A few days after Masako Araki’s birthday, the National High School Basketball League officially kicked off.

Compared to the initial intermediate level competition, the high school league is obviously much more intense.

Twenty teams from all over Japan gathered in Tokyo by various means of transportation from all over Japan to the largest stadium in Tokyo.

There are more than 20 lounges in the huge gymnasium, so Yosen High School, including Araki Hikoichi, who also arrived here, was the first to rest in the lounge.

However, because Yangquan High School was a regular visitor to the national competition, everyone did not have any nervousness, but Masako Araki was constantly circling around everyone with her intimidating bamboo sword on her shoulder, making everyone who was still relaxed a little nervous.

Araki Hikoichi, wearing a purple and white uniform, leaned in the corner of the lounge, silently closing his eyes.

Because until this moment, who the opponent of the first match has not been announced, so in order to beware of the strong opponents that may be encountered, Araki Hikoichi must ensure that his spirit is in the most normal state.

Although the other seniors of Yangquan High School are relaxed, they will not be taken lightly, and they are all adjusting their state and preparing for the upcoming competition.

Soon, the command for the collection came.

What begins next is naturally the inevitable and most boring opening ceremony of every large-scale event.

Twenty teams from all over the country lined up neatly in front of the huge podium, and a large number of reporters with shining flashes made people a little dazzled.

Among the gathered crowd, Araki Hikoichi also casually found some old friends.

The uniform is Tonghuang High School with a large black and dark red striped style, Xiude High School in a simple orange uniform, a purple-haired boy who stands out like a flock of chickens with more than half his head tall, and the crimson that seems to flash from the afterglow just now…

Sure enough~ met at the national competition, guys.

Araki Hikoichi had a smile under his eyes, but it is estimated that although Araki Hikoichi found them, they may not be able to find Araki Hikoichi, after all, the black hair color is still too ordinary.


After the boring opening ceremony, all the teams disbanded on their own, and looking at the reporters who swept in, Araki decisively dismissed the idea of going to his old friends to greet him, and directly mixed in the crowd and returned to the lounge.

After some time, today’s calendar is finally here.

Because there are five complete large basketball courts in this stadium, the game is temporarily divided into five groups.

And when Araki Hikoichi looked at the schedule of the fifth venue where Yangquan High School was located, he finally saw a familiar name, Kaizune High School.

“Eh, did you meet Huang so soon?” Araki sighed with a sigh, “I thought I might not meet them in the group stage.” ”

After seeing Kaijo High School, Ara set his sights on the other two teams, Fukuda Comprehensive High School and Morita High School.

However, facing these two teams, Arakihiko scratched his head indifferently and looked away.

“It’s all names I’ve never heard of, presumably… It won’t be too strong~” Arakihiko thought to himself.


Because the first match at Field No. 5 was a match between Kaizumi High School and Morita High School, there was no mandatory requirement from everyone at Yosen High School, so everyone disbanded, but because Masako Araki had something important to do with Momoi May, Arakihiko followed his able-bodied seniors to visit the matches at each venue.

Then, the group of Yangquan High School set off in a mighty way.

As a result, in various venues, a high wall of human beings appeared, wearing white and purple sportswear, attracting the attention of many people, because… They are so tall!

In this way, starting from the No. 1 venue, Araki Hikoichi followed his predecessors dizzy, I don’t know when, when Arakihiko repeatedly raised his head, he had already arrived at an unknown place.

However, looking at the crowds coming in and out and the gate full of light, Araki Hikoichi felt as if he had arrived at the entrance of the gymnasium.

How the hell did you get here?

Araki Hikoichi himself felt a little surprised, after all, this gymnasium is so big, the road inside is twisted and turned, and it is still quite round.

However, looking at the people around him, Araki didn’t think he could go back to the Yangquan High School lounge alone, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Momoi May or Araki Masako.

But at this moment, Araki Hikoichi suddenly saw a familiar figure walking in from the door of the gymnasium.

The long black hair was tightly tied behind the head, revealing the forehead and narrow eyebrows, the hair behind the head was braided with a few small braids, and there were several obvious marks deliberately shaved on the scalp, which was full of uncomfortable flamboyance and weirdness at first glance.

He was wearing a dark red uniform with black trim and four characters Fukuda Comprehensive written on it.

“This guy…” Araki Hikoichi looked at the figure who walked in a little stunned, but the guy who walked in did not notice Araki Hikoichi’s gaze at all, he was holding an open bottle of Coke in one hand, walking wobbly, with a little bad breath.

In this way, he walked straight to the depths of the gymnasium and disappeared into Araki’s field of vision.

“Oh, I thought I could meet a lot of acquaintances on the court, but even unexpected people appeared?” Arakihiko shook his head slightly and muttered.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you, Shogo Haizaki-san…”

Araki Hikoichi, who didn’t know what to think, flickered a little because he suddenly remembered Shogo Haizaki’s retreat.

After all, how you look at it, Shogo Haizaki doesn’t look like someone who will take the initiative to retreat…

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, as long as you win the game, whether it’s Ryota Huangse or Shogo Haizaki, anyway, the person who wins the game is definitely himself.

Then Araki picked up his phone and dialed it.

Within a few seconds, as the phone beeped, a crisp girl’s voice came, “Is something wrong, Hikoichi?” ”

Listening to Momoi’s May voice on the phone, Arakihiko’s tone was as calm and calm as ever: “Na, little Peach, I’m lost.” ”

Momoi May: “…”

“So do you know where you are now?” Momoi May’s tone was a little helpless.

“Probably at the gate of the gymnasium~”

“Don’t run around, I’ll pick you up.”

“Good.” _

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