightforward.

Different from Han Yang, Yang Tao's heart, not to mention how cool.

Three years of high school, Han Yang no matter what he does is everywhere pressure him a head, although on the surface of his light, worried about inside but jealous crazy.

Now see Han Yang actually down to this point, Yang Tao heart that call a happy.

"Ah ah, old classmate, how much money can I get for picking up junk every day?"

Yang Tao's words are full of high irony. At the same time, he raises his hand and pats Han Yang on the shoulder.

"That's it."

With a frown, Han Yang takes a step back to distance himself from Yang Tao.

As for Yang Tao, he obviously didn't mean to stop.

With his arms around his chest, he said in a way that the elder taught the younger

"If you don't tell me, Han Yang is a big man. What's wrong with doing something? Have you ever been to university, or not? If you look at me again, I dropped out of high school as soon as I graduated from high school? Well, you don't have to pick up junk. For the sake of your old classmates, I'll introduce you a job. Go to the nearby construction site to move bricks. You can't starve to death even if you eat and live. "

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