I Really Don’t Want To Be a Natural Disaster

Vol 2 Chapter 173: Plain fist (two in one

The latest website: "K·A·M·M·X·W" laboratory.

This is a newly partitioned room specially used for Ling Yiyi's treatment by Molly's little hand shaking.

There was a small plaque at the door.

-"For Molly".

at this time.

Molly didn't have time to care about what Yi Lin was tossing about.

She is focusing on starting the first phase of pulse wave therapy for Ling Yiyi.

Ling Yiyi looked calm, wearing a metal helmet, and strange lights flashed on the surface of the helmet from time to time.

And the surrounding area is densely packed with various precision instruments, and on several display screens, there are curves of various shapes, which are constantly undulating.

Ling Yiyi is also covered with various electrode pads to monitor Ling Yiyi's vital signs during the treatment.

To ensure safety, once Ling Yiyi has any discomfort, even if Ling Yiyi doesn't say it, the instrument can reflect Ling Yiyi's current most objective physiological state from the side.


Isn't it difficult to get medical equipment?

Molly lowered her head to be busy, and silently gave herself a thumbs-up by the way.

Ling Yiyi lay flat.




While paying attention to Ling Yiyi's various data, Molly couldn't help but looked at Ling Yiyi from time to time.

If Molly also had electrodes attached to her body at this time, I believe her heart rate might also fluctuate like those curves.

At the very least, the heart rate is constantly fluctuating.

For some reason, Molly looked at the exaggerated curve that Ling Yiyi was still showing when she was lying flat, and a word came out inexplicably from a brain that had never had any literary cells.

"The peaks and ridges are like giants, the waves are like anger, and the mountains and rivers are on the outside..."

Acridine? What's next?

Molly suddenly felt that something was wrong with her, and she shook her head abruptly, tossing away the mess of thoughts in her mind.

and many more.

Molly's heart moved.

After struggling for a while, he coughed and asked in a low voice: "Sister Yiyi, um...Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Ling Yiyi didn't dare to move. Hearing Molly's question, he said softly, "Well, don't worry, I feel pretty good."


Molly couldn't help but glance at Ling Yiyi, but she quietly picked up the tablet in her hand and pretended to ask nonchalantly: "Sister Yiyi, what do you usually eat?"

"What do you mean?" Ling Yiyi laughed.

"That's...what do you like to eat acridine? Is there any fixed recipe or something."

"Huh?" Ling Yiyi heard the words, involuntarily a little more puzzled: "Does this... have anything to do with my eyes?"

Molly's tone is serious: "It's hard to say! As a scientist, you must be rigorous. I just want to see and analyze your nutritional intake to see if it is related to nutritional intake."

"So...?" Ling Yiyi didn't doubt that he had him. After thinking about it for a while, he said carefully: "Actually, I personally don't like to eat artificial foods. I prefer to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat. If you...I prefer to eat beef, the taste is lighter, and occasionally I make some salad myself..."

Ling Yiyi didn't conceal it either. One-to-five-to-one said the food he usually likes to eat.

Molly's fingers quickly recorded on the tablet, her fingers flying, her eyes flashed from time to time, and she nodded subconsciously: "Hmm! Increase vitamin intake? Beef? Wait, the ratio of protein to fat in beef... I don’t know if the different parts of beef have any effect... It’s expensive..."

"I don't eat synthetic food... Is it because it contains trace amounts of hormones? Well, yes, although hormones can promote growth and development, they are unnatural and unhealthy..."

"Um... If there is no fixed intake of nutrients, wouldn't it coincide with a certain research paper? Sure enough, it is still related to personal physique and genetic factors? Uuuu-"

Numerous data flashed in Molly's mind, she couldn't help scratching her hair, her expression gradually collapsed.



Personal physique?

Ling Yiyi's hearing is very good, and Molly's whispered self-talk was fully put into her ears. The more she listened, the more confused she became. She couldn't help but interrupted Molly's thoughts: "Lily?"

"Lily, don't you know..."

Molly was expressionless, and slapped the tablet on the table: "No, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong."


Molly decided not to struggle with this matter for the time being. After all, she was still young and she had the opportunity to ask for experience.

Seeing Ling Yiyi's treatment seems to be a while.

Molly couldn't help asking again: "Sister Yiyi...what is the relationship between you and that soul dan... acridine?"

That soulless?

Ling Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and only came back to her senses after a moment. Who was the soul-faint referring to Molly's mouth and couldn't help but chuckle: "Are you talking about Lin? Soul-dan? Haha...we are. Oh my friend."


Molly pondered these two words carefully.

and many more.

She suddenly remembered something.

The guy came back from the future and had a foresight about many things. Molly even recalled the experience of getting on the thief ship by Yi Lin, so she secretly gritted her teeth and asked: "Oh! It turned out to be a friend, I thought... …"

"Don't you think I am him... huh, girlfriend?"

Ling Yiyi immediately saw through Molly's careful thoughts.

Molly: Surprised!

"When I was in the orphanage three years ago, Rin was a volunteer in the community at the time. In fact, he was very kind to everyone in the orphanage. Um... Rin was a good person."

While listening to Ling Yiyi's words, Molly had already quickly checked Ling Yiyi's information.

Yiwu County Welfare Institute?



So far apart, how dare you say that you are a community volunteer? You lied to you!

Molly was angry immediately, the kind of anger, wait...Three years ago? Why did Mimi quietly borrowed the advantage of crossing to pick up girls three years ago?

Soul is pale! You can really do you!

Molly almost wished to stab Yi Lin's terrible deeds out.

But a few seconds later.

After Molly's anger calmed down a little, she couldn't help but flashed a thought.

So to say……

Yi Lin didn't even tell Ling Yiyi "that secret"?

In other words... Is the rebirth of Yi Lin a secret between Molly and Yi Lin?

"Well, forget it."

Molly nodded secretly.

That being the case, I won't break through that soul.

I am not such a petty woman, Molly.

Thinking of this, Molly suddenly felt relieved.


Ling Yiyi seemed to "hear" Molly's heartbeat one after another, and couldn't help but call out again.

"Ah? I'm fine, I just thought about something, by the way, Sister Yiyi, what did you just say?"

"Um... I said, Rin is a good person?"

Good guy?

Could this be the legendary good man card?


I didn't expect you to have today too!

A good person card was issued by Ling Yiyi!

Molly almost couldn't hold back a laugh, but she finally held back, and very seriously echoed: "Well, he is indeed a good person, a very good kind."



and many more.

What's the relationship between the good person card and me Molly?

Molly was startled slightly, feeling her reaction a little strange.

Just now.

Yi Lin opened the door and walked in.

In this treatment room, Molly has also granted permission to Yi Lin, who can enter with a brush without knocking on the door.


The moment Yi Lin stepped into the treatment room.

Seeing Molly's happy expression on her face, she couldn't help but slowly played a question mark.

"Treatment progressed?"

Yi Lin couldn't help asking.

"Fart!" Molly replied unceremoniously, "Do you know what science is? The treatment has just begun to progress? You think I am you..."

Molly suddenly remembered that Ling Yiyi didn't know, she swallowed the words "perverted like you" abruptly, and changed the subject by the way: "By the way, didn't you say that there is something to be busy? Nothing ran over to disturb us. what?"


Seeing Molly's bad tone, Yi Lin didn't think about it, but took out a small notebook.

"You help me see, what do you mean?"

Yi Lin handed the little notebook in her hand to Molly.

With doubts, Molly opened the notebook that Yi Lin handed over.


"No, the last one." Yi Lin's expression was calm, and he suddenly forgot the previous record of the death of Lao Pankeng, and then silently turned to the last page.


Molly took a quick glance at the scribbled XY-axis coordinate graph, and when she found that there was no logic, she stopped paying attention and turned directly to the last page that Yi Lin pointed to.

On the page.

There are only two patterns.

One "circle" and one "square".

That is, circles and squares.


Molly slowly played a question mark with a dazed expression.

Seeing that Yi Lin didn't seem to be joking, she looked at the two simple patterns more seriously, as if she wanted to find out the hidden connotations of these two patterns.


A guessing game?

Or what text?

Round left and right?

Tianyuan place?

Strike each other?


Quantum mechanics?

Or is it a design sketch for some new technology?

Several ideas came up in Molly's mind.

For a while.

Molly almost racked her brains and couldn't think of other answers that seemed more meaningful.

"This...what is it?"

Finally, Molly chose to give up.

Yi Lin frowned and his expression became more solemn: "I think this should be a square and a circle..."

"Do you think?" Molly blasted her hair slightly: "Didn't you paint this yourself?"

"I just came to ask you because I was not sure..."

"Get out! Didn't you see that this girl is very busy!"

Molly looked at Yi Lin with bare feet and kicked her face.

Thanks to her thinking about it for a long time, this soul light turned out to be teasing her!

Ling Yiyi suddenly said in a low voice: "It seems that someone is coming...it's a bit dangerous."


Yi Lin heard Ling Yiyi's voice.

Slightly startled.

He knew that Ling Yiyi's hearing was unusually sharp.


It was precisely because of this moment of distraction that Yi Lin had no intention of joking with Molly, allowing Molly to slam on her face with this foot.

Molly was also stunned simply.

She didn't expect Yi Lin to avoid it.

Just now.

A few seconds passed after Ling Yiyi reminded him.

A voice full of anger and murder came from outside the door——

"Where is that **** kid who bullied my baby's cute granddaughter and daughter's cuteness?"



It was almost the sound of raging murderous intent that just came.

The alloy door, which only Molly, Yi Lin, and Ling Yiyi had access to, suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards.

A figure in a black Kung Fu robe was expressionless, and slapped the door open.

Sure enough, "Molly Control" is invincible!

Yi Lin: "..."

Molly: "..."

Ling Yiyi: "?"

"excuse me."

Mo Rendi lowered his head first, and subconsciously wanted to go out.

Then suddenly he stared and walked in: "You bastard, you are here!"

Yi Lin suddenly understood.

No wonder Ling Yiyi would say it was dangerous.

Dare to love you always slap the door open all the way to find people, right?

This really has an invincible style.

Yi Lin suddenly had many grooves in her heart, but she didn't know where to start vomiting.

Mo Rendi's eyes suddenly widened, staring at Yi Lin and Molly.

"Smelly boy, get my good granddaughter's leg off your face!"



Only then did Molly realize that because her grandfather rushed in without any defense, Molly's feet kept stomping on Yi Lin's face. This terrible posture made the old man not know where to think.

Yi Lin was expressionless.

What the **** is this logic?

Put your granddaughter's leg off my face?

It sounds like there are no logical loopholes at first?

Seeing Molly shrink back, Mo Rendi was relieved. He rubbed his fist, his eyes showed a terrifying light: "Boy, do you have the courage to come out with the old man? My dear granddaughter can't see it. Blood. Hehe, how dare you bully the old man's good grandson and daughter Mengmeng..."

and many more.

How could Mo Rendi suddenly kill the door?

Yi Lin couldn't help asking, "Who told you I was bullying Molly?"

"Huh! What could be wrong if Xiao Zhao saw it with his own eyes?"

Old Zhao?

The corners of Yi Lin's eyes twitched slightly: "What did the **** old Zhao say?"

"He said:'Molly was very panicked when she saw Yi Lin. The shoes under her feet were like a single shadow. When she looked back, Molly's face was covered with sadness and fatigue, like a lonely and helpless cat, in the sunset. Licking the scar on the palm', isn't it saying that you are bullying my good granddaughter?"

Yi Lin and Molly heard what Mo Ren said.

He said half a word in unison: "Am I special--"

At the same time, it stopped abruptly, looking at each other.

Molly was too late to be shy.

Yi Lin was helpless in her heart.

Especially Zhao Yulong is really an old pit beep!

What is going on with this imaginative verse of "No car here is better than a car"?

It's a pity that you don't become a poet, **** it!

Although the situation at the time was indeed the case, with this description, it is no wonder that Mo Rendi would immediately come here after finishing the work at hand.

Moreover, Old Man Mo seems to have a problem with your reading comprehension.

Molly suddenly reacted: "Grandpa! How many doors did you break in my laboratory!"

Mo Rendi waved his hand generously: "My dear granddaughter! It's okay! Grandpa will let someone come to fix it right away~"

When facing Molly, Mo Rendi put on a smiley face in seconds.


"Humph!" When Mo Rendi looked at Yi Lin, his masterful demeanor was fully revealed, like the bright scorching sun. Just standing there gave Yi Lin a sense of oppression without anger and prestige: "Wait for Grandpa to beat this. Let's talk about the bastard!"

Molly is habitually acting like a spoiler to Mo Rendi: "Grandpa! This is my place! And, you have no reason to beat him!"

"Reason?" Mo Rendi questioned: "What is the reason?"

Yi Lin: "..."

After Mo Rendi finished speaking, he dragged Yi Lin away without saying a word.

Mo Rendi dragged Yi Lin away.

Molly was dumbfounded.

Ling Yiyi was a bit worried, she didn't say a word from beginning to end.

It wasn't until Mo Rendi left that she couldn't help but ask: "Your grandpa...should not be good to Rin, right?"

"Well, don't worry, my grandpa loves me the most!"

Molly said confidently at first.

Then she quickly remembered the bad scene just now and the worse description of Lao Zhao.

"Maybe, should, maybe?"

Actually, Molly was not so sure.



Ten minutes before Irin came to see Molly.

When Yi Lin recovered.

Old Pan has been looking here and there in the huge secret room, and there is a mysterious atmosphere of sand sculptures all over his body.

"Pan Zhengyi."

Seeing that this old Pan didn't habitually stroke the stick, Yi Lin was able to determine which personality was in control of "Old Pan" almost immediately.

Well, it's been a long time.

"Yo! Boy, goodbye!"

Pan Zhengyi suddenly waved at Yi Lin.


Immediately afterwards, Old Pan smiled and said grimly: "Ah, you are gone."


Yi Lin decided not to try to figure out what Pan Zhengyi said.

Because there is no deep meaning at all.

But to be honest, Pan Zhengyi's lines made Yi Lin, who had been missing for a long time, missed a little.

and many more.

Yi Lin ignored Pan Zhengyi who was nervous.

He suddenly remembered that in his impression, he clearly used the angle of stimulating Pan Zhengyi's brain to give himself a shot in the same posture.

What happened just now?

In the blink of an eye, only a minute passed?

Or... longer?

Pan Zhengyi has come back alive from the "inside the world"?

Yi Lin frowned, trying to recall the memory of the "fragment".

Even he opened the apostle panel over and over again, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

"Could it be that... stimulating the brain in a short period of time and increasing the activity of the brain will cause an instantaneous increase in mental attributes, and then become a mental illness like Lao Pan?"

Yi Lin suddenly looked strange and came to an even stranger conclusion.

At this time.

He only discovered that the small notebook that recorded Pan Xiaozheng's passing was a bit different.

It was within reach of Yi Lin.

That is a brand new page.

Two patterns were scribbled on the page.

Side by side.

A circle.

A square.

It looks unremarkable and nothing special.

Yi Lin frowned deeper.

He glanced at Pan Zhengyi who was smirking in the same place, and then looked down at the handwriting on the small notebook.


Is it Pan Zhengyi's handwriting, or... he accidentally painted it just now when he "fragmented" it?



Mo Rendi said.

"Choose a place, let's solve the problem in a man's way!"

At the moment when he heard these words, Yi Lin could hardly imagine that this kind of words would come from the mouth of Mo Rendi.

So Yi Lin was dragged here by Mo Rendi all the way.

According to Molly, a more toss-resistant secret room.

And it's spacious enough.

Yi Lin has also done a lot of experiments, and he is indeed very resistant to tossing.

"Oh! You found the old man's exercise room!"

Mo Rendi looked at it with a nostalgic expression on his face.

Yi Lin suddenly understood.

It turns out that this is the reason why this room is resistant to toss.

It was turned into a secret room for dangerous experiments by Molly.

It turned out that in Molly's eyes, "Moren Enemy" could be equated with "Dangerous Test".

Yi Lin suddenly realized.

Yi Lin was thrown to the ground by Mo Rendi.


——The door is locked.

Mo Rendi sneered and squeezed two fists: "Bad bastard, the old man has wanted to beat you for a long time!"

"Huh? In other words, what Zhao said is just an excuse for you?"

"You are wrong!" Mo Rendi gritted his teeth: "This makes the old man want to beat you even more!"


Although Mo Rendi said that he never needed a reason for beating someone, Yi Lin really wanted to know why Mo Rendi looked at him unpleasantly.

Mo Rendi thought about it for a few seconds.

Then he said slowly: "The 17th anniversary of my dear grandson and daughter Mengmeng learned to walk two days ago -"


"Mengmeng mentioned your kid's name 5 times!"



Mo Rendi finished.

But he stopped talking nonsense, smiled coldly, and walked towards Yi Lin step by step.

Yi Lin instantly understood Mo Rendi's strange steps.

Mo Rendi He beats people... Seriously!

Not kidding!

So in an instant, Yi Lin also got serious and didn't regard Mo Rendi's words as nonsense.

Because... if you are not careful, you will most likely die under Mo Rendi's fist.

Even if he is Molly's grandfather!

Yi Lin still remembered that in the "Duel Space", that Zhang Huichun from a certain place used a "copy" card to copy 80% of Mo Rendi's attribute value.

But with only 80% of his attributes, Yi Lin had to open the final card [Bloodthirsty Disaster], and cooperate with various props to finally kill Zhang Huichun safely and without any suspense.

I still remember that when Yi Lin met Mo Rendi for the first time in "this timeline", he tried a [disaster-ridden] shot and threw it over.

And Mo Rendi really deserves to be the ceiling of the ancient warriors of human beings. He actually only exercised his will to reach the limit of human beings. The negative effect of [Disaster-ridden] can only make Mo Rendi's body shake a little for a moment.

Mo Rendi's footsteps are extremely strange.

The movements seemed extremely slow, and every step was clearly visible, but it seemed to be reaching the limit. In a blink of an eye, he had come to Yi Lin's body and punched Yi Lin with a flat punch in the chest.

[True, plain fist]!

[This is a truly ordinary fist. It seems that it has nothing special besides being able to easily kill people. Use times: unlimited. 】

I don't know if it was due to the bad habits of the apostle. When Yi Lin was hammered by Mo Rendi, he could not help but make up for the attributes of that fist.

Click, click, click.

Yi Lin had already used the power of mind to lay the net in front of him, but the castrated version of the power of mind was unable to form a defensive effect on the invincible fist. It was so impressive that it could only make Yi Lin’s perception... a moment earlier than vision. It's all about Mo Rendi's fist.

Yi Lin had no time to dodge, even if he could see clearly, he would definitely not be able to dodge.

Because, Mo Rendi's force sensitivity attributes, according to Yi Lin's speculation, almost all reached the extreme of humanity, and they were about to break through the "lock" situation.

That is...

Strength, agility... It is very likely that both are 10 points!

Besides, data is just data.

It can't really reflect the strength of Mo Renenei.

Invincible is a man who is infinitely close to the limit of mankind.

It is estimated that Yi Lin used the "Bloodthirsty Disaster" to pile up attributes to the same level as Mo Ren Enemy. Without using any skills and props, he is definitely not Mo Ren Enemy opponent.

Mo Rendi's unremarkable fist hit Yi Lin's arm, Mo Rendi made a soft "Oh", and seemed to be able to react to Yi Lin in an instant~www.readwn.com~ and be able to withstand it. I was slightly surprised by this punch of my own.

But it was just lost.

Yi Lin blocked the arm of Mo Rendi's fist and instantly collapsed, bending into a miserable shape.

Ka Ka Ka... It was a crisp fracture sound.


The huge momentum made Yi Lin shook upside down, slamming **** the wall behind him.

This seems to be the same position that Old Pan once bumped into not long ago.


Pan Zhengyi didn't know when he sat in the corner, he laughed, and shouted with joy.

Then he said in a low voice--

"Round.1 yo~~~"

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