At this time, a friend beside him recognized Xue Ruyun and said a few words in his ear.

"All right. This time, I will give the beauty a face! That's it! "

I know that Xue Ruyun is a senior member of Lanyuan mansion. Male elder brother thought for a while, still plan to give each other a face.

Although he is not afraid of the beauty in front of him. But the company behind this woman is still a little powerful in the local area.

Moreover, this woman has a wide range of social contacts and knows her own noble people. It's better to give each other a step.

"Thank you, then."

Seeing that the other party has let Lin Xiaoxi go, Xue Ruyun also holds up his glass and plans to have a drink with the other party, and then takes Lin Xiaoxi away.


But the male brother didn't take the initiative to drink with Xue Ruyun. Instead, he laughed and spoke slowly.

"What's the matter?"

Xue Ruyun is also a little puzzled. Isn't that all right?

"Well, although I've given Miss Xue face, it's not going to be investigated. But this girl, after all, was drinking with me just now. We have to continue to drink! "

That male brother's heart is actually very small. At this time will not easily let Lin Xiaoxi.

After all, he thinks that Xue Ruyun might just help Lin Xiaoxi to say a word, and his face has been given, and the other party should also go down the steps.

Anyway, even if I don't drink this bottle of wine. But you're still here to drink with me.

I don't believe in you!

"You. That's it

Xue Ruyun felt that he had been fooled. Also a little angry, the other side with their own play word games!

"Oh, don't be angry, Miss Xue? Why don't you sit down and have a drink? Anyway, I've admired Miss Xue for a long time! "

The male brother laughed. He continued with a very polite tone.

Even if Xue Ruyun is angry, he is not afraid. Anyway, I just gave each other face.

Now you don't know what to do, for a girl you don't know, you are still entangled with yourself.

Elder brother Xiong doesn't know that Lin Xiaoxi is Xue Ruyun's employee. He thinks that this woman is a little nosy, and he has already given in just now, and she even has to make an inch.

That's a bit too much. I really think I'm a fool who has never seen the world!

Whatever a beautiful woman says, it's not so easy.

Besides, this woman, who works in a big company, is afraid of what she does.

But it looks really good. If you can pull it over and get drunk together tonight, maybe you will have a chance!

Because he is not very familiar with Xue Ruyun, he doesn't know much about her.

It's a bit too much to say at the moment.

"You! I want to die

Xue Ruyun is not easy to bully, especially after drinking again today, he was angry when he saw that the other party actually regarded himself and those little girls with wine as the same kind of people.

Xue Ruyun has known a lot of people in Mordor for so many years. She can't bear to be teased even by herself. At this time, she also plans to find someone to teach this guy a lesson.

"Forget it, you have drunk too much today. Let me deal with things like this."

But when Xue Ruyun was about to call his friend, someone came behind him and held him.

It is Han Yang who has been watching the drama for a long time.

"Damn it, which onion are you? Do the security guards here eat dry food? How to manage it? Even this kind of beggars are allowed in! "

And see Han Yang, that male elder brother is a pair of arrogant face.

After all, this guy is so shivering that he dares to stand out at this time. I really don't know how to write dead words.

Is it true that there are heroes saving America now.

But just like a bear, this guy is not a hero!

Now when you are a hero, you need money!

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