In the cultural class exam, Luo Yu and Orochimaru scored the same, got a full score, Tsunade’s results were so-so, only came alone, and the angry Ueno sat in the office and scolded his mother.

If it weren’t for the fact that the three generations of Hokage specially explained that Jiraiya would have gone through the back door once, Ueno would definitely let him repeat the ranks.

In the examination of the three-body technique, Luo Yu became a spectator.

After the cultural class exam, Luo Yu was told by Uedenama to go home and wait for the notice, and the next exam had nothing to do with him, and even the squad assignment did not need Luo Yu to appear.

Finally left the ninja school.

The feeling of sitting with a group of children and listening carefully to the class is actually not wonderful, but in order not to arouse the disgust and suspicion of the village high-level, Luo Yu can only go to school obediently like the children.

Fortunately, it was all over.

However, it is understandable that the follow-up exams have nothing to do with themselves, but why does the squad assignment not need to go to school by themselves, could it be that the third generation of Hokage has already made arrangements, just waiting for him to graduate, take photos, receive a ninja card, receive a protective allowance, and wait for the summoning at home?

Not to mention, if he could, Luo Yu really wanted to squat at home for a few years and raise his level with peace of mind.

The level is not more than level ten, it is embarrassing everywhere, the attack is not strong, there is no defense skill, no control skill, no displacement skill……..

When there are too many enemies, if you don’t know how to use your brains and don’t know how to protect yourself, you are a living target.

Only when the level reaches level ten and the ice shield skill is learned, the three-nothing situation will be alleviated.

After reaching level 30, with the teleportation skill and the law master with a large-scale group attack skill, he can be regarded as releasing himself and can wave a wave.

The notice of the Hokage Office Building, the later it comes, the better.

Other children want to go out of the village to carry out tasks and follow the teacher to the south and north, Luo Yu does not have this idea, now, the level is the most important, and the rest can be put away.

Without strength, everything is for nothing, and if you leave the village, you will say goodbye to the world if you are not careful.

A week passed, Luo Yu’s experience value for upgrading reached one-sixth, and he liked this kind of life, did not have to do anything, and upgraded with peace of mind.

Big round eyes looked through the big hole in the broken door and looked curiously into the room.

“Luo Yu!”

Tsunade pushed open the door hard, scaring Luo Yu, who was changing clothes, but fortunately his pants were on, denying that he had to be seen by this little girl.

“Won’t you knock?”

Luo Yu put on his clothes angrily.

“How did I know you were changing clothes, and that changing clothes shouldn’t mean going to the bedroom?” How bad it is to be seen. ”

Tsunade blushed and shouted dissatisfiedly, but his eyes were just glancing at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu suddenly laughed angrily, “This is my home!!” ”

Who rules that in their own home, changing clothes must go to the bedroom?

If you knock on the door, how can you make such a joke!

God can testify that just now he was too anxious and almost got stuck in his pants, but Tsunade blamed him for not going to the bedroom, what kind of god logic is this.

Almost seeing others change clothes, it was still a little embarrassing to say, Tsunade threw the forehead guard on the table with a red face, holding his little hand dissatisfied, “This is the forehead guard that the teacher asked me to send you, and also, let’s go to the Hokage office building to take pictures and apply for documents later.” ”

“Oh, squad assignment, is the assessment over?”

Luo Yu failed to participate in these processes.

“the old lady!!”

Speaking of which, Tsunade was angry, and directly took the table in Luo Yu’s house and slammed the table

“Princess Ben still wants to be in a squad with you, but the teacher directly divided the two fools with me Big Snake Pill and Jiraiya.”

“Even if the big snake pill is a little stinky, it is actually in it.”

The big snake pill is too cold, too proud, ordinary people do not put it in their eyes, his temper, Tsunade does not like it, and there is no need to say more, he can always make Tsunade enter a violent state, gritting his teeth and wanting to hit someone.

What is the use of being annoyed with the doomed thing?

Speaking of the three generations of Hokage’s vision is really good, who would have thought that the results of each subject are the tail of the crane, and the future will be so bullish.

If there is no cultivation of the courage of the three generations of Hokage, there will be a future toad immortal Jiraiya? I can’t see it.

Picking up the forehead guard and tying it to his arm, Luo Yu said with a smile:

“Don’t complain, I don’t even know what squad I’m assigned to, it’s a temporary group, and it’s disbanded at the end of the mission.”

“Then I am indeed luckier than you.”

I’m not afraid of not recognizing the goods, I’m afraid of comparing goods, and with Luo Yu as the standard, Tsunade feels that he is not so sad.

If you are pulled into a makeshift squad, you will be unlucky.

Without the right teacher to teach and protect, you will be rejected by the team members, and it is difficult to take on the right task.

The two left together and headed for the Hokage office building, Tsunade asked a little uneasily

“What if you are really assigned to a makeshift squad?”

“Cold mix.”

Luo Yu shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent, “As long as you don’t die of hunger, sooner or later you will meet the right teammates, maybe Naruto-sama will see me favorably and directly transfer me to a bullbreak squad.” ”

“Just blow it.”

[The first thing to get up in the morning, open the computer to code first, Lao Tie throws flowers every day, the author bacteria will be more motivated! ] Ask for collection~flowers~~].

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