Hear Han Yang said there is a problem with the contract, even has been in the side of Yan Bingqian, turned to see Han Yang.

Because Han Yang was late just now, Yan Bingqian didn't bother to pay attention to this guy. She felt that this kind of upstart didn't need to come out on her own.

But this guy said there was something wrong with the contract. Let Yan Bingqian look at Han Yang more.

"Of course we have to discuss it! I said, "you don't really think I'm a big injustice, do you?"

Han Yang has now opened the contract. Pointing to the red comments above, he said with a sneer.

The law firms in Europe are really efficient. In less than one day, they found seven or eight traps in the contract.

This makes Han Yang a little angry.

These people. I really want to count myself.

"Mr. Han!"

Seeing that Han Yang's face has changed, Xue Ruyun sighs in her heart. She knows that the other party's hairstyle has changed in the end. She wanted to say something, but she didn't say it.

"Wronged big head? No, Mr. Han, I think you misunderstood. We are very professional in our work, so this supplementary agreement is more complicated, but for the sake of everyone's good. "

Zhang Liwei listened to Han Yang finish, hesitated, with a false expression. Continue to explain to Han Yang.

Although Han Yang raised doubts, Zhang Liwei still felt that the other side should be bluffing.

This supplementary agreement has dozens of pages, and the content is almost as good as a book. Even Zhang Liwei himself and the company's lawyers want to read it all in one night. It's impossible.

So he thinks that Han Yang, a nouveau riche, can't find anything in such a short time. It's estimated that he just wants to take this opportunity and get more rent.

"Well, there's no point in that explanation. I'll send you the contract directly. My lawyer has marked the problem in red! "

But Han Yang just coldly looked at this guy and didn't say too much.

Later, I have sorted out my lawyer's agreement. It was sent to Xue Ruyun's wechat.

No way. Han Yang has only Xue Ruyun's wechat.

And the other two, looking at their arrogant attitude, probably won't give them wechat.

"Here, Bing Qian. Let's see! I don't understand this kind of professional thing. "

And Xue Ruyun received the document from Han Yang and opened it. At random, he changed his face. Take the mobile phone directly to Yan Bingqian.

"What's the matter?"


Seeing her best friend's appearance, Yan Bingqian is very curious, but when she takes her mobile phone, she is stunned.

Yan Bingqian studied in the most famous business school in the world. Although she has not graduated yet, she has read hundreds of legal documents such as contracts.

But Han Yang's notes are so professional and neat. The standard is not like the general company can do, let Yan Bingqian incomparable surprise.

This kind of contract can be used as a model for our school.

This guy, according to his previous guess. Isn't it just a nouveau riche, a bumpkin?

What shocked her even more was that many professional level suggestions and problems were put forward in the contract for her reconstruction plan.

Yan Bingqian has been busy with this apartment project recently, and she has several successful Amway employees. Besides, she is also very studious, so she is half an expert in this field.

But even so, seeing the professional standard of the other party's proposals made Yan Bingqian feel inferior.

This shouldn't be ah, this guy looks so sloppy, slovenly, it doesn't look like the kind of upper class people?

How can we get such a professional contract?

Is he pretending all this?

There's somebody behind this guy?

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