It's probably because Xue Ruyun is in a bad mood. Just now she was on her way here, driving a little fierce on the viaduct. Speeding up and changing lanes in the turbulent traffic.

Even the speed of the Porsche was more than 100 yards faster at one time. This is downtown, so Han Yang is really worried.

Several times just now. It's almost always passing by the opposite car. It's really dangerous.

Besides, the woman had drunk just now. Han Yang originally said to find a substitute driver, but Xue Ruyun said nothing and pulled Han Yang into the car.

If it's really caught by the police. I can't afford it myself.

In fact, it's Han Yang's fault. Although he can drive, he doesn't have a driver's license.

He wanted to drive for Xue Ruyun just now. But after thinking about it, driving without a license seems to be more serious than drunk driving.

It seems that we really need to get a driver's license in the future.

This also makes Han Yang pale and sweaty. Even from the underground parking lot to now, it's a bit weak.

"Well! You call the police, you are so stupid! The average man. I'm not going to let him get on the bus

Can hear the Han Yang's Tucao, that Xue is like cloud directly white him, this just has a proud tone to make complaints about.

After all, I've had dinner twice. The relationship between the two is gradually familiar. So Xue Ruyun spoke more casually.

And Xue Ruyun is also true. Because of their beautiful appearance, coupled with the dress is also outstanding, resulting in the pursuit of many.

But although there are many people in pursuit, some of them are young talents. There are also a lot of rich and influential people. But there are few men who can really get into her eyes, not to mention the beauty's car.

Even in the company, Xue Ruyun's boss did not enjoy this treatment.

So, in fact, Han Yang's ability to make Xue Ruyun a driver for himself is also a matter of face.

Then, the high-speed elevator directly took the two people to the top floor of the building.

This is a very famous local night show. The overall decoration is very attentive. In addition to the luxurious decoration in the room, even the roof of the top floor has been designed as a small garden.

There are all kinds of precious flowers and trees everywhere. With the bright lights, it looks very impressive.

In addition to the top-level performances, the open-air stands can also directly see the scenery of the Bund around them. In the magic capital, this is indeed the most golden place.

So there are a lot of guests here. At this time, just after eight o'clock, there are few vacant seats.

And Xue Ruyun seems to be very familiar with here, and he greets people from time to time on the road.

However, similar to the situation in Rose Restaurant just now, Han Yang's eyes were a little surprised.

After all, it's a bit weird.

Moreover, Han Yang's dress is really different from the atmosphere here.

"I said, sisters! Which great God is this? Your recent level has dropped too much! Is this guy in performance art? "

And two people just came to the predetermined position, nearby a black wrapped chest coquettish woman, hurriedly carrying a glass of wine came to Xue Ruyun side, curious looking at Han Yang asked.

This girl is quite familiar with Xue Ruyun. She knows that her elder sister is surrounded by handsome young talents, but how can she be with such a guy today.

"Xiaoxue, don't make trouble. This Mr. Han is my big client?"

Although he and Han Yang are already very familiar with each other, seeing his friend's disdain for Han Yang also makes Xue Ruyun a little embarrassed and explains quickly.

How to say, is also oneself bring Han Yang to come, if really provokes the other party not to be happy, also is not good.

"What? Big customers! I said Sister! Are you all right? Where did you drink too much just now? I picked up such a product and came back! "

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