I really want to hit the street

Chapter 107 Classic Re-Engraving

Qidian’s writer assistant app allows you to view the data of the entire book, as well as new comments.

Including paragraph reviews, chapter reviews, and book reviews.

Among them, book reviews are displayed in the book circle, and readers can see them under the book.

It is also the first thing most readers will see after reading the introduction.

According to incomplete statistics, about 70% of readers will take a look at the comment area before reading a book.

However, in the Writer Assistant, all the author can see are new comments. The previous comments have been suppressed and will not be looked back at.

Pu Jie thinks that if the new ones are properly managed, there will be no problem.

As long as all the new positive comments are deleted, the comment area will continue to be occupied by negative comments from followers of Shadow Night Cat.

Of course, since believers have become operating officers, they can control and evaluate themselves, and Pu Jie's workload has been greatly reduced.

It is rare to see a fish that has slipped through the net escape.

Therefore, he occasionally glances at the comment section and deletes the good comments that have not yet been processed, and then he is done.

This approach has achieved remarkable results!

In the second half of the month, although readers continued to subscribe steadily, there were fewer and fewer new readers!

The results couldn't be better.

"The recommendation will be posted in two days. This time there are believers to guard the door. Plus I deleted the good reviews in time, so it must be foolproof."

Pu Jie has learned his lesson from last time and will never allow the "vicious" comments like "Teacher Liu who loves to be sick" to appear in the comment area!


"Hehe~ I have locked his post now. After the settlement is completed and I get the subsidy from the system, I will release this post. Then I will let this book make money for me again! After clearing the system, I will leave it again Readers, two blooms!”

Pu Jie had already planned it.

The rush is temporary. After receiving the system subsidy, you can earn royalties from this book. At that time, you can do a two-level reversal, package the book well, and then ask the dog editor Xiaoxing for two complete book recommendations. , you can also make a lot of money by eating the corpse of this book.

Anyway, if it does not exceed the system subsidy, it will be given to him. If it exceeds the system subsidy, he has completed the task, and it is all the royalties at his disposal!


Pujie figured out the system thoroughly!

In the blink of an eye.

Two days passed.

Saturday, September 6th.

The day has come for recommendations.

As expected from Pu Jie, something happened.

Wei Fan invited him to watch the finished film of "Urban Dragon King's Son-in-law" and at the same time complete the publicity plan they talked about last time.

Fortunately, he also did editing at a studio he found in Kyoto City.

Pu Jie took a taxi and went there.

On the way, Pu Jie looked at the huge sum of 320,000 yuan in his bank card and prepared to buy something for himself.

"Buy a car?"

Pu Jie shook his head. The money was not enough to buy a good car. A 200,000 yuan car was not worthy of his status as a best-selling author. It was better not to buy it.

Pu Dingling, a well-known screenwriter in the industry, king of new media, and best-selling author, drove his BMW One Series into the scene!

Oh my god!

Does BMW still have a series?

The appearance and styling are not as good as Camry.

No girl would be willing to get into a BMW series car, right?

No way, right?

Pu Jie didn't want to hear such comments. His wish to buy a car in his previous life did not come true. He must buy one that is affordable in this life, otherwise he would take Yuhan out for a ride and not be able to speed up, which would be embarrassing.

As for buying a house in Kyoto... haha.

"I'll wait until I take out the 7.8 million to buy something big. I'd better buy something affordable now, such as some new clothes, a new mobile phone, and a desktop computer and an ergonomic chair for myself."

It’s time to upgrade your outfit, and at the same time upgrade your coding tools.

Laptops are always inferior to desktops.

Especially for coders, they have to stare at the screen and code for so long every day. If the screen is not good, it will be very uncomfortable, and tears will flow out while coding.

And it’s fun to watch movies on the big screen!

Pu Jie got excited when he thought about it. In his last life, he used a 750ti graphics card until death. In this life, he would buy himself a 3090-level graphics card.

Bring a 4K monitor.


Pu Jie was smiling like an idiot in the taxi. He didn't look very smart.

The driver silently locked the door and waited until Pu Jie scanned the QR code to collect payment before letting him get off the car.

However, it is temporarily unavailable for the past two days. After finishing Wei Fan's affairs, Pu Jie will ask Jiang Yuhan to accompany him to buy it next week.

Not only can she help him choose suitable clothes, but she can even help him carry his computer.

Kill two birds with one stone!

After arriving at Shenhua Building, we found Wei Fan watching the finished film in Feihuang Studio on the 34th floor.

After the two had a cordial interaction, Pu Jie finally saw the finished film of "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King".

The first feeling is: really good!

There is texture!

It’s funny!

The entire film, from the camerawork to the lines to the plot, is full of two words: serious!

Although limited by funds, the picture is not very good, and some scenes clearly show the shortcomings of insufficient funds, but based on Pu Jie's many years of experience in chasing dramas, it is a good work.

"Good boy. Did you film a Dragon King TV series like this?"

"Ah? It's not bad. It's a pity that some parts didn't meet my expectations. Unfortunately, we don't have the money to add more lenses, so it's almost at this level."

"Steady, steady! This quality, coupled with my publicity strategy, is absolutely ok!"

The Crooked Dragon King was made into a TV series, and Pu Jie actually saw this day.

"In this way, you edit some fast-paced scenes according to what I said, and then they all end with the Dragon King's crooked mouth, and create a few more clips."

Pu Jie designed the shot based on the Demonic Dragon King commercial drama that became popular on Douyin and Bilibili in his previous life, highlighting a short, fast and exciting!

Complete the entire episode within 1 minute.

Then he twisted his mouth.

Although Wei Fan didn't understand why the plot with content and plot was cut into such a brainless way, editor Pu looked very confident, which made him a little unpredictable.

‘Could it really be popular? ’

He shook his head and didn't think so. With so many wonderful film and television commentary accounts on Douyin, how could this kind of short video with no content, no depth, no reflection on the excellence of the work, or even lowering the B-level of the work stand out?

'Forget it, editor Pu can do it if he wants to. If it doesn't work by then, I will secretly delete the video and pretend that nothing happened.'

The staff in charge of editing were also a little speechless. They had seen many demanding directors holding a bunch of bad materials and insisting that they cut out a work that could win an Oscar.

I have also seen unique editing requirements, and even many flashback suspense editing styles.

But this is the first time I have seen this kind of TV series that was originally of good quality cut into a 1-minute trailer that looks like a fool.

But fortunately, the operation is simple and there is not much workload.

It can be done in two days.


Even if he is busy this time, Pu Jie will occasionally take some time to delete the positive reviews of "Legend of the Stars" on Writer's Assistant.

"Eh? The believers have been a little slack recently. There is actually a little villain who said that "Legend of the Stars" has the potential to be a hit. Why don't we arrange it in Africa immediately? Forget it, I will arrange it for him directly."

"Now is a critical period for recommendations, and I will never allow any good reviews to appear!"

"Now is a critical period for recommendations, and I will never allow any negative reviews to appear!"

Xin Zhao holds his new spider web screen mobile phone and is ready!

Two days ago, he changed his ways and deleted all his previous negative review posts!

By the way, all Long Kong's comrades who were in the comment section with him before were also banned for 50 years.

"I'm sorry, brothers, I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

However, when he was the operating officer before, he had deleted all the positive and negative reviews in the comment area, leaving only one post that was locked by the author and could not be deleted.


Pu Jie is frantically deleting new and positive reviews, and Zhao Xin is frantically deleting new and added negative reviews.

They both deleted all new comments!

There is only one post left in the comment area of ​​"Legend of the Stars": "Only after reading the first 200,000 words can you understand the introduction of this book."

Readers who followed the recommendation point read the introduction once.

Very strange, take another look.

Still weird!

Check out the comments section.

Huh? More than 10,000 collections, just one post?

What a weird comment section!

After reading it, I felt so guilty!

Today I, Fat Tiger, want to see what kind of content can take off at 100,000 words and explode at 200,000 words!

After reading it, add it to the bookshelf and leave a sentence:

"Quick update, I can't sleep at night!"

The classic is recreated again!

There will be more in a while.

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