However, Araki reacted quickly.

After all, the gentle smile that Akaji showed in front of him was exactly the same as the expression that someone used to show before.

Is that so?

Araki understood.

In fact, he always thought that Seijuro Akaji was like a changed person, because he received a blow and his personality changed greatly, and now it seems that Seijuro Akaji is schizophrenic?

That said, this should be… Neuropathy?

“Well, it’s similar to what Hikoichi-san thinks.” As if he could see what Araki was thinking, Seijuro Akaji said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Seijuro Akaji looked left and right and continued: “But it doesn’t seem to be a place to reminisce, so for now, let’s end this game first!” ”

“Well, I can’t ask for it!” Araki responded.


In fact, in the time when Seijuro Akaji was stunned just now, the third quarter of the game had ended, and the fourth quarter of the game had begun.

If it weren’t for the passage of so long, Araki Hikoichi wouldn’t have been able to open the score to a gap of 17 points, after all, with the defense of Reiyao Shibu and others, it was also a trouble!

And now, with only eight minutes left in the game, Seijuro Akaji is finally back in the ring.

Seijuro Akaji dribbled the ball steadily, his gaze looking towards Kotaro Hayama behind Araki Hikoichi.

Akaji this guy… Want to pass the ball? It’s really not his previous style.

Araki Hikoichi followed Seijuro Akaji’s gaze and glanced at him.

But the moment he looked away, Seijuro Akaji suddenly flicked his wrist, and the basketball flew directly towards the seemingly unoccupied free throw line at an amazing speed.

But Araki could see that Dai Chihiro was standing in the direction of Akaji’s pass.


Dai Chihiro’s palm slapped on the basketball.

“Huh?” He couldn’t help but speak out in surprise.

Because the basketball at this moment was in contact with his palm, he felt that he seemed to be using less force than before, but the basketball still came directly to the hands of Shi Lingyang on the outside with the direction and strength he thought.

Reiyo Shibu made a three-point shot, and Ibaraki also missed the defense and hit the shot.

“Three points are effective!” The referee gestured.

“This pass… Akaji, don’t you even go on yourself? Arakihiko muttered.

“Why come by yourself? There is clearly a better option, isn’t there? Seijuro Akaji smiled.

“It’s really not like you~” Araki Yanichi said.

“Actually, this is the real me.” Akaji replied softly, then he turned and ran towards his half.

“Akaji, how did you do your pass just now?” On the way back, Dai Chihiro couldn’t help but lean towards Akaji, “Why do I feel unexpectedly effortless?” ”

“Oh, that,” Seijuro Akaji explained.

Looking at the figures of several people returning to the field, Araki Hikoichi suddenly felt that this match seemed to be still played.


Seijuro Akaji reproduces the pass.

Because he distanced himself from Araki Hikoichi in advance, even if Araki Hikoichi sensed Seijuro Akaji’s intentions, he could not stop the latter.

This time, Seijuro Akaji’s basketball was appropriately delivered to Kotaro Hayama, who was rushing towards the basket.

The extremely comfortable pass allowed Kotaro Hayama to catch it easily, and then used a small lever to avoid Kenichi Okamura’s defense, and then scored two points.

“Cast beautifully.” Seijuro Akaji praised.

“Hehe, hey, it’s Akaji-kun who passed the ball well.” Kotaro Hayama scratched his head embarrassedly, he was not used to Seijuro Akaji’s praise.

Patting Kotaro Hayama’s shoulder, Seijuro Akaji nodded.

Although the score has not been pulled in much, the state of everyone in Luoshan is indeed getting better and better, and it seems that it will be time.

Seijuro Akaji thought to himself.

And in Yoizumi’s attack, Araki Hikoichi once again stood in front of Seijuro Akaji.

Seijuro Akaji suddenly looked up and asked, “Hikoichi-san, you said that your zone state is so strong, how many people who enter the zone can stop you?” ”

“Huh? What is the problem? Araki was a little confused.

But with Seijuro Akaji’s next words, the corners of Araki’s eyes jumped wildly.

“Five people, is it enough?”

As Seijuro Akaji smiled and said these words, several sparks burst out of the corners of Seijuro Akaji’s eyes.

Seijuro Akaji, finally entered the zone again!

Moreover, it was not over, as Akaji Seijuro opened, then under the guidance of Akaji Seijuro, the corners of the eyes of the other four people in Luoshan High School who were in step and became more and more consistent also flashed different colors at the same time.


Everyone in Luoshan University finally entered the state of zone at the same time in all this!

“How is it possible!” Masako Araki looked at the changes on the field and stood up directly in surprise.

It was zone, except for the realm that few geniuses could enter, and now what did she see?

Full staff pseudo zone?!

Yes, it is pseudo zone, except for Seijuro Akaji, the rest of Naksan University is not a complete zone, if zone can exert 100% of a person’s strength, then pseudo zone, can let people play to 80~90% of the ability, even so, it is a considerable improvement.

“Is it someone’s ability?” When Masako Araki’s gaze sees Seijuro Akaji’s body, can he guide the rhythm of his teammates and thus enter the state of pseudo-zone?

So now it seems that the outcome of the game is uncertain again.

After all, after entering the state of, no one knows how strong the offensive ability of Luoshan University is.

And now, all the eyes of Yangquan Gao are focused on one person.

Hikoichi Araki!

That’s their only hope.

And Araki Yanichi felt the change in the momentum of everyone in Luoshan High School.

With the blessing of pseudo-zone, the physical fitness of the three uncrowned five-generals such as Reiyo Shibu is no less than the era level of miracles, and Dai Chihiro already has the shadow of Tetsuya Kuroko, plus Akaji, now Araki Hikoichi is facing, which can already be regarded as a complete miracle era team!

“The Age of Miracles?” Araki whispered, and as his gaze sharpened, he raised his head to Seijuro Akaji and said in a low but firm voice, “But it’s not enough! ”


Sparks flashed and electric lights danced.

Araki Hikoichi entered the zone!

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