Whether the Sand Ninja Village would be suspicious because of this, Luo Yu was too lazy to guess, anyway, as long as he didn’t die, the Sand Ninja Village would not come to trouble him.

The squad is here on behalf of Konoha, on behalf of the Land of Fire, and it is understandable that you are spying on that.

If the people in the squad do not use their brains and hands, but you attack others, it is equivalent to your Sand Shinobu Village at war against Konoha, against the Land of Fire.

Among the five major powers, the one who least wants to start a war is Sand Shinobi Village, and the second-generation Wind Shadow Shamen is busy studying Ichio Shouzuru, and he can’t care about other things.

The people of the Shimura group have come to the place where the Senju group led the attack to investigate, hoping to find the hiding place of the Senju group and eliminate this scourge with one hand, and on the other hand, Akimichi Takekaze, who led the team to support, is also about to arrive in Sand Shinobi Village.

Although Akimichi complained all the way, the speed did not slow down at all, causing the two squads to laugh secretly, this adult is good in other places, but he is lazy, and he cares most about his fat body, worried about running back and forth, resulting in his fat being reduced.

The mouth says no, but the body is very honest, is a cute fat man…

At least two members of the squad think so.

In a prison somewhere in Sand Ninja Village, a man with tattered clothes, a haggard look and bloodshot eyes is being locked up in a large prison, and strangely there is a little sand floating around this person’s body.


“What’s it called!! If it weren’t for Lord Kazekage’s orders, I want you to look good!! It’s noisy. ”

The guards outside were not surprised by this, and it seemed that since Lord Wind Shadow began to make enough progress in the research on the power of the tailed beast, this human pillar force began to become unstable.

After yelling twice into the cell, one of them leaned against the wall, yawned, and said to his companion

“I really don’t know when our Sand Shinobi Village will have a stable human pillar force like Konoha.”

“You just say a few words, who doesn’t know that Konoha’s Senju’s nine-tailed human pillar force is the wife of the first Hokage, Vortex Mito, she is a member of the whirlpool clan, and the nine-tails can’t make trouble at all.”

The two ninjas standing guard chatted to pass the time, not noticing that the situation of the people locked up in the prison was getting more and more wrong.

The floating sand continued to increase, and the aura of one of the cranes became solemn, but the two ninjas who were far away from the cell door did not notice all this at all.

I have to say that the methods used by Sand Shinobu Village to treat human pillars are cruel, but this is also caused by the continuous violent phenomenon of Shouhe.

Both ninjas and civilians in the village have a natural fear of Renju Force, because the terrifying Moritsuru is inside Renzhu Force, and this fear is even greater than that of Konoha, who suffered from the Nine-Tails scourge in the anime.

Although the people of Konoha regarded Naruto as a monster and rejected him, at least they did not actively harm him or imprison him.

Ninety-nine percent of people who watch the anime will feel that the village is very ruthless, after all, Naruto is the son of the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen, if it were not for the sacrifice of him and Kyushenna, Konoha would not know what would have been scourged, and as a result, Naruto would not be seen.

But these people only saw the hardships and pains of Naruto’s growth, but they did not see the embarrassment of the upper echelons of the village.

Just imagine, in the entire village, 80% or 90% of the people hate a person and reject a person, what good results can this person get?

To put it bluntly, if it weren’t for the fact that Naruto’s old son is a wave of feng shuimen, the fourth generation of the village, Naruto can grow up carefree?

Do bad things everywhere, trick or treat, attract attention.

If this had been replaced by an ordinary person, he would have been locked up long ago.

But did Naruto get locked up?

Is Naruto restricted from activities?

As long as the three generations of Hokage are a little ruthless, Naruto don’t say what ninja school to enter, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even step out of the house, let alone become a ninja, run around the world, perform tasks everywhere, constantly make mistakes, and constantly admit mistakes.

Like Jiraiya, Naruto also has this attribute.

He made more mistakes than he confessed…….. Because making mistakes always precedes admitting mistakes.


A cry of pain came from the cell, and the skin of the human pillar became red, and one blood vessel after another burst out, as if it would break open in the next second, like an earthworm, fierce and terrifying.


The two ninjas standing guard outside realized that something was wrong and hurriedly ran to the door of the cell to take a look.

“This eye…”

Seeing countless sands floating around Renzhuli, and his eyes turned blood-red, the two ninjas clicked their hearts and realized that something was wrong.

“It’s not good, quickly inform Lord Wind Shadow, there is a problem with the human pillar force!!!”



The cell exploded, the terrifying roar of the beast came out, and the terrifying aura belonging to the tailed beast enveloped the entire Sand Ninja Village.

“Hahaha, I’m free again!!! I’m going to kill you, kill you!! ”

“You bastards, you dare to imprison me and let people trap me.”

Shouhe, who escaped, was like a patient suffering from schizophrenia, talking to himself, yelling, and having endless words in his mouth.

It seems that whether it is a human or a tailed beast, once it is locked up for a long time, there will be a little problem in the spiritual aspect.

With a loud noise, the entire Sand Ninja Village trembled a few times, and the breath of Shouhe came out, and the entire remote and hidden underground cell was directly destroyed by Shouhe, and Shouhe’s huge body directly drilled out of the collapsed human pillar force.

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