However, as a member of the era of miracles, Shintaro Midorima is naturally no stranger to the oppression of Araki Hikoichi.

So he just snorted coldly and walked leisurely to the three-point line position in his own half.

After serving at Yangquan High School, this time Araki Hikoichi also took over the basketball again.

After all, Shintaro Midorima is now scoring higher than himself, and in the era of miracles, Araki Hikoichi doesn’t like this feeling of being crushed, not to mention that at this moment, Masako and Little Peach are still watching from the sidelines, so you have to behave well.

Having made up his mind, Arakihiko attacked again as soon as he faced Shintaro Midorima’s defense.

Although Midorima and Araki Hikoichi are not in the same position, the coach of Hidetoku High School also understands very well that there is really no one else in Hidetoku High School who can defend Araki Hikoichi except for Shintaro Midorima.

So at this moment, the two of the same era of miracles finally ushered in the first head-on confrontation on the court.




The basketball collides with the floor very regularly, and the figures of Araki Hikoichi and Midorima Shintaro are one step away, constantly testing each other.

And looking at Shintaro Midorima, who was concentrating on defense, Araki Hikoichi’s eyes were also full of solemnity.

To be honest, when he was in Teiko Junior High School before, Araki Hikoichi never thought that President Midorima Shintaro was about the same height as himself.

As a shooting guard, Shintaro Midorima is 195cm tall, and coupled with his excellent jumping ability and shooting arc far beyond ordinary people, his shooting almost makes his shooting unstoppable.

And Shintaro Midorima is still a rare left-hander, so it is very easy to forget this crucial issue against an unfamiliar opponent, resulting in mistakes.

But fortunately, Araki Hikoichi is very familiar with Shintaro Midorima.

So at the moment when he made up his mind to attack, Araki deliberately chose the right-hand side that Shintaro Midorima was more unaccustomed to.

“Bang bang”

The sudden acceleration of the dribbling rhythm made the unsuspecting Shintaro Midorima stunned, and then in the next instant, Araki’s figure turned into a streamer, quickly breaking through towards Shintaro Midorima’s right.

But the distance was enough for Shintaro Midorima to react to the direction of Araki’s breakthrough, so he immediately moved towards his right side, wanting to block Araki’s attack.

But Araki Hikoichi turned a blind eye to Midorima Shintaro’s movements, he had already rushed along his own route, so in the next second, the two figures collided together under the gaze of everyone in the entire stadium, and at the same time, it was clearly a collision between flesh, and it did make a clear and loud sound.


As soon as the sound sounded, Midorima Shintaro’s body immediately showed a decline, and under the breakthrough of Araki Hikoichi not only quickly, but also containing absolute power, Taro felt his body retreat uncontrollably.

“This guy!” Shintaro Midorima gritted his teeth as if he tried his best to stop Araki Hikoichi, but to no avail.

He could only watch as Araki Hikoichi squeezed him aside with his body and rushed towards the basket.

Shintaro Midorima could only catch up.

And watching Araki Hikoichi break through Midorima Shintaro’s defense, Hidetoku High School’s center Taisuke Otai also took a step forward and blocked Araki Hikoichi’s forward path.

At the same time, Taisuke Otai’s figure slightly obscured Kenichi Gangmura’s figure and prevented Araki from passing the ball.

Although he had thought very thoroughly, Araki Hikoichi’s expression did not change, because he didn’t want to pass the ball in the first place!

With his jumping power, how could he be worried about this Daipei Taisuke in front of him, who was a little shorter than himself.

So Araki Hikoichi jumped directly in the somewhat surprised gaze of Daipei Taisuke, and his body flew unabashedly in the air in the direction where Daipei Taisuke was, while holding the ball in his right hand and heading in the direction of the basket.

“Do you have a physical confrontation with me, a big center…” Looking at Araki Hikoichi’s actions, Taisuke Otai’s face sank, “Although I have long known that the era of miracles is a group of conceited guys, don’t be too proud!” ”

“Drink!” With a low snort from Taisuke Otai, his burly figure also soared into the air, heading towards Araki Hikoichi’s body without fear.

“Watch me knock you straight down!” Taisuke Ohei thought in his heart.

But looking at Taisuke Otai’s movements, Shintaro Midorima, who was closely behind Araki Hikoichi, immediately reminded loudly.

“Be careful, senior!”

But it was already night, and by the time Midorima Shintaro’s words were spoken, Taisuke Ohiro’s body had already taken off into the air, and according to Mr. Newton’s great discovery, it was impossible for humans to change direction without being disturbed by other external forces in the air.

And Daipei Taisuke didn’t take Midorima Shintaro’s reminder to heart, after all, you see that this guy Araki is so thin, and he doesn’t have bulging muscles on his arms, even if the strength is great, how big can it be?

Taisuke Otei, who thought so in his heart, immediately collided with Araki Hikoichi’s body in the air.

Then, Daipei Taisuke blurted out a “lying groove”.

Because at the moment of colliding with Araki Hikoichi’s body, he felt that he was not colliding with a person, but an oncoming heavy truck, and it was the kind that stepped on the accelerator to the end.

The pound power that was completely disproportionate to Araki’s figure completely acted on Taisuke Otai’s body, causing pain that even distorted Taisuke Otaira’s facial expression.

And for the change in Daipei Taisuke at this moment, Araki Hikoichi did not care, he just tilted his head and his eyes were tightly fixed on the basket.


From the opening to the present, within a minute, the basket of Xiude High School was raged again.

And Taisuke Otsuba, who could not escape the shackles of gravity with the basketball, also fell to the ground fiercely, and he covered his suffocating chest that was hit and let out a muffled snort.

“It’s really… High school students? Taisuke Ohiro covered his chest and collapsed on the ground looking at Hikoichi Araki, who was standing in front of him, with a shocked expression.

And Midorima Shintaro also shook his head on the side, he had already expected this result.

After all, when he was in Teiguo Middle School before, he had never seen Araki Hikoichi lose to anyone in terms of strength except for Atsushi Shihara.

Instead, Araki Hikoichi looked at Taisuke Daipei who fell to the ground dumbfounded, scratching his head a little embarrassed.

After all, Taisuke Otai was hit by himself.

“Are you all right?” Arakihiko stretched out a hand towards Daipei Taisuke.

“It’s okay.” Taisuke Otai took Araki Hikoichi’s arm and stood up with a flat face, after all, as the captain of the team, he could not show a posture other than steadiness in front of the other players.

So he still looked calm and slowly paced on the court.

“It’s just that my chest hurts a little…” In a place that no one could see, Daipei Taisuke rubbed his chest with grin, and then immediately regained his composure. _

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