I really don't want to read files

Chapter 553 Xiaoguzi's wine

Some people are single in the game and the enemy, they will say when they don't win, say:

"I feel you want to lose."

In this way, after losing, you can drink a sigh of water, sigh, indicating that "at least my judgment is still accurate", to maintain a certain young man's face.

Gu Xiaoyan's mentality is also the same as this.

She knows that her girlfriend is to sleep, my boyfriend, I know that the two is the one night of the most customary fire, so I played a predecessor in advance, how much can be high as a big woman, don't let my heart The slight negative energy is leaked when it is coming, it is embarrassed.

Lin Xiaoxian understood her ideas, and can do it, it is notep to accompany her before the birthday of Good Baby.

When visiting the night market at night, it is also very "eccentric" to let Lin Xiao Shu play with the other two nephew, and I will slowly visit the old wife of Gu Xiaoyan.

"It's like a small milk." Su Yuan evaluated this.

"What?" The study committee licked a sugar gourd.

"It's today's husband."

Su Yuan pulled a little aunt, and he couldn't see the distant point of the figure.

"It feels like a small cream dog of Xiao Yan, all kinds of shadows are not departed, and there will be only crab meat to Xiaoyue."


Learning members stunned, there is some big, and she licked the sugar gourd, I want to put the sugar clothes and then bite again:

"So you are awkward?"

"I am jealous?"

Su Yuan turned his head in Zhou Jia:

"How is it possible? That's a little brother, and my husband took out what happened to her later? I am not some vinegar tan ..."

"Oh." The members of the study were clear, "I am a vinegar tap? Pour a shout ..."

"Ha! You see you."

Su Yuan proudly stretched out a finger:

"I obviously said some, you tells its admission, is not guilty of that?"

"I ... I ..."

Learning committee peripheral vision to see sister sub seemingly shaking his head, his face a little embarrassing, croon soon turned away:

"Well, do not tell you, you are a language class representatives, I like to play word games ..."

"Hey ..."

At this time, the Soviet Union yuan a good mood, also does not know you are going to learn and how far members opened ...


The night market is rich and lively entertainment and food, everyone also had a good time.

"Su Yuan ~"

"This way here!"

Before long, a few people began to mysteriously re-emergence of Ma Weiwei, then the Su Yuan also pulled into their ranks, do not say what to do, anyway, also asked the study members do not follow up.


Study members initially did not react, or forest beside a small book to tell the truth:

"Of course ... of course ... belch ~ Allison sister to buy a birthday present ... ah ... hic ..."

I see.

Students are learning members previously had two girlfriends and most people had heard this my heart is there is a never had the warm touch of his lips blooming sweet smile, and then gradually disappear:

"Little ... little book? How do you?"

"No ... no ... hic ~ how ah ..."

Say is not how, cheek small book of forestry is red micro little drunk, and has been hiccups.

Smell the sweet rice flavor in the breath, the study committee remembered that the two seem to have a few local specialty in a stall.

Deer turtle wine, coconut milk wine, betel nut, sweet potato, mountain wine, seaport big song ...

These alcoholic high-low numbers have, and the study committee has not continued, but now I want to come ...

Looks like a little augler tastes a few more times ...?

"Small book, are you drunk?"

"It seems ... ~ ... it seems to have a little ..."

Lin Xiaoshu is still small, and it is very low for alcoholic resistance such as white wine outside the beer. I have already added a girl.

So the study committee quickly made a call to Lin Xiaoxian.

"That's better, you take a small book back to the hotel, this will be almost 11 o'clock, we have a copy from here to the hotel."


After communication, the study member said to Su Yuan, and then supported the Little Book to the hotel.

Fortunately, this decision is fast enough, because when I returned to the room, Lin Xiaoshu began to say nonsense:

Jiajia ... Sister ... "

"Well, my sister is here."

Zhou Jiawen is softly, and there is something that is waking up some honey yogurt from the refrigerator.

However, there is a saying that she feels drunk, the little girl, is quite interesting.

This is the case, it is also drunken. If you happen to adults, what you think that this person is either a bitter, or there is no self-control.

The child happened in pure as white paper, Zhou Jia felt that there was a bit embarrassed, cocoa loves love.

"Sister ~ ..."

Oh. "

Drunk little augs, even the sound became a milk.

"Sister, you ... your sugar gourd ..."

Sugar Hourble?

The child has always remembered her sugar gourd. But when she bought it, she still, really ...

"The sister of the sugar gourd is already eaten, what you want to eat, let's tomorrow ..."

"No ~ ..."

Lin Xiaoshu interrupted, and he was unfortunately.

Zhou Jia watched the sorrow, the ear passed, and then the ear was coming, and the little augster cute himself:

"Just ... I am ... I am alive ..."

"Well? What?"

"It's ... Jiajia sister ... ... eat sugar gourd, good ... good ..."


"Good ... color ..."


Zhou Jia was gone.

She didn't listen to it wrong?

What is this little augster?

"But ... or ... There is no small book to skilled ~ ... I know, my brother, when the book serves his sweet gourd every time ..."


Time is a little bit, Zhou Jia's donkey is getting more and more confused, and the cheek is getting more and more hot, so I can't hear the little grouse.

"Small book you ... you are drunk, first drink some honey yogurt, take a break."

After the study, the success of the battle to the bathroom and washed his face, and he felt the heart like a small drum.

My day ...

What did Xiao aughetters have just said something ...

Say your good, as mentioned? Can you love love?


Although there is also a kind of cute, but ...


So Xiao Xian, he, with the small book ...?


Although they have no blood, but sudden "broke the news" or let the study committee shocked.

"Call ..."

She patted her face, looking at myself in the mirror, I spent ten minutes after I was in peace, and I recruited the little augal "drunk migo", and the mood suddenly suddenly thought of another critical thing.

That is, if there is such a small book and Xiaoxian ... I have a close relationship, I said that she means that she wants to do a good relationship with Xiaozi in the future, what is the other way?

"No right! No, no ..."

This idea has taken place to let the study committee will be shocked, feel the shame, shake the head, and then look at the room, the little augs of Hu Yan chaos have already fell asleep.

So, then the study committee silently sat in her side, etc., while other people, I was digesting the urgent secrets just known.


The difference between digestion is almost, even after you have a little sleep, the study member opened the eyes and looked up, can't help frown.

11:59 ......

It's twelve o'clock in a minute, how have you not come back?

Don't say other people, even Xiaoxiao, they are also, what is the situation ...


Just wonder, the study committee suddenly glanced, thinking about what, then went to the door of the room.

She just opened the door, the next moment, accompanied the singular singing song, a dining car plugged in a double-layer cake in full, was put in the crowd, and she was pushed in.

"I wish you a happy birthday ~ I wish you a happy birthday ~"


Some people play the beat, some people put BGM outside the phone, and some people hold a bunch of shiny gift boxes, everyone is filled with smiles, and the hard-working study committee, despite the psychological preparation, at this moment still tears sparkling Cover your mouth, then hit your own girlfriends.

When other people did not pay attention, Lin Xiaoxian also stretched his arm and saved the study committee in a small hand behind Gu Xiaoyan.

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