Although as long as Luo Yu spoke, Beiliuhu would be kicked out, and he stayed in the squad, but Luo Yu didn’t want to do that, it was more comfortable to hold his thighs in the early days, he was too tired to lead the team, and he was always worried that something would happen.

In the Qimu Kazama squad, where do you need to worry so much, there are tasks to execute, there are dangerous bosses to carry first, and there are difficult bosses to worry about and solve.

“But now, there’s a new member in the squad over there.”


Qimu Shuomao put down his chopsticks in surprise

“But the three of the squad have just started to leave the village to carry out their mission, and now they will join the new people, is Naruto-sama planning to form a member of a small team like Nidaime?”

“It’s a big possibility, but the success rate won’t be too high.”

Luo Yu felt that this made sense, but three problem children got together, there was already a lot of trouble, and if you came to another one, it would overturn if you didn’t get it.

Kiki Shuomao guessed correctly, the three generations of Hokage really wanted to learn from his teacher Senju and get a small number of apprentices, but unfortunately his idea would eventually be aborted, and it was difficult for him to integrate into Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya.

Coupled with limited talent, it will lead to the uneven level of strength of the squad and will continue to be pulled apart, and at that time, Belyuhu will no longer be a member of the squad, but a huge burden.

With a faint glance at the two, Uchiha said

“Eat barbecue, these things are not something we should worry about, rest well, maybe the next mission will come soon, the village ninja squad has been moving frequently recently.”

The ninja squad in the village moves frequently, either because something big happens, such as a war, or the village is short of money.

After all, near the end of the year, piles of year-end salaries need to be paid, and the village will definitely want to take this opportunity to complete more tasks, so that the logistics department can have more funds.

Blindly asking the daimyo for funding, it is easy to get stuck in the neck.


Luo Yu, who returned home after eating and drinking, couldn’t help but be speechless when he looked at the door with a big hole in his house, and he was also this scourge!!

It seems that someone will have to repair the door, otherwise after the snow starts, the temperature in the house will definitely drop wildly, and it will be difficult to sleep in peace at that time.

Buying a new gate cost Luo Yu more than four thousand taels.

The short vacation flickered by, and the squad’s mission quickly came down.

This time, Qimu Kazama did not hide the content of the task, and directly told Luo Yu, Qimu Shuomao, and Uchiha Lin.

Joint stationing missions on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass.


Qimu Shuomao kept rubbing his hands with heat, trying to make his hand warmer, and Uchiha on the side stared at him with an idiot’s gaze, afraid of the cold, you should wear gloves.

It hasn’t snowed yet, and if it does, how are you going to live?

Not noticing his companion’s contemptuous eyes, Qimu Shuomao rubbed his face vigorously with his hand and complained

“It’s almost the end of the New Year, but the village actually sent us to the border to garrison, it seems that we can’t come back before the New Year.”

“If you have a personality, you can go to Naruto-sama and ask.”

Luo Yu smiled and encouraged Qi Mu Shuomao to find something to do for the three generations of old men.

It’s a pity that Qimu Shuomao is not Zilaiye, although sometimes he will be nervous, but the emotional intelligence of the two is not on a horizontal line, shaking his head, Qimu Shuomao pouted:

“Are you stupid for me? To ask yourself to go. ”

“It’s good to be able to return to the New Year, but I’m afraid we will be stationed at the border until the New Year is over, and then we can return, and that’s trouble.”

At the end of the year, the major families will hold an annual meeting, if they do not get rotation at the New Year, this annual meeting will not want to participate, the annual meeting is very important to the Uchiha family, but unfortunately the order of the village is more important.

If there is no one to rotate, Uchiha Lin can only obediently stay at the border, not daring to leave half a step.

“You want to come back to the annual meeting?”

Kiki Shuomao smiled wickedly, and he liked to see Uchiha Rin’s depressed look.


Glaring at him, Uchiha Lin said angrily: “Don’t think you can run away, our Uchiha clan elders and elders are all in the village, but what about your Qimu clan?” ”

“The patriarch and the young patriarch are on the border, and it is better not to open this year’s meeting, Gee~~”


You shut up, otherwise I’m afraid that I can’t control the Chakra in my body and will not be able to resist beating you to death!”

The people of the big family are really troublesome, or brother is good, a person does not delay anything, it is the same everywhere, whether he can come back for the New Year Luo Yu does not care, can practice with peace of mind and work hard to upgrade.

“If you can’t come back, after the New Year, the squad will have a relatively long vacation, which is a bit of a benefit.”

Qimu Kazama suddenly appeared and continued.

His appearance frightened Kiki Shuomao and immediately became serious, and Uchiha Lin was also shocked, afraid that his words would be heard by the captain, and then gave himself small shoes to wear, even though Qimu Kazama was not a careful person.

I have to guard against it.

Seeing that his son and Uchiha Lin were silent, Kiki Kazama smiled lightly and asked:

“Luo Yu, Lord Hokage intends to let you stay in the squad, why did you refuse?”

“I’m still a troublesome kid myself, how can I have the strength and energy to manage others?”

Luo Yu shrugged his shoulders and gave Qimu Kazama a wordless answer.

“Come on, I support you in achieving your wishes.”

A Qimu Kazama who looked like a person who came over patted Luo Yu’s shoulder and said seriously.

Luo Yu: “??? ”

What wishes?

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