After several twists and turns, he has made great achievements, not only uniting the big and small forces of Donghai City, but also making great achievements at the fair. It seems that it is not difficult to open the market of Donghai city in the future.

At this time, Ouyang Qingqing brought up the prepared meals, which are very simple home dishes. Four dishes and one soup, but the taste is extremely good. Han Yang only ate a few mouthfuls and was full of praise. He joked that Ouyang Qingqing should go to a restaurant and be sure to become a famous landlady in the industry!

Ouyang Qingqing said with a smile, "if I were the landlady. Who's the boss? "

Han Yang said, "naturally it's me. Can there be anyone else?"

Ouyang Qingqing's face turned red and glanced at Han Yang. His eyes were full of tenderness. The meal was very happy. The relationship between the two seemed to be closer!

But towards the end, Han Yang's mobile phone rings. It turns out that Cheng Xiaofa came here. It seems that the little girl has something to look for him, but she doesn't say what it is. Let him come to the hotel as soon as possible!

Han Yang had to say goodbye to Ouyang Qingqing. The other side was a little disappointed. It seems that he wanted Han Yang to stay a little longer.

He took a kiss on Ouyang Qingqing's face and said softly, "don't worry, I will come to see you again in the future."

Ouyang Qingqing pouted“ That's what you said. Don't go back on it. Big people have to keep their word! "

Han Yang smiles, leaves Ouyang Qingqing's apartment building, and soon arrives at the hotel. When he enters the room, he asks Cheng Xiao what's going on?

Cheng Xiao is also very embarrassed to bow. He said to Han Yang, "brother Han, I'm really sorry. I don't want to trouble you, but my sister is in some trouble. I need your help! "

Han Yang was surprised and asked, "you still have a sister. Why didn't you mention it?"

Cheng Xiao lowered her head and said, "my sister used to study in the University of Donghai city. We don't usually have much communication, so we haven't had time to tell you. She's in trouble now. Can you help her? "

"I just opened up in Donghai city. For the time being, I'm still unfamiliar with my life and land. What you said. I can only do my best, but it's hard to say if I can do it well! "

Cheng Xiao is happy. "As long as boss Han agrees, it will be done. I believe in your strength!"

"Don't give me a hat, I can't stand it!" Two people are laughing and joking again!

"By the way, tell me what happened to your sister?"

Cheng Xiao said“ My sister insisted on working as a shop assistant in a luxury goods store to supplement her family while studying in University. Today, she seems to have offended a big man. She should be a powerful boss! My sister has a short temper and a high vision. Seeing ordinary people, she can't hold back her anger. Conflicts often break out. She is very afraid to offend the boss this time. Although the boss also said to give her a few months' observation period, she still doesn't feel at ease. She wants me to find someone with strength to help her talk again and erase the matter! "

Han Yang listen, feel this thing how so familiar, "your sister will not be in the donkey brand shop to do sales?"

Cheng Xiao nodded and asked in surprise, "how do you know this? I haven't mentioned it to anyone yet

Han Yang smiles and shakes his head, "if it's this matter, you can tell your sister directly. That matter has passed. I won't take it to heart!"

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