With impatience, Han Yang also pressed the connect button.

I didn't order any takeout just now! Is it something bought online?

I really buy things from Taobao and PDD this time.

In fact, what Han Yang wants most is super second kill, but unfortunately. Since the last time I bought shares in that company. The interface is gray again, and it hasn't recovered.

"Mr. Han, you are so precious and forgetful! What's up? Are you bothered by the call at this time? "

And on the other end of the phone, it's Xue Ruyun from Lanyuan mansion.

But at this time, the woman was also a little puzzled.

This is the daytime, even after lunch break, why Han Yang is impatient on the phone.

Did he disturb something about him.

Associating with some pictures that are not suitable for children makes Xue Ruyun's face a little feverish.

The habits of the rich are really different!

I like to have sex in the daytime!

"Oh, it's you! I'm eating chicken! Ah. This one is going to win! "

Because Han Yang forgot to leave Xue Ruyun's contact information last time, and he hardly contacted during this period of time, so he was very strange to this number.

But now I hear this woman calling herself. It's also a surprise!

Is there something wrong with the house?

But I've collected the rent, and I don't take it back!

"Eat chicken! So rich people like you also play this“

Hearing that Han Yang was playing a game, Xue Ruyun was relieved. He asked directly with a smile.

After all, this game is very popular now. There are not many people who don't know about it.

"It's a very interesting game. It's free. How nice“

Han Yang used to play games when he was in school. But now many online games are popular krypton gold.

For Han Yang, a poor man. I'm sure it's boring at the end of the day.

Now it's not just fun. In addition to the skin, the others are free, which is also very good for Han Yang's stingy guy.

I can't help it, though I'm worth billions now. But Han Yang is also used to poverty, has always been the kind of very stingy habits.

"Well. Do you want me to take you when I have time“

The game of eating chicken has been very popular in recent two years, which makes Xue Ruyun not free from vulgarity. When he is free, he also likes to play two.

"You? Forget it“

Like primary school students, there are few normal female players in Han Yang's game.

Some people whine as soon as they come up.

There are also swearing people.

There is also a see teammates is the kind of skin krypton gold boss, immediately jiaodidi let people give their own gifts.

But like Han Yang this kind of new person who wears in the game to present the skin.

It is directly regarded as transparent by those female players.

Sometimes it's not Han Yang's fault, but because this guy is poor, those female players are used to throwing the pot to Han Yang.

"What's the matter? If you don't like me, I'll know if my sister takes you another day. By the way, I have a business to look for you today“

Xue Ruyun has a lot of pursuers in Mordor because of his gorgeous appearance, including several game masters.

And her own game level is not bad, and the game rank is not low. After all, excellent people can do better than others in both work and play games.

"Come on, what's the matter“

However, at this time, Han Yang, because of some inner inherent impression, certainly did not believe Xue Ruyun's words.

Hear the other party to talk about business with himself, Han Yang heart is also some not calm.

Is there really something wrong with the house?

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