
Shogo Haizaki’s basketball was once again slapped out by Arakihiko.

After being capped twice in a row, Shogo Haizaki finally admitted that Araki’s physical strength seemed to be less than he thought.

And what’s more, his physical exertion is too great.

So Shogo Haizaki, who originally went all out against Hikoichi Araki and suffered a loss in physical fitness, is even more sad now.

Close body defense, physical confrontation, originally this is what Shogo Haizaki avoided as much as possible, but at this moment, in front of Araki Hikoichi’s speed, Shogo Haizaki, who could not shake off Araki Hikoichi’s figure at all, could only eat it abruptly.

And eating these confrontations, this means that Shogo Haizaki’s physical strength is further consumed, and when consumed, he will not be able to shake off Araki Hikoichi’s defense, so that the vicious circle.

As for Fukuda’s pitiful score advantage just now, it has long disappeared into the hands of Araki Hikoichi.

It’s just six points, and for a miracle era-level player, it’s only a matter of two or three minutes.

“You bastard!” During the attack, Shogo Haizaki looked at Hikoichi Araki, who blocked himself with his body and then quickly broke through, and his angry eyes were a little bloodshot.

After all, he has plundered the face of the era of miracles, how can he not control the game, then the title of his own era of miracles? Isn’t it a phantom again!

Thinking of this, Shogo Haizaki, who was already violent, clenched his fists.

“Hikoichi Araki, kill you!”

Shogo Haizaki, who was rushed into his head by anger, immediately turned around and chased after Araki Hikoichi’s figure.

Araki Hikoichi saw Shogo Haizaki’s figure out of the corner of his eye, but he was not worried, he was just because Shogo Haizaki wanted to turn back to defense, and he did not notice the hatred and unwillingness in Shogo Haizaki’s eyes, as well as a little jealousy in the deepest depths.

Araki still chose to slam dunk this time.

But just after he jumped, Shogo Haizaki, who was chasing behind him, also jumped up.

What is this for?

Araki Hikoichi, who noticed Shogo Haizaki’s movements, was a little puzzled, even if he jumped, he couldn’t stop his attack, right?!

It’s completely meaningless.

But in the next second, Araki Hikoichi understood the meaning of Shogo Ashizaki’s jump, because after Arakihiko jumped together, he didn’t mean to stop Araki Hikoichi from shooting at all, and Shogo Ashizaki directly raised a leg in the air and kicked hard towards the back of Araki Hikoichi.

There was no concealment at all, and Shogo Haizaki’s gaze was full of fierceness.

“Be careful!” As a coach, Masako Araki was the first to discover Shogo Haizaki’s intentions, and she quickly got up to remind her, while ignoring any rules, and rushed towards the court with her own bamboo sword.

“This bastard!” Araki Hikoichi in the air couldn’t help but burst into foul language, he really didn’t think that Shogo Haizaki would shoot directly in the game, you must know that if you let go in private and be officially found out, you will be banned, so if you want to do it directly in the game, it is estimated that you will be permanently added to the blacklist, and by the way, added to your life resume, he never thought that Shogo Haizaki would care about these things at all.

However, even if I didn’t expect it, there was no way.

At this time, Araki Hikoichi was already a little panicked.

He is now deep in the air, if he is really kicked by Shogo Haizaki’s sleep, he must directly hit the basket, and at that time, even if he keeps bones, he will at least see some blood.

So now Araki Hikoichi decisively forcibly turned on the acceleration of thinking, after all, life safety may not be guaranteed, where will care about what side effects.


As his thoughts accelerated, Araki Hikoichi’s mind spun rapidly, trying to get the least damage to himself.

“If only there could be a fulcrum…”

As soon as this thought came out, Shogo Haizaki’s eyes lit up.

It is naturally impossible to appear as a fulcrum out of thin air, but Araki has a basket in front of him.

So relying on the reaction time of the accelerated thinking, Araki Hikoichi quickly let go of the ball completely before Shogo Haizaki touched him, and grabbed the basket tightly with both hands.

And in the next moment when Araki hiko grabbed the basket, Shogo Haizaki’s leg kicked Araki Hikoichi’s lower back.


A dull hit sounded, accompanied by the referee’s crazy whistle.

“Hmm!” Arakihiko snorted one by one, knowing that now the side effects of his use of thought acceleration have not been completely eliminated, and his body has suffered a strong blow, even if his physical fitness is amazing, he can no longer eat it.

After all, this is a miracle era level Shogo Haizaki’s all-out flying kick.

At the moment of the kick just now, Shogo Haizaki felt a sound similar to a dislocation of his joint from his waist.

And also under the action of that kick, Araki Hikoichi’s body was thrown out like a swing, his hands clutched the basket deadly, and under the dual action of gravity and power, the basket was pulled into a bow by Araki Hiko’s life, showing a state of overwhelm.

However, at this moment, Araki Hikoichi really has to be glad that this basketball frame is tough enough, because even if it is deformed under great pressure, this basketball frame is still firmly fixed on the basket, and Araki Hikoichi is naturally safely hung on it.


After landing, Shogo Haizaki didn’t stop at all, and he didn’t think about stopping when he started.

So ignoring the whistles of the surrounding referees, taking advantage of the moment when the people of Yangquan High School and Fukuda Complex fell into sluggishness due to the sudden upheaval, Shogo Haizaki wanted to continue to move towards Arakihiko.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked a little terrifying.

At this moment, Araki Hikoichi was hanging on the basket, and at the same time, because Araki Hikoichi, who was almost difficult to move by Shogo Haizaki’s full force, subconsciously let go, his body fell directly from the basket and let out a groan.

“It hurts!”

Pain? There will be more painful time!

Shogo Haizaki grinned, revealing his cold white teeth.

But just as he was about to rush towards Arakihiko again, a figure blocked in front of him like a gust of wind.

“Who is it…” Shogo Haizaki’s vicious words were not finished, a bamboo knife carrying the whistling wind fell on his head, Shogo Haizaki only felt that he seemed to be shrouded in a phantom, there was no difference between his body and the bottom, and before he could even see who the person in front of him was, he was slashed right in the head by the last and the powerful sword of the bamboo sword.

Shogo Haizaki rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

Until he fainted, Shogo Haizaki did not see who the person in front of him was.

He only vaguely remembered that the guy was wearing a pure black suit…

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