The psychic beast ran away, which meant that Luo Yu’s news on the battlefield could not be hidden, and Qi Mu Shuomao was a little worried about this.

“Our actions need to be vigilant next, I think the enemy may use it against you and then surround you.”

Kill the genius of the other village, every ninja village will do this kind of thing, usually it’s okay, don’t dare to mess around at will, encircling and suppressing the other party can not exclude a large number of enemies, but in times of war, no one has this scruple.

If you find out, it will target you and kill you.

Don’t underestimate the power of the army, the power of countless ninjas gathered together to erupt is also terrifying, and the three generations of Thunder Shadow who were later surrounded and killed by Iwa Ninja Village are the best examples.

Unless you can be strong enough to the point where Uchiha and Senju Pillar cut the ninja army like wheat and fall down one by one.

Luo Yu does not have the same strength as Uchiha and Thousand Hand Pillars, but he also has his own advantages, don’t forget that teleportation skills are his best means of saving life, in some cases it is not comparable to the Flying Thunder God, but running at close range, the Flying Thunder God Technique must be ranked behind teleportation.

After all, teleportation does not need to be marked, you can leave if you want.

“There is such a possibility, but what I’m worried about is you, they want to surround me, it’s not so easy, how about we divide the troops?”

Luo Yu raised his hand and leaned on his chin, thought for a while, and put forward his opinion.

“Nope!!” Kiki Shuomao and Uchiha Lin immediately objected, “Since we are members of a squad, why should we follow suit?” ”

“Although you are very strong, as long as the other party wants to target you, you will also run into trouble, and we can’t act separately, which I agree with the captain.” Uchiha also coldly refused.

Yes, you have the final say.

Luo Yu simply walked aside and waited for them to dispose of the corpse, which Qimu Shuomao was good at, Luo Yu did not have the habit of disposing of the corpse.

Collect useful supplies, bury the corpse, and if the other party has something that the village needs, then bring the corpse back, but these two lower patience and one medium patience are not worth making a big move.

After collecting the usable materials, the body is buried directly.

“Lay some traps, the wind and sand are too big, there are few enemies active on the battlefield, let’s find a place to rest first.”

“The wind and sand are really big.”

“Then you’d rather blow the wind and sand or squat in the snow?”


Nonsense! Optional, who wants to run around in the snow?

Qimu Shuomao, who was successfully choked by Uchiha Lin, took out a few black gadgets and handed them to the two, Uchiha Lin raised his hand and took one, and Luo Yu directly turned his head. ”

After speaking, take out a piece of dry food and come out. Slow nibbling, this is his own making, jerky and flour mixed to make a good taste.

Can you still eat?

Uchiha Lin’s hand holding the soldier food pill burst out one after another, feeling that the military food pill in his hand did not look like a life-saving thing, but a piece of.

Anything is good or bad, and the soldier food pill is no exception, although it can quickly replenish physical strength, but the price is that this thing is poisonous, eating too much is not good for the body, other ninjas do not mind eating a little to restore physical strength, but Luo Yu will definitely not touch.

He would rather nibble on dry food than eat any soldier’s food pills.

As he said, this thing is more poisonous than the morning-after pill.

“Aaaaa!!!a Luo Yu, I’m going to kill you!! ”

Soon, Qimu Shuomao’s pig-killing cry was mixed with the whirring wind, you must know that in order to save trouble, he carries military food pills, this precious existence, but after Luo Yu said this, he felt disgusted when he looked at it, who can still eat it?

Uchiharin’s reaction was not much better, because he carried more ninja tools and did not eat, and as a result, the two of them now hold and avoid… Oh no, holding the military food pill, staring wide-eyed, watching Luo Yu comfortably nibble on homemade dry food.

“Kazekage-sama, Chiyo-sama, the frontline exchange position, someone has passed the news back.”

A white cloth stained with blood was sent to Chiyo’s hand, and Chiyo and the three generations of Kazekage looked together, and there was only one Luo character on the white cloth.

“It must be him!!”

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and Chiyo slapped the cloth in his hand on the table fiercely, “It must be that Luo Yu came to the battlefield and attacked the squad of the village, and the news was spread.” ”

Compared to Chiyo, who resented Luo Yu, the three generations of wind shadows did not have so much hatred, “Chiyo, do you send people to surround this area and surround it?” ”

“Encirclement and suppression is certain, if we can kill Luo Yu on the battlefield, even if we pay a certain price, it is worth it, we can’t let him continue to grow, but we need a targeted plan, this kid is very evil.”

If he could, Chiyo wanted to pinch Luo Yu to death, and immediately sent an army to surround Luo Yu and surround him.

But she can’t be impulsive, if she wants to surround Luo Yu, she still needs a series of plans for Luo Yu, otherwise it is easy to lose her wife and break the army.

Luo Yu is not easy to deal with, and it is extremely difficult to surround him.

“How prepared is the seal to prevent spiritual power from invading the brain?”

Since Luo Yu’s spiritual impact became powerful, the people of several villages began to prepare, especially Yunnin Village, long before the outbreak of the war, after Xiao Xiaoai suffered a big loss, Yunnin Village has been studying how to solve this problem.

No matter how powerful the weird ice ninjutsu is, it can also be resisted, and it is a big deal to use a pile of people, but the ninjutsu that directly impacts the spiritual consciousness of the human brain is not so easy to deal with, and the best way is to develop the corresponding ninjutsu for targeting.

Unfortunately, the difficulty is very high.

Using a special seal and reinforcing it on the body will work.

Sand Shinobu Village also chose this method.

These people strengthen the seal on their bodies, and once Luo Yu uses the spiritual impact, they will be blocked by the seal, unless the strength of the attack exceeds the bearability of the seal, they can break the seal.

Chiroro’s targeting.

The price paid is also extremely large, even the five great ninja villages cannot prepare such a seal for everyone, and no one dares to guarantee that this can stop the spiritual impact, it can only be said that it is better to be prepared than nothing.

A spiritual shock, whether you are on the Shinobu or the elite on the Shinobi, immediately fall, how to fight this?

Obediently wash your neck and wait for others to come and cut off your head.

“There are several special squads ready, and if necessary, they can start the operation immediately.” Three generations of wind shadows answered.

Chiyo shook his head and said, “It’s not enough, this kid is too weird, we need to be fully prepared, there is only one chance.” “_

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