Chapter 35 Firefly

After a brief exchange, Shi Qinghai finally accepted the fact that the system would coexist with him, and he could observe all his actions from beginning to end.

Although Shi Qinghai is always awkward whenever he thinks this way, Shi Qinghai has always hinted that he has to adapt to this environment.

Because, there is no choice.

After that, Shi Qinghai felt sleepy.

According to the explanation given by the system, this is due to the sequelae of the first martial arts learning, and the body needs a period of sleep for rest adjustment.

Shi Qinghai didn’t doubt other things, and went back to the bed where You Long Xifeng just now, lowered the temperature of the central air conditioner, and took a short rest.

This time the sleep is not as fleeting as it used to be.

Shi Qinghai had a rare dream.

In the dream, Shi Qinghai came to the roof of the hut where he had passed through the former residence. There was a dim sky on the roof. The white shirt he had forgotten was hung on the clothesline, wandering quietly in the evening breeze like a snake shed its skin.

Shi Qinghai was taken aback, why did he come to this place again?

I just wanted to sit down and lean against the railing habitually, but the unusual movement of his hand caught Shi Qinghai’s attention.

It turned out that there was always a small firefly on his arm.

The firefly is shining with a faint light, and only in this dark night can its existence be seen. Maybe it is dying, I don’t know where it is.

How can you be here?

Shi Qinghai looked at the fireflies in a daze, and with a leisurely hand raised, the fireflies staggered and flew up.

Although the enclave was slow, it flew up after all.

Time passed slowly, the night enveloped the earth, and the fireflies stopped on the peeling paint on the wall, fumbled to the left and turned right, as if confirming something.

Slowly, it climbed to the top of the wall and squatted quietly, motionless as if it had stopped breathing.

Shi Qinghai leaned against the railing, staring at the fireflies quietly.

For a long time, both were still.

The wind was blowing, passing by like a river, and the leaves of the banyan tree next to the house rubbed against each other in the darkness, bringing a rustle.

Shi Qinghai has been waiting.

After a long time, the firefly flew up suddenly, as if trying to find the time that was just lost. It passed through the darkness for a while and then disappeared. The trail of the light was so timeless, as if it was trying to exist in Shi Qinghai forever. In my mind.

But how could this weak light wander around like a wandering soul with nowhere to go?

Shi Qinghai looked at the heavy darkness, feeling very stunned.

So Shi Qinghai stretched out his hand gently, trying to touch the faint light just now.

But no matter how hard Shi Qinghai tried, his fingertips always kept an intangible distance from the faint light spot.

Can’t touch, can’t own.

It’s gone, and disappeared after all.

As soon as this thought arose in his heart, Shi Qinghai felt an unspeakable pain.

This pain tore Shi Qinghai’s body as if to split him in half. The darkness faded quickly like a tide. Shi Qinghai struggled to open his eyes, but only saw the slanting sun on the far side of the mountain, like a dead old man. on one’s last legs.

After being in a daze for a while, Shi Qinghai slowly felt that he had returned to the real world.

Lifting the quilt, he couldn’t help but shiver.

Damn, the temperature of the air conditioner is too low.

This is the first time Shi Qinghai has felt the fragility of his body after passing through.

The dream just now wasn’t terrifying, but it was also deeply imprinted in Shi Qinghai’s mind.

Why do you dream of such a dream?

What does the disappearing firefly represent? Are you looking for something?

Recently, I am very happy and have a good time.

Shi Qinghai didn’t understand.

But for some reason, Shi Qinghai felt that this dream was extremely important to him.

Before I knew it, I seemed to accidentally drop something extremely important. And I haven’t noticed it yet.

Shi Qinghai drank a cup of warm water, felt a little better in his throat, and asked in his mind:

“System, since you can monitor my life, can you see my dreams?”

“can not.”

The system gave her answer.

After a slight silence, the system continued to ask: “What’s wrong?”

Shi Qinghai walked to the washbasin and washed his face with cold water, only to feel the body’s heaviness completely dissipated.

“No.” Shi Qinghai said.


At this time, the doorbell rang softly in the large office. After Shi Qinghai wiped his face clean, he quickened his pace and pressed the door open button on the desk.

Yang Xiaoran in an ol uniform walked in.

“President, good afternoon…” Her voice was hesitant that had never appeared before.

Shi Qinghai keenly sensed her abnormality, smiled, and said, “What’s wrong? Let’s just say it, we are all in this relationship.”

Yang Xiaoran couldn’t help lowering her head, her dark pupils turned to the right, and her fair and beautiful cheeks had a touch of shy pink.

“I, I seem to be suffering from heatstroke and want to take a vacation tomorrow.”

She pursed her lips, put her slender hand to her mouth, and coughed gently.

Listening to Yang Xiaoran’s words, Shi Qinghai smirked and said, “It doesn’t seem to be, it must be heat stroke.”

“You have so many’heatstroke marks’ on your neck, and you can’t hold it on your body. That’s normal.”

The so-called heatstroke mark, of course, was the little strawberry that Shi Qinghai planted for her.

Of course, since they are all suffering from heatstroke, it is certainly not only on the neck.

Being molested by Shi Qinghai in this way, Yang Xiaoran blushed immediately: “President, I, I didn’t suffer from heat stroke like this…”

“Stupid.” Shi Qinghai stepped forward and touched her small head with a generous palm.

Fingertips brushed Yang Xiaoran’s soft hair, giving Shi Qinghai a sense of peace of mind.

This is her own woman, she totally likes herself.

“If you are in poor health, go back and rest early, it’s hard work.” Shi Qinghai said softly.

Yang Xiaoran looked up and gratefully looked at Shi Qinghai.

“Thank you, President!”

After speaking, she raised her head, stood on tiptoe, and took the initiative to kiss Shi Qinghai.


After Yang Xiaoran left, Shi Qinghai smiled lightly.

This little secretary was lying to herself just now.

Combined with the sudden news of Tang Wu in the afternoon, Shi Qinghai was 80% sure that Xiao Ran was going to see Tang Wu tomorrow.

And why do I know that she must be lying?

This involves the psychology of micro-expression.

Generally speaking, when a person lies, facial expressions increase. For example, smile frequently and nod, because they want to use this to cover up their inner activities.

However, psychological research shows that our facial features are difficult to control completely.

If a person’s emotions are real, then her language and facial expressions will be expressed at the same time. On the contrary, if the emotion is pretended, it is difficult to synchronize the language with the expression.

For example, Shi Qinghai just asked Yang Xiaoran what was wrong. Yang Xiaoran first said that he had a heat stroke, and then looked at himself. This is a very obvious phenomenon of lying.

Moreover, Yang Xiaoran put his hand to his mouth inexplicably just now, coughing softly, in order to increase his facial expression. Putting your hand on your mouth is also an act of subconsciously unwilling to lie, to suppress one’s own speech.

Finally, Yang Xiaoran’s eyes have a very obvious problem.

Those who lie will either look straight into your eyes or look erratic.

Yang Xiaoran belongs to the second.

But Shi Qinghai is not worried.

Because, Yang Xiaoran, he is now his person.

Shi Qinghai can be sure.

She turned to her side.

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