At noon, a conference room in Zhongl Nanhai was filled with smoke like a fairyland.

An oval table with everyone surrounding it.

There are 13 cabinet members including Education Zhou Ziqi, Foreign Minister Jin Yunpeng, Foreign Minister Wu Tingfang, General Minister Feng Guozhang, Vice President Tong Jinquan, and Vice President Li Bai Xiongqi.

Li Hong sat in the middle, while Duan Qirui sat at the opposite end, sitting on both sides. Duan Qirui was originally the deputy, but in order to show his status, he sat at the other end to show his disobedience.

It can be seen from the seats alone that there are many problems coming.

The dozen or so big guys present were silent, and everyone could guess why Li Hong asked them to come.

The entire conference room was quiet except for the sound of a few people smoking.

Li Hong was very dissatisfied when he saw that no one was talking.

He took a slow sip of tea and deliberately placed the teacup heavily on the table. The sound of the teacup instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Li Hong was still very satisfied with the effect he had created.

Seeing that his boss was dissatisfied, Jin Quan smiled and said to everyone:"Then let me give you some ideas first."

Li Hong glanced at Jin Quan with satisfaction, feeling much more at ease.

Jin Quan took out a letter from his document bag.

Jin Quan looked at everyone expressionlessly and opened the envelope.

He said calmly in front of everyone:"This letter is a letter from the Minister of the Interior, Shi Xu, to the President. It is also a letter to the entire cabinet and the entire government of the Republic of China.

Speaking of which, compared to me, everyone also You guessed it"

"Now that I have taken it out, let me say it.

Inheritance: In 1912, Empress Dowager Longyu accepted the"Preferential Treatment Conditions of the Qing Dynasty" and agreed to Puyi's abdication, transition of power to the Republic of China.

The second paragraph stipulates: After the Qing emperor resigned, the annual expenditure was four million taels per year. After the new coins were minted, it was changed to 4 million yuan, which is now appropriated by the Republic of China.

Since the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the preferential treatment and annual fees that should be given have been repeatedly exploited. The Ministry of Finance has allocated only 56% of it every year. The accumulated debt over the years has now reached more than 9.6 million. The royal family is helpless.

President Yuan's original promise to"include preferential treatment conditions into the constitution" has been temporarily shelved. In the past, the current government has been able to promote the inclusion of preferential treatment conditions into the constitution as soon as possible.····

Sincerely, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I have finished speaking, what do you think of the matter of 'constitutionalizing preferential treatment conditions'?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

The content of this letter expresses two thoughts.

One is to demand the 9.

6 million yuan owed in the past few years.

The other is to"include preferential treatment conditions into the constitution", which means to allow 4 million yuan to be included in the constitution every year.

This shows that the Qing royal family is very panicked in the face of the current situation of warlord rule, and hopes to get its own guarantee by entering the constitution as soon as possible.

No one dares to open it. Anyone who dares to open it is a sinner of the entire government.

There is no other reason than poverty. The money from the government is not enough to feed the royal family, but this preferential treatment is included in the constitution. 'It was the condition that Yuan Datou agreed to when he abdicated. But now that Yuan Datou is dead, no one wants to admit it.

Seeing everyone's silence, Li Hong coughed lightly and attracted everyone's attention. Dao:"

Let me talk about last year’s and this year’s budget and expenditures.

Last year, the national treasury actually received more than 130.67 million yuan, actual expenditure was more than 139.03 million yuan, and the over-expenditure was more than 8 million yuan in deficit. This is the best financial record in recent years."

After Li Hong finished speaking, everyone was silent. Everyone knew more about this situation.

"This year's budget revenue is more than 315.78 million yuan, and the expenditure is more than 315.17 million yuan. The balance of revenue and expenditure is about a surplus of 600,000 yuan. This is the calculation, but what is the reality?

Due to various provinces applying for reductions and exemptions, it was revised to more than 25.73 million yuan, but in the first half of the year, the actual relief of each province was only more than 8.65 million yuan, which was only about 1/3 of the revised amount and 1/5 of the original budget.

The actual solution in the first half of the year was only more than 10.29 million yuan, 1/6 of the original budget.

Revenue from public sales of tobacco and alcohol, government property and public debt are also far lower than budgeted figures: the budgeted revenue from the public sale of tobacco and alcohol was 11.

68 million yuan, and only more than 2 million yuan was actually collected in the first half of the year; the budgeted revenue from government property was more than 17.

05 million yuan, but in the current situation Under the circumstances of"Business is in decline and money is tight", it is estimated that only more than 8 million yuan can be collected in the whole year.

The public bond raising was launched in early summer, with a planned issuance of 20 million yuan. However, after three months of raising money, the income was less than 300,000 yuan.

I think everyone should understand why the income is so low, because the local governors no longer listen to us and they have guns in their hands.

The provinces are not paying the settlement now, but what about in the future? Are we too poor to open the pot and disband?"

Duan Qirui and Bai Xiongqi looked at each other and thought to themselves: Here comes the topic.

Sure enough, Li Hong said again:"Now that Zhongyang has lost military jurisdiction over the provinces, it can be said that the provinces can hardly collect the payments.

In this case, I would like everyone to share their views.

Mr. Feng, please tell me first. After all, you still work part-time as Su’s military governor.

Feng Guozhang shook his head:"I'm still the same, I don't have any objections.""

Immediately, Li Hong looked at Education Zhou Ziqi, Guo Fang Jin Yunpeng and others. Everyone was silent.

Li Hong snorted dissatisfied, looked around, and finally arrived. Duan Qirui is here

"Mr. Duan, would you like to share your opinion?"

Obviously, I want to give him authority. Logically speaking, I should ask the person with the highest ranking first, and then go on in order. Now I have deliberately ignored Duan Qirui. It is obvious that I want to make Duan Qirui look bad."

"I didn't pay much attention. You are the president and you have the final say."

But Duan Qirui also tolerated it and let you take advantage of it. What can I do? We will see who will step down in a while.

Even though I think so, I still can't live with this situation. , his face was a little ugly.

Li Hong looked at Duan Qirui, who had an ugly face, and felt secretly proud, no matter what, I am still a leader.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Hong said again:"Since everyone wants to listen to me, then I will. Let me briefly discuss my views.

Based on the above data, I think it is very necessary for us to support some patriotic, righteous and passionate young people and give them opportunities.

They have sharp ideas, full sense of justice, no bad habits and culture. They are the backbone we urgently need."

Everyone said, here they come.

It must be said that Li Hong is very good at setting the pace. First, he mentioned that the Qing royal family wanted"preferential treatment" for entering the constitution."The issue of He Zhui's debt made everyone feel heavy. They had nothing to say. The warlords were disobedient and wanted to support their own forces when they proposed the autonomy of the provinces. Li Hong said again for a while.

:"Last night, Long Jiguang of the Cantonese Army fought a vigorous battle with Shen Hao, the commander of the 28th Division of Western Hunan. The result shocked and surprised everyone, of course I was no exception.

Shen Hao actually used 9,000 men to defeat Long Jiguang's 50,000-strong army in one fell swoop. He also captured more than 30,000 soldiers and killed Long Jiguang. Anyone who has led soldiers before doing this kind of feat knows better about it. difficult.

In other words, there is no doubt that Mr. Shen's ability is not ordinary, but very excellent.

I won’t go into details. I believe everyone understands the situation.

I think everyone knows Shen Hao, the teacher better than I do.

Not only does he have a pure heart, is patriotic and passionate, but he is also willing to give charity. He once donated 500,000 yuan, which is the largest donation so far. It can be said that thousands of families are born Buddhas, and his merits are immeasurable.

This is something that is not found among all warlords. For such a good division commander, shouldn't we let him shine in a more important position? Lead more people to have enough to eat?

Having said this, I can’t just let me speak alone. Can everyone share their opinions? Please speak up enthusiastically."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent. Apparently they all guessed Li Hong's thoughts and did not speak out or object.

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