I really want to hit the street

Chapter 101: 100,000 words take off, 200,000 words explode!

After Pu Jie stayed in Changdong City for three days, he reluctantly said goodbye to the crew, leaving the professional team Wang Jin and Zhang Wei behind, and boarded the train back to Kyoto alone.

"Well, the Crystal Palace foot bath is really good."

For three days in a row, Pu Jie felt comfortable after being rubbed.

Sitting on the train, which was not very comfortable but at least not crowded, Pu Jie finally had time to look at the data of his new book.

In the past few days since he went to Changdong City, he had been running around.

During the day, I selected actors with the crew, discussed the script with the director, and even directed a few special actors to act in two parts to get a feel for it.

Finally, the routine he played in "Country Love" in his previous life was transferred to him. How much Fu Weng can use it with the current script depends on him and the two screenwriters.

Pu Jie didn't have time to stay on the set all the time.

These days, I have been busy with the crew and rushed to write at night, but I haven't been able to finish 10,000 words.

So I posted a 6,000-word chapter for three days in a row.

The guilt is deep.

Since he decided to publish the book, when did he update it like this?

An author who can't update 10,000 times a day is different from Yang Wei?

Pu Jie can't even finish writing the book, so he certainly doesn't have time to read readers' comments and book statistics.

Anyway, the news posted on social media in the past few days must be bad news.

It's just that Pu Jie has put this book in a controllable position, so it won't be too bad.

"There were only 1,300 collections on the first day, and there will definitely be fewer than the first day later."

"Even if I haven't looked at it, I can already deduce the most reasonable result, because anything that goes against the laws of the market will never happen."

“Add up to 2,000 collections in these 3 days!”

Although Pu Jie never received a big push on the homepage for five years after writing a book in his previous life, he often saw others on it. He drank lemonade while looking at other people's data, and he had long discovered this pattern.

Although the starting point of the Qidian website is different from that of the previous life, the operation methods and recommendations are very similar. It seems that this set of policies is consistent no matter which world it is in, proving its rationality and efficiency.

It is not only convenient for readers to find books, but also convenient for recommending authors' books.

Pu Jie took a look at the new collection: 2107.

"Look! It's true!"

Pu Jie felt that he had thoroughly studied Qidian.

Then happily open the subscription data.

[New subscriptions yesterday: 11251]

[Average subscriptions to chapters: 1035]

[Maximum subscriptions for a single chapter: 1379]

So weird, take another look.

Still weird!

Pu Jie put away his smile, feeling that there seemed to be a little problem somewhere.

"I remember before I left, the average order was 210. For 3 days, the average order increased to 825?"

"What the hell!"

He went back to the collection location and looked at it again, only to find that 2107 new collections were added yesterday!

"What the hell?"

“The number of collections increased on the last day of the big seal promotion was more than on the first day???”

Pujie can't understand!

Because the position of the big seal is constantly moving backwards, there are a total of 4 books scrolling in the position of the big seal on the homepage. Every day, the previous book will scroll back one space.

Therefore, on the first day of the big promotion, readers can see it at first glance, but on the second day they can only see it after the recommendation position scrolls.

Day 4. You have to scroll through the previous 3 books to see this one.

Moreover, it has been posted for several days. Many book friends have already seen it. Those who want to read it have been added to the bookshelf, and those who don’t want to read will naturally not read it.

Therefore, the effect of big seals is fading with the times.

The number of new collections on the first day was 1308.

Pu Jie believes that the next curve should be: 1000, 600, 400.

A total of 2,000 will be charged, and then an additional 200 will be added to the order, and that’s it.

The result was different from what he thought!

On the last day, I actually added 2,000 to my collection.

He looked back at the collection data from the previous two days.

August 6: 3620 new collections added;

August 7: 2717 new collections added.

Pu Jie: (°ー°〃)

"Something's wrong, something's definitely wrong!"

In total, the collection in these four days is close to 10,000!

Not only has it not reached the lowest level of the starting point, it has even surpassed the average level and reached the higher column!

Generally, only books with attractive titles, good introductions, good reviews, and high-quality content will perform so well in the recommendation position.

"I've obviously got the first three items under control!"

Pu Jie entered the comment area of ​​"Legend of the Stars" with a skeptical attitude and saw the number one post: "Only after reading the first 200,000 words can you understand the introduction of this book."

Posted by: Teacher Liu who loves to be sick.

Number of replies: 2841; number of likes: 3106.

A post hangs steadily at the top of the book review area, with a large number of Long Kong Heizi's posts at his feet.

The dazzling data, like a proud general, is declaring its illustrious results to Pujie:

No one can comment better than me!

Pujie:? ? ?

Where did such a silly post come from?

And why does this title and phrase seem so familiar?

Every time Pu Jie sees content in this format, it means he is doomed.

Open the post content with trembling.

"Did you see the introduction to this book and not know why, so you came to the book review section to find the answer?"

"Congratulations, you came to the right place!"

“At first, I didn’t understand. I even thought the author was deliberately being disgusting. But after consulting the Chinese teacher who is the best at teaching reading comprehension in our school, I completely changed my opinion.”

"Let's just talk about the last sentence that is easy to cause ambiguity. Maybe people think that the author is scolding the people who read this book for being brainless, but... is this really the case? Don't you think about why the author wrote this?"

"If a brainless person sees this, he will curse and walk away. Only when he calms down and thinks about it, will he slowly realize that this is a variation of the classic double negative expression affirmative sentence structure in Chinese language. What the author actually means is This book is a fun read for the brain, and readers without brains should not read it.”

"The content of the three sentences above in the introduction may seem awkward, but when you see the 200,000 words of this book, it will suddenly become clear."

"The book took off with 100,000 words and exploded with 200,000 words!"

"Be patient and look back. Trust me, you will come back eventually and reply to my post: It smells so good!"


Pu Jie looked down and saw "It smells so good!"

Many people posted it several times for fear that the post would be lost.

It is also mixed with some other comments from readers.

"I didn't plan to read it at first, but after seeing this comment, I suddenly became a little curious about the 200,000-word content."

"If you say he's good, I might not watch it. If you say he's bad, I might not watch it. But if you want to play suspense for me, I have to take a look. If it doesn't taste good after a while, I'll kill you." Reported!"

"Damn it! I've read 200,000 words. The protagonist's family is really unlucky. No matter where he goes, he can provoke powerful enemies. When the protagonist calms down the family crisis and gets Jiang Lan back, I won't I saw it, otherwise I would feel unhappy.”


"Brothers, there are some idiots who are mindlessly trolling the books. Please leave more comments and upvote this post! Otherwise, the author will become autistic due to being trolled, and we will be stuck at 200,000 words with no books to read!"

"Damn it! That's not okay, give it to me!"

"Like +1"



Pu Jie: "."

He probably understands why the data has increased dramatically.

This 'sick teacher Liu' actually blew up the introduction written by Blind Ji Ba and cooperated with him in a wave of honey.

It is deliberately mysterious, but it arouses the interest of readers.

Readers can't help but want to see what the content of the 200,000 words is, how it relates to the introduction, and why it exploded at 100,000 words and took off at 200,000 words.

Even readers who didn't want to read it were aroused to have a rebellious psychology and wanted to say "it doesn't taste good" after reading it.

Then, they will see the latest chapter.

This is just like the sentence in the introduction of a popular book: [Chapter 62 takes off, Chapter 92 explodes. This is a story about an ordinary man trying to transform himself into the savior of civilization. 】

The same power!

Readers just want to see how he explodes and takes off.

Then I kept reading.


Pu Jie feels that this generation of readers is poisonous!

Why can't they trust their first instinct?

I'm obviously disgusting with you!

Pu Jie took a look at the time of this post. It happened to be around 6:30 pm on the first day of the big push.


From that night on, his data started to look wrong.

Looking at the rising subscription data, and more and more people staying under the latest chapter: "Quick update, can't sleep at night".

On a hot day, Pu Jie was so angry that he was shaking and sweating all over his body.

"This world has ill intentions towards me."

On this speeding train, Pu Jie curled up in his seat and shivered, missing his quilt very much.

There will be more in a while.

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