On the top of Xixiao Mountain, in front of a tomb, there were maids and waiters in costumes all around.

There was a Taoist priest wearing a yellow robe next to him, his brows furrowed and he was thinking about something.

A man in his 60s with gray temples, dressed in gorgeous silk and satin, and wearing a gold pocket watch.

He said to the Taoist priest:"Uncle Jiu, can this tomb still be used?"

The Taoist priest named Uncle Jiu counted his fingers and shook his head and said:"Although Master Ren's tomb is just a little bit of water, but if you touch it again and again, it will definitely not be damaged." In the same position, this point is useless.

You can only be rich for one generation. I'm afraid you are two generations old now."

Mr. Ren thought for a moment and then said:"No wonder I have been having bad luck recently, and my business has been getting worse. I just made the payment with Huang Silang a few days ago, but the goods haven't arrived yet, and the others are gone.

"Uncle Jiu, what should I do?"

Uncle Jiu said,"We can only change the location.""

"How to change?"

"Dig out the coffin, change its position, and bury it again. However, this will disturb your father."

"It's okay," Master Ren said without any hesitation;

"You guys come here and dig this tomb open for me."

"Yes, sir."

Several guys, each holding a shovel in their hands, kicked down the tombstone and began to dig the tomb of Mr. Ren's family.

Several people dug at the same time for an hour.

Beside the tombstone, a man in a green dress knelt. The girl was graceful, covering her handkerchief and weeping silently. Her black hair had two braids hanging down on her shoulders, and she had the unique bangs of the Republic of China, which was called the"front bangs style". Revealing two curved eyebrows,

Shen Hao would be surprised when he saw it. Isn't this the favorite style of modern women?

The palm-sized oval face is very delicate, and the skin is as white as snow.

The tears were like pear blossoms, and I felt particularly pity.

When I saw the coffin opened, my emotions suddenly burst into tears, and I cried bitterly:"Grandpa, grandpa."

Mr. Ren also hurriedly knelt on the ground and cried bitterly," Dad, the child is unfilial. This has alarmed you. The child is unfilial!"

The sound of crying was heartbreaking, but there was not a drop of tear. It was in response to the saying that thunder can't rain.

As soon as Uncle Jiu saw the body of Mr. Ren's family, he frowned and wrote the word"Sichuan"

‘Damn it, this old man has been dead for so long, and his body hasn’t rotted yet. His face is purple and black, which is obviously a sign of deep resentment. It’s very easy to fake the corpse. Uncle

Jiu said:"Master Ren's acupuncture point is useless. I think it's better to cremate this body."

Master Ren looked at the body and then at Uncle Jiu, thinking.

‘If there is a spark, then we can’t find a feng shui treasured place to bury it. Then how can we protect our Ren family from getting rich in the future? Thinking of this, he hurriedly shook his head:"No, what my father was most afraid of when he was alive was fire, and he must not be cremated.

Besides, returning the fallen leaves to their roots and being laid to rest is the right way.

Today's grave digging has disturbed my father, which is already very unfilial. Why?" It can also be cremated.

Uncle Jiu, you are the best Feng Shui master of this generation. Wouldn’t you help my dad find a better Feng Shui position?"

After saying that, Master Ren looked at Uncle Jiu expectantly..

Uncle Jiu's expression changed and he said hurriedly:"If Master Ren is not cremated, you will be in big trouble. I advise you to cremate it early."

Master Ren immediately turned gloomy and said expressionlessly:"Cremation is absolutely not possible, you still have to do it." Think of other ways."

Uncle Jiu was really embarrassed for a moment, looking at the corpse pacing back and forth.

After hesitating for a moment, he said,"Okay, let me take the body back to Yizhuang first."

Master Ren said,"Okay, I'll bother Uncle Jiu.""

"this is what we are supposed to do"


At this moment, Awei ran over sweating profusely.

Master Ren frowned and said:"Awea, what do you look like when you yell?

Ah Wei was out of breath. He took a deep breath and swallowed before saying:"Yes... it's Master Shen... Master is here." Mr.

Ren frowned and said:"Who is Master Shen?""

"Is it Mr. Shen who killed Huang Silang?"Ren Tingting on the side suddenly asked in surprise;

"That's right, it's him, I'm following Mr. Shen right now," Awei said proudly, raising his head high;

"Wow, is it true? Great, take me there quickly. I hear his legends every day in school.

Said he was very, very handsome, very talented, and very patriotic.

Yesterday, he killed Huang Silang. He killed the rich and helped the poor. The whole county was saying good things about him. I really wonder what such a person is like." A flash of admiration flashed in Ren Tingting's eyes.

When she was in school in Guangdong Province, the school was all about Shen The legend of Hao has almost become a myth. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see him. When I thought of this, Ren Tingting's heart beat like a deer.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Master Ren gave Ren Tingting a very dissatisfied look. He said angrily in his heart: What a heck, he messed up all my business, and the rich people he killed were all from our family, you stupid daughter, but he still knew about Shen Hao's reputation, and he didn't dare to show it no matter how unhappy he was.

"What is Mr. Shen doing here?"Master Ren said doubtfully;

"We found Long Jisheng's troops ahead, we are going to fight them here," Awei said proudly;

"Damn, this is the resting place of our ancestors. You brought people here, you, you, you are so stupid." Mr. Ren puffed his beard and glared;

Awei curled his lips and said indifferently:"What's the matter? War is unavoidable in this period, cousin. Come with me to see Mr. Shen, it won't be good if you neglect me."

Mr. Ren thought about it and it was true. They have money and guns now, and he is a tyrant in Renjia Town, but he is nothing in front of Shen Hao. No matter how dissatisfied he is, He couldn't bear it.

His arms couldn't reach his thighs, otherwise it would be an egg against a stone.

Master Ren said to everyone:"You are responsible for helping Uncle Jiu carry the coffin to Yizhuang."

"Yes, sir."

Qiu Sheng on the side also pulled Wencai excitedly, and whispered:"Is it the great uncle that Master Four Eyes mentioned?"

Wen Cai's eyebrows jumped wildly, and he blinked and said:"It must be my uncle. My uncle has already spread the news, how can there be falsehoods?

Qiu Sheng couldn't help but said,"Wow, Uncle Master is a great warlord and Commander Ai, we are going to make a big move.""

"Hair, hair, hair, hurry up and carry the coffin for me." Uncle Jiu hit Wencai and Qiu Sheng hard on the head.

The two of them said"oh" in depression, and went to carry the coffin.

Uncle Jiu also had a look on his eyebrows. His face was filled with joy, and he was also curious about this great uncle he had never met before.

"Is the thunder talisman that Simu mentioned last time true? I don’t know if my uncle is still alive."

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu became a little more eager and wanted to see Shen Hao as soon as possible. When Mr. Ren arrived at the door of his house, he was immediately frightened when he saw the 1.8-meter-large soldier with loaded guns and ammunition.

Said: This soldier has an expressionless face. He is really impressive. He is very different from the usual soldiers. It seems that this Commander Shen has something special.

"stop? Who are you? If you dare to take a step forward, shoot immediately."

More than a dozen soldiers suddenly raised their guns and shouted at Master Ren and others; this frightened Master Ren. He was usually a bully in Renjia Town, but when he encountered a tough guy like Shen Hao, he was still as good as a sheep..

Master Ren said with aggrieved face:"Master Jun, this···This is my home, Awei is my nephew."

Hearing this, the soldier put away his gun, but still did not let him go.

"Let's wait until Chief Awei comes."

Master Ren:...

Ren Tingting said dissatisfied:"This is my home, I can't go back yet, huh, I will definitely file a lawsuit against you when I see your teacher later."

"I'm going to kill you with one shot. This is the order of our division commander. No one is allowed to trespass without an order." The soldier raised his gun and said coldly. The murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised. This frightened Ren Tingting. What did she do? I've seen this scene before

"What are you doing, what are you doing, a bunch of idiots, haven’t you ever heard of being gentle to women?"Shen Hao said with a frown on his face;

Zhang Zhiwei curled his lips disdainfully and thought to himself: It's really sanctimonious.

Who used whips and candles to deal with a weak woman who has lost her cultivation last night?

That Daiyu Qingwenzi? Was it? How miserable were you?

You kept removing people's arms, beating them, and screaming at night?

Is this tenderness?

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