What the hell is this Nima.

Looking at the surrounding buildings almost pierced into a hornet’s nest by crushed ice, a layer of cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of several ninjas in Yunnin Village, their ninjas in Yunnin Village are strong and strong, all muscle bumps are right, but muscle pimples can’t bear such injuries.

This hand is the most restrained for those who do not have targeted defenses against ninjutsu and slow ninjas.

It’s really thick skin.

Luo Yu pulled out his katana and poked at Xiao Xiaoai’s stomach twice, and found that the tip of the katana pierced not the skin, but a steel plate.

“Stop, what do you want to do!!”

“Luo Yu, do you Konoha want to jump the war with Yunnin Village?”

A few of Xiao Xiaoai’s henchmen were so frightened that they knew that their master’s body defense was terrible, but you have been subdued and fainted, and the body defense is strong and has a fart ah! ! !

Can you be so hard all over?

Look at you somewhere to see if you can still harden it.

For example, a certain flower or something, or a certain bird, is not able to stab you in the eye twice.

If Xiao Xiao Ai was really killed here by Luo Yu, then the hatred between Yunnin Village and Konoha would be great, because a ninja caused a ninja war to break out, this sentence is definitely not a joke, Yun Ninja Village can do this kind of thing for Xiao Xiao Ai.

“Provoking a war between the two great powers? What you said is really interesting, he took the initiative to attack me, and now he is subdued by me, and he has become my initiative. ”

Luo Yu smiled and stepped on Xiao Xiaoai’s body with his foot, and said:

“Well, even if you have some point, we in Konoha are indeed a peace-loving village.”


Several people in Yunnin Village breathed a sigh of relief, as long as some talked about everything, they were afraid that Luo Yu was a stunned person, and directly killed Xiao Xiao Ai, then several of them would really become the sinners of the village, not to mention the ninja war that might break out.

“But I don’t like people doing things to me very much, should I give him a little punishment?”

“Do you cut off a hand, or do you cut off a leg?”

Nima, do you want to be so vicious?

The few people who had just breathed a sigh of relief immediately became stunned, if they cut off a person’s hands and feet, it would be worse than killing him.

Even if Xiao Xiaoai, a person who cultivates Thunder Armor can jump alive without a hand, his strength will definitely be affected.

One leg is not to mention, what is the difference between a legless and a wasted person?

At this time, Xiao Xiaoai’s companions completely forgot that their own inner next thunder shadow, the body was not so easy to be cut, Luo Yu could not explode his body with a single ice explosion technique, which shows how terrifying the strength of this body is.

It is said that concern is chaos, and several cloud ninjas are worried that Xiao Xiaoai will be killed or crippled, which directly causes the hearts of several of them to be chaotic and completely brought into the rhythm.

These people were dumbfounded, but they were really powerful, and a few times Shinobi Village’s famous Ai was subdued.

Vortex Mesa couldn’t help but want to laugh, but she was afraid that her own voice would cause the other party to notice that something was wrong, and she could only hold it hard.

Tsunade and Jiraiya’s deep expressions gave Luo Yu a thumbs up, thinking that Luo Yu was right, and he should give Xiao Xiaoai a little punishment.

“But it’s so distressing, this guy’s body is harder than iron.”

Accidentally poked Xiao Xiao Ai a few times, Luo Yu shook his head helplessly, and at the same time secretly paid attention to the changes in the expressions of several of Xiao Xiao Ai’s companions, seeing that they were a little stunned, he couldn’t help but smile badly,

“I heard that this one is not married, I don’t know if he has a girlfriend, what will happen if he can’t be a man.”

Depend on!!

To be crazy!!

This Luo Yu is simply a madman!!

The ninja of Yunnin Village feels that he is about to be driven crazy, what kind of person is this, he wants to cut other people’s arms, he wants to cut other people’s legs, and now it is even more terrifying, he wants to make Little Ai Wu Bird available, are you the devil?


Vortex Meisha, who had endured very hard, burst into laughter, as the little princess of the Vortex clan, her perception is strong, and she can naturally sense that Luo Yu is just talking about it, in fact, not a little murderous aura is revealed, how can she cut a part of Xiao Xiaoai.

But it was useless for her to believe it, and she had to believe it to the ninja of Yunnin Village.

Seeing Luo Yu’s gaze suddenly move, several people subconsciously clamped their legs and roared: “Luo Yu, what do you want to do!!” I admit, it’s not right for Ai to suddenly make a move on you, but you can’t do that either!! ”

“Why not?”

Luo Yu was puzzled, “Is it too inhumane?” ”

“Yes, yes, very inhumane!! You Konoha are peace-loving villages, how can you do such cruel things, and besides, it is not during the war, it is easy to cause conflicts between the two villages, which will cause a ninja war!! ”

Several ninjas in Yunnin Village nodded frantically, afraid that Luo Yu would stab Little Ai’s thing.

Hard body does not mean that those places are also hard, a knife down, what to do if the bird is gone, it will die.

“That’s embarrassing.”

Luo Yu looked at Tsunade, who was smiling, and asked, “How much is this guy’s head worth?” ”

Tsunade was stunned, pointed to himself, and the big snake pill took out a small book very intimately and glanced at it, “It’s worth seventy million silver taels.” ”

“So many?”

Luo Yu looked at Xiao Xiao Ai lying on the ground, and felt that the head of this product was worth a lot, 70 million was enough to buy a very big house by himself.

“You’re worth a hundred million.”

Seeing Luo Yu’s eyes light up, the big snake pill broke through a basin of cold water.

“How is that possible

Luo Yu was furious, “Which bastard got the bounty, I caught him and killed him, I’m just a small ordinary ninja in Konoha, actually worth 100 million taels!” As the successor of Yunnin Village, he sold it for 70 million. ”

If you don’t believe me, I can’t help it!

The big snake pill shrugged his shoulders and threw the small book over, Luo Yu borrowed the small book and wanted to open it, “Wait a minute, I recently developed a relatively special sealing technique, anyway, this product is rough and thick and not afraid of pain.” ”

“What……. Sealing? ”

Would you still do that?

Tsunade was speechless, she hadn’t seen Luo Yu toss any sealing technique at all, was it bluffing? But it’s not like ah.

“Using a special technique to integrate ice into the acupuncture points around the body will make people feel cold and itchy all over the body, and you need to hold a large stove to relieve pain and itching, such as a red-hot iron stove, his skin is rough and thick and should not be afraid of hot.”

Depend on!!

This is even more vicious!!

The ninjas of Yunnin Village were so frightened that they almost fell to the ground, but Orochimaru’s eyes lit up, obviously interested in such a sealing technique. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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