With Luo Yu’s continuous efforts, he finally reached level 10 two days before the New Year.

It’s finally here!!

Luo Yu doesn’t care if he can go back to the village for the New Year, what he cares about is his level, the hard work pays off, hard work will always pay off, Luo Yu finally got out of the most embarrassing and powerless period of Fa Ye.

Reaching level 10, the enhancement of four-dimensional attributes, coupled with new skills, has greatly improved Luo Yu’s strength, and the defense that has always been considered a weak point will also be compensated.

Name: Luo Yu

Class: Frost Mage

Level: Level 10

Power: 12

Stamina: 13

Agility: 11

Spirit: 46

Bloodline: Frost bloodline, increases ice element affinity, enhances ice magic skill damage, and can passively devour other elemental energy into frost element

Skill: Ice Hockey (Basic Ice Skill, Cooldown: 0 seconds).

Ice pick (ice skill, cooldown: 2 seconds).

Ice Archery (Ice skill, cooldown: 15 seconds).

Freeze (Ice skill, cooldown: 22 seconds).

Ice Shield (Ice skill, cooldown: 10 seconds).

Blizzard (ice skill, cooldown: 0 seconds).

Ice Burst (Ice skill, cooldown: 60 seconds).

XP: 1/4000

Level 10, three skills have been added, one defense, two attack skills, and all of them are group attack skills, Buran belongs to a large range of group attacks, and continuous attacks can also slow down the enemy.

Ice Shield Technique, which condenses a huge ice shield to resist enemy attacks.

The Ice Burst technique ignites condensed ice cubes, like detonating a high-explosive bomb, causing the crushed ice to deal range damage to surrounding enemies.

In the game, the ice explosion technique is a monster brush skill, and the blizzard is almost meaningful, mainly because this skill is too blue-consuming, as long as you can insist, continue to use it, no cooldown.

However, this skill will not divide the enemy and me when used in reality, if there are teammates in the best not to use, otherwise teammates will also suffer, Luo Yu is not afraid of the cold, does not represent that people on their side are not afraid, but also continuous damage, with slowdown.

The spiritual power reaches 46 points, and you can reach 50 points by upgrading another level.

The cooldown time of several skills was shortened a lot, Luo Yu raised his hand and condensed an ice ball, which was originally only the size of a fist, became the size of a basin, and the blue color in the white ice ball became deeper and deeper.

Because of his level increase, the ice element in his body continues to skyrocket, which changes the quality of the condensed ice cubes.

When he didn’t graduate, Tsunade could easily smash his own puck with ease, and now this puck is thrown over, and it definitely takes a little effort to let Tsunade break it.

If he continues to become sturdy and his body size continues to grow, Luo Yu feels that if he throws an ice ball out in the future, it will be as scary as a small meteorite.

Every level 10 is a qualitative change.

The spiritual power diffusion range reached a full five hundred meters in radius, and there were almost no dead ends, and even the underground could penetrate deeply.

The safety factor is getting higher and higher, and finally I don’t have to worry about being close to me when fighting.

As soon as the ice shield comes out, see how you attack, and if you are besieged, there will be a blizzard! Freeze you guys.

Wait a minute!

This is not a person from the village.

Just when Luo Yu was about to withdraw his spiritual power, he suddenly found that in the range shrouded by spiritual power, many people approached the camp, and if it were not for his spiritual power spreading out centered on himself, he would definitely not be able to find the existence of these people.

“Kill directly, and bring the body back to the village!!”

With such an order, a group of Mist Ninja sneaked into the Land of Fire, taking advantage of the approaching New Year and when Wood let his guard down, they sneaked in, intending to solve Luo Yu in the border camp.

It is a ninja from the Mist Shinobi Village.

Discovering the Chakra aura in the other party’s body, he wanted to meet those misty ninjas encountered by the country of vortexes, and Luo Yu determined the identity of the other party.

“I really underestimated the patience of your Mist Ninja Village, and if I don’t go to your Mist Ninja Village for a few laps in the future, I won’t be called Luo Yu!!”

Speaking of Luo Yu, he was depressed, and the reason why the Mist Ninja Village was eyeing himself was actually because of the void ice blood succession limit.

The third generation of Hokage was worried about Luo Yu’s safety in addition to holding the mind of refining Luo Yu, so he would stuff him into the Qimu Kazama team, but no one expected that the ninja of Mist Ninja Village would make a move at this time.

Far from the village, the time is close to the end of the year, and the vigilance of the village is greatly reduced.

The time came when the companions were out on patrol.

Luo Yu was left alone in the two small camps, and the others were out on patrol and could only return in the evening.

If it weren’t for the fear that the ice element in his body would not be able to bear it, Luo Yu really wanted to send a blizzard to these ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village and let them taste the taste of continuous damage.

One upper Shinobi, one special upper Shinobi, five middle Shinobi, the fog ninja village really looked up to itself, and directly dispatched a small detachment.

The snowstorm before level 30 is a little useless, and Luo Yu does not dare to let it go casually, so he can only let these fog ninjas slowly approach the camp, but if you want to assassinate me Luo Yu, are you ready to receive a big surprise.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, Luo Yu closed his eyes, and the spiritual power enveloped the camp and the surrounding area to the greatest extent.

“Luo Yu, Konoha Shinobi, awakened the mutated Blood Succession Limit, the technique used is very strange, everyone be careful, don’t let down the intelligence sent by the spy at the risk of death!”

About three hundred meters away from the camp, the Mist Yin Shangnin Shinobi who led the team reminded a group of subordinates that they could not act carelessly, and Luo Yu’s strength could not be measured by his ninja level.


[Although the data does not meet the requirements of the plus change… But…… The author just wants to add more for you!! No problem! Then ask for a wave of flower collection~].

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