This makes Zhao Yuanyuan hate Han Yang at the moment, but at the same time, she is also a little afraid. I don't dare to do anything too much.

However, this woman still does not care to guess Han Yang's identity at this time.

At this moment, she hates song Zhongjie most. I think this guy turned his face too fast. Just now he was holding himself to show his love. I can't bear to change my face like a dog.

She has a violent temper, and even has some social habits. Just now, those lovely and clever people are all pretended to be, and she is also a master who must report her flaws.

At this time, song Zhongjie dared to turn his face against him. He rushed up impolitely, and with his long nails, he directly scratched and scratched at Song Zhongjie.

"Ah! It hurts. Help! Help! Call the police and take this crazy woman away!

Song Zhongjie is a man at least. He is graceful and graceful. But it is a weak scholar, in the face of Zhao Yuanyuan that shrew general attack, unexpectedly no parry.

Just a few seconds. On Song Zhongjie's white face. Zhao Yuanyuan's blood was dripping. Even the exquisite suit was pulled out of shape, so he could only dodge while pitifully calling for help.

"Come on, let's go“

See the ugly look of the couple. Han Yang light smile, to the side of the tears have not dry Xue Ruyun said.

This time, it's for Xue Ruyun. Take a breath for yourself.

Also let Han Yang from yesterday to now the heart of some depressed, directly swept away.

These two days has been those well-dressed, high above the contempt, let Han Yang quite uncomfortable.

Of course, this is because his situation has changed and he has more senior occasions.

If Han Yang used to be, he might not even be able to enter some places.


Hearing Han Yang greeting himself, Xue Ruyun, who has been in a daze, nods slightly and follows Han Yang out of the restaurant a little blankly.

Looking at the bright sun outside, the whole person's mood is still not calm.

Seeing song Zhongjie's action just like a clown, Xue Ruyun completely broke his fantasy about this person.

Know your face, know your heart!

I was almost cheated by this guy a few days ago.

Fortunately, after this time, there is no longer this concern!

But what about the years of youth you spent?

How many years of such youth can be consumed in one's life!

All in all, Xue Ruyun is 25 years old this year. She is still unmarried at this age and almost belongs to the older leftover women.

And his best years were almost wasted on Song Zhongjie, a scum man.

In fact, just now Han Yang mercilessly exposed the true face of song Zhongjie, which made Xue Ruyun a little embarrassed.

After all, she and song Zhongjie have been in love for several years.

But anyway, this guy helped himself today, otherwise Xue Ruyun really didn't know how to face it at that time.

No matter how strong you are, you are still a woman!

So, thinking of this, she raised her head and gave a smile to Han yangqiang

"Thank you“

But how did this guy do it? How could he know so many secrets about song Zhongjie and Zhao Yuanyuan.

You know, Xue Ruyun and song Zhongjie have been together for several years, but even so, she almost knows nothing about many things Han Yang said just now.

This makes Xue Ruyun more suspicious of Han Yang's identity.

What does this guy do behind his back!

"It's OK. You're welcome. You don't have to give me a hand“

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