

The sound of heavy breathing, the violent friction of the soles of basketball shoes against the wooden floor, the low roar of the teenagers and the confrontation of the body all continued in the gymnasium of the basketball department of Diguang Middle School. At this moment, everyone in the army, including the lazy Ziyuan Atsushi and the hot-blooded fool Qingfeng Daiki, all looked exhausted.

Whether it was Arakihiko’s freshmen who had just entered the first year of the department, or the senior first-year army, everyone was panting heavily, and their bodies were sweating like rain.

But even so, everyone is still staring at their opponents.

At this moment, the mixed competition between high and low grades requested by Coach Shirogane Kozo was carried out, and the junior Hikoichi Araki and Seijuro Akaji and Daiki Aomomine were grouped, while Shogo Haizaki, Shintaro Midorima, Atsushi Shihara were grouped with Shuzo Hiromura and another senior point guard.

But even if both sides look tired and almost unable to stand, the fighting spirit of both sides is indeed unexpectedly high!

At this moment, Hongmura Shuzo had received the basketball from his point guard, and he reached out to wipe the sweat that kept pouring out of his forehead, and then wiped it on his already soaked clothes.

In front of him, Araki Hikoichi, who was also breathing heavily, seriously opened his arms and resolutely blocked in front of Hongcun Shuzo.

“Senior Brother Yanyi, you can release me a ball~” Hongcun Shuzo smiled bitterly, flicked his already somewhat sore arm and said.

“That’s impossible!” Araki Yanichi flatly refused, he glanced sideways at Coach Shirogane Kozo who was sitting in a chair on the side of the court, “If this ball is not prevented, you will have to continue training for another half an hour to rest, Hongmura senior, I will definitely not relax!” ”

“Eh, how can this be~” Hongmura Shuzo pretended to have a headache, “I don’t even have the strength to walk now…”

Hongmura Shuzo hadn’t finished speaking, and even said that the distressed expression on his face hadn’t had time to change, but his body had already accelerated directly with the ball towards Araki Hikoichi’s right side to try to break through.

But it’s a pity that Hongmura Shuzo’s performance did not deceive Araki Hikoichi, and while Hongmura tried to break through, Araki Hikoichi took a big step to the right, and then blocked Hongmura Shuzo again.

“Huh? Didn’t he even fall for it~” Hiromura Shuzo did not have the slightest shame to deceive his juniors, he stabilized his figure while slowly withdrawing from Araki Hikoichi’s defensive range.

“Hmph, after all, Hongcun seniors are not the first time to use this trick!” Araki Hikoichi rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction with his unscrupulous predecessor and hummed, “I will never fall twice in the same place!” ”

After all, I was added half an hour of training after being fooled yesterday, and when I came home, my back hurt like it was going to break.

And seeing that the breakthrough was fruitless, Hongcun Xiuzao was no longer deadlocked, after all, the attack time was limited, and if the ink continued, it was estimated that the time would run out.

So Shuzo Hiromura passed the ball back to the outside again, and as soon as the basketball came to the hands of the senior point guard, he was forced by Seijuro Akaji.

At this moment, Seijuro Akaji has also reached the limit state, so he also has to fight hard so as not to be left for training.

The point guard, who was almost exhausted of strength, was suddenly in chaos under the pressure of Seijuro Akaji, but fortunately, relying on his experience, he still passed the ball steadily to the inside Atsushi Shihara.

Atsushi Ziyuan had just received the ball, and only listened to the “bar click”, and a figure with a clear height advantage pressed on his back.

“Don’t try to score!” The senior center classmate roared in a low voice.

“Noisy, noisy, noisy! I don’t want to stay in training! Atsushi Ziyuan flicked his hair unpleasantly, and then with his strength, he pushed against the center seniors who were taller than himself and wanted to squeeze under the basket.

However, compared to the senior center, Atsushi Ziyuan’s skills are still too rough, so with the little trick of venting, the two have a collision fight under the basket.

“Hey, Ziyuan, it’s almost out of time, back!”


Atsushi Shihara, who was battling his opponent behind him, heard someone shouting his name.

He glanced at the numbers on the timer, then smacked his lips unpleasantly, and then flung the ball hard towards the source of the sound.

Where the basketball went, a green-haired, glasses-wearing teenager struggled to maintain his facial expression, while the player who was supposed to defend him was stuck behind Shogo Haizaki.

Block demolition!

“Oops!” ×5

While watching the basketball reach Shintaro Midorima’s hand, this thought appeared in the minds of all five people on Araki’s side at the same time.

And the nearest Araki Hikoichi still wanted to remedy it, and rushed towards Midorima Shintaro hard.

“Hmph, as long as it’s a basketball I shot, it will definitely not be missed!”

Midorima Shintaro snorted coldly, “So, you guys obediently go to practice!” ”

With Midorima’s words, the basketball in his hand was shot.

And even though Araki’s reaction was fast enough, he was still one step slower, and his right hand missed the basketball by a millimeter, and then fell to the ground helplessly.

“Damn, it’s obviously a little worse!” Arakihiko said in annoyance, and then he turned his head and looked at the flying arc of the basketball.

Now, we can only hope that Shintaro Midorima missed the shot.

As for Araki Hikoichi’s reaction, Midorima Shintaro pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose arrogantly, “Hmph, no need to look, my shot, as long as I shoot, I will definitely not miss…”

Before his words fell, the basketball slipped through the air and slammed into the basket.


The basketball was bounced off the old high and flew straight out of the bottom line.

Shintaro Midorima’s expression froze.

This slap in the face… It came too timely.


Arakihiko, who reacted, jumped up excitedly, “You can rest!” ”

And the rest of Araki’s team was also in a joyous and festive atmosphere.

“Hey~ As a result, are we going to stay and practice this time.” Hongcun shook his head helplessly.

“Green boy, why didn’t that ball score just now!” Atsushi Shihara complained, “Obviously no one is defending, isn’t it!” ”

“No way, my arms are numb and I have no strength, and I can’t help it.” Shintaro Midorima blushed in defense.

As for Shogo Haizaki, this guy has already begun to sneak away, but unfortunately he was captured by Hongmura Shuzo.

Then several people began to discuss the back of Shintaro Midorima, but unfortunately before they could say a few words, Shirogane Kozo’s smiling old face appeared in front of them.

“Hehe, are you little guys going to practice more this time? And looking at your noisy appearance, it seems that there is still a lot of strength left…”

“So be it, first go back and run ten sets of warm-up, and then we’ll talk about the rest slowly…”

Coach Baijin Cultivation said softly and slowly, but his kind old face was like seeing a demon in front of Hongcun Shuzo and the others.

“Hey~ This old guy is the devil…”

Such thoughts appeared in the hearts of several people at the same time.

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