The zombies killed Long Jiguang and seemed to have lost their target.

As soon as he turns around, he bites whoever he sees.

Someone yelled:"The commander is dead, kill the zombies quickly."

They were helpless as the zombies couldn't be hit by guns, and they didn't know how to deal with this guy.

Tens of thousands of people fled in fear. For this unknown creature, they only had fear and panic in their hearts.

However, Wang Congliang was relatively calm and shouted:"Everyone, tie him up with a rope quickly and don't let him jump around."

After hearing this, hundreds of people took the rope nets used to build munitions and quickly tied them up after throwing them away. Live with zombies. After all, no matter how powerful zombies are, they are still dead and have no intelligence.

No matter how powerful zombies are, there is a limit.

The power of hundreds of people is not something to be boasted about.

As the saying goes, if there are too many ants, a mole will die. A good man is afraid of too many people.

"Quickly pour gasoline on him and set him on fire.

Throw the explosives on top and kill him.

I don't believe it. It's just a broken zombie. I don't believe how hard it is."

Soon everyone poured gasoline on it, and the flames were radiating. Hundreds of explosive bags were all thrown up, with a loud bang.

In an instant, the zombies were torn into pieces, and the bodies were blown into several pieces.

Wang Congliang sighed with disdain. He took a sip and said,"Do you really think you are so hard? I don't believe I can't blow you up, haha."··"

As soon as he finished speaking, a zombie's arm fell on his feet. Wang Congliang was so frightened that he jumped up to a foot high.

"Oh my goodness!"

When the appearance was funny, everyone wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

Before long, there was a burst of shouts of killing, and they rushed up

"Don't kill if you turn in your gun, don't kill if you hand in your gun."

Wang Congliang's expression changed, and he said loudly:"The enemy is attacking, the enemy is attacking."

Unfortunately, it was already too late. Tens of thousands of troops were like locusts crossing the border, swarming in.

The zombies just made a fuss, and everyone was attacked. Everyone was frightened and dispersed. They were all in a mess. In addition, Long Jiguang was dead, and everyone had no backbone and became a mob.

Looking at Shen Hao's army, Wang Cong's conscience was ashen and angry. Cursed:"Where have all the sentinels died? The enemies rushed over and did not call the police."

How did he know that those sentries had been frightened by the zombies for a long time.

The result is self-evident. Long Jiguang is dead. He has no backbone and is defeated like a mountain.

Everyone did not resist and chose to surrender without any resistance. It's meaningless.

Who should be a soldier? Why bother with your own life? The next day, Shen Hao was sleeping peacefully while holding Meng Xiaodong.

She woke up with laughter.

As soon as she sat up,

Shen Hao had slept with Meng Xiaodong in his arms. Although he didn't really eat her, he took advantage of it. Occupied

"Brother Hao, aren't you going to take a nap?

Shen Hao shook his head and said:"No, maybe the battle is over and I have to deal with it. I'll go take a look.""

""Hmm." Meng Xiaodong said and sat up. Suddenly, her bellyband slipped down and her muscles dazzled.

Looking at the fallen bellyband, her cheeks turned red and she gave Shen Hao an angry look.

Shen Hao looked at it. The upside-down jade bowl smiled and said nothing.

After coming out, they found that everyone including Wu Juren, A Wei, Zhang Zhiwei, Hou Xing, Zhao Jun and others were excited.

"Commander, we won"

"Now Long Jiguang is dead"

"Haha, it was fun."

Shen Hao was not very excited:"Oh, how many casualties are there?"

Zhao Jun took out a piece of paper and handed it to Shen Hao and said:"More than 300 brothers died, more than 400 were seriously injured, and 1,005 were slightly injured.

However, we have captured all Long Jiguang's people.

A total of more than 29,000 people were paid, and more than 1,000 people were left. Some died, some were scared away, and were scared away by zombies.

Shen Hao asked doubtfully:"Where is Long Jiguang?""

"I heard from the prisoners that Long Jiguang was bitten to death by the zombie and had been cremated.

The zombies were blown into powder by explosives."

Hearing this, Shen Hao was not surprised. The zombies are awesome, but they are just like that in front of the army.

They look very awesome in movies and TV shows. The opponents are just Uncle Jiu and a few useless apprentices.

The army With so many people, there is no limit to trying to be invulnerable.

If a bullet is not enough, how can you not die with armor-piercing bullets and explosive packs?

After saying that, Shen Hao looked at everyone and then at Zhenren Qian, and nodded with satisfaction:"That's right. Your probation period is over, and you can follow me from now on.

Qian Zhenren grinned:"Thank you, Mr. Shen. Thank you, Mr. Shen. I will definitely work hard.""

Soon, all the brigade commanders under Long Jiguang were arrested.

As soon as Wang Congliang saw Shen Hao, he immediately knelt in front of Shen Hao and said flatteringly:"You must be Master Shen, I have long admired him. You are.

I never thought that I would be lucky enough to serve as a soldier under you. You are truly the greatest honor in my life.

You must accept me."

This flattering and shameless spirit made Wu Juren and Awei feel nervous, there is a strong opponent.

Shen Hao looked at Wang Congliang's appearance and was very satisfied.

Sure enough, his The bastard's aura was so powerful that he made people surrender as soon as he appeared.

At this time, Qian Zhenren on the side said hurriedly:"Mr. Shen, this guy had a bad idea. Yesterday, he asked a small group of people to sneak attack you, and even asked Pindao to arrest you. , and then try to force you to spend money to buy them arms." This made Wang Congliang's face stiffen, and he looked at Qian Zhenren with a pale face.

He cursed angrily:"You idiot, don't cheat people, have I offended you? Why do you have so many?"

Master Qian said with a straight face:"A despicable person like you is a shameless person."

These words are true, and justice is awe-inspiring.

Zhang Zhiwei and others looked contemptuous.

Shen Hao found that this guy's loyalty was 5, and he was feeding an unfamiliar wolf.

He snorted coldly:"Pull him out and kill him."

""Yes," Wu Juren and Awei said overjoyed; this kid is a threat and it's best to deal with it as soon as possible.

Wang Congliang hurriedly cried and begged:"Mr. Shen, please spare your life and let me go."

At that time, everyone was their own master, and I couldn't help myself, Mr. Shen.

Please, give me a chance. I am still useful. Mr. Shen, please, don’t kill me.

Mr. Shen, I have no ill intentions towards you, you must believe me."

Unfortunately, Wu Ju and A Wei simply ignored him and dragged him out.

Seeing that he was dead, Wang Congliang went completely crazy. He yelled hysterically:"Old bastard, you are just a bastard. Even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go. Bitch, I have fucked your eighteen generations of ancestors. Mr.

Qian curled his lips disdainfully:"Pindao is waiting for you to turn into a ghost. It just so happens that Pindao is born to catch ghosts.""

Shen Hao:....

Meng Xiaodong:…..

Everyone felt like laughing inexplicably.

Shen Hao was happy. The money was really good and he was a good employee.

Moreover, Shen Hao discovered that this guy's loyalty had soared to 55%.

Sure enough, his charm of making people surrender is still unmatched, Shen Hao said narcissistically.

As for these legion commanders, there are not many good people. These people follow Long Jiguang and do all kinds of evil, and their subordinates also have countless wronged souls.

With Zhenren Qian as the internal agent, all the evildoers were killed.

In the end, there was only one person left among Long Jiguang's men, and this person Qian Zhenren said he was a man.

Shen Hao took a look and found that this person's loyalty was around 30 and he was not bad, so he would stay.

"May I have your name"

""Zhang Fei" is a man with a strong build, dark cheeks, and a square face that looks like that of a general, but he lives up to his name.

"would you like to follow me"

""Yes, Master Shen."

Zhang Fei nodded without any hesitation; he had long been dissatisfied with Long Jiguang's behavior, but there was nothing he could do about it in Cao Ying. Now that he was following Shen Hao, he felt relieved.

Shen Hao nodded. The leader said:"You can become a scout with Hou Xing first. If you perform well, I will promote you again.""

"" It's Master Shen."

Shen Hao followed a few people to the square. He looked at the dark crowd of soldiers squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands. They were all dejected.

Shen Hao held up a simple loudspeaker and said:"Those who are willing to follow me, stand up.""

Everyone looked at each other, and with a roar, they all stood up.

The momentum of more than 20,000 people standing up at the same time was still very shocking. Shen Hao was very satisfied with the effect.

Then he took a general glance and found that it was okay. Loyalty They were all around 30%, with the exception of a few, 10%.

Shen Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then said:"Since you promised to give it to me, you will be treated the same as my soldiers. The more capable will be treated better than the mediocre."

Hearing this, everyone There was an uproar.

They thought that Shen Hao would not give them good treatment, but they did not expect that they would be treated like other soldiers. It was incredible.

In an instant, their affection for Shen Hao greatly increased, and Shen Hao found that the loyalty of many people suddenly soared. It reached 50%.

Shen Hao was very satisfied with his charm, and his character was indeed invincible.

Soon, Shen Hao separated the group of smokers, and there were more than 29,000 smokers. There are more than 24,000 people.

Including the previous prisoners, Shen Hao received a total of 35,000 people.

If it were an ordinary warlord, it would be a headache for them to pay, but Shen Hao didn't care.

, plus his 9,000 people, that is 44,000 people, and there is also an artillery battalion. The previous 20 aircraft totaled 40 aircraft. With various logistics configurations, there was already a battalion establishment. Shen Hao did not have any ink to directly upgrade the establishment. Become an artillery battalion.

And their battalion commander is also a legend. He is only 14 years old.

There is no way, who can make Shen Hao like it.

As for ability, the key is to be obedient and have such admiration for yourself? Fan, why didn’t Shen Hao promote him?

At the same time, Shen Hao promoted everyone around him.

Almost all 9,000 people were promoted. After all, 35,000 people joined the entire establishment at once, and even ordinary soldiers were promoted to squad leaders.

44,000 people, just like an army, were divided into four divisions with 10,000 people each, and the remaining 4,000 people were formed into a guard regiment to protect Shen Hao.

Shen Hao only wanted to be happy with his two henchmen. Wu Juren, Zhao Jun, Ah Wei, Hou Xing and others were also promoted, one for each division, and the guard captain was given to Tian Jinzhong. It was originally given to Zhang Zhiwei, but unfortunately Zhang Zhiwei refused.

After the battle last night, Shen Hao suddenly became a domestic leader. One of the leaders of several major warlords, Shen Hao proved himself with his strength.

At the same time, Shen Hao destroyed Long Jiguang and captured more than 30,000 people. This battle shocked the major warlords across the country.

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