I really want to hit the street

Chapter 114 If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless

September 13th, morning.

The second day after launching short video platform ads.

The Qidian Operations Department was so happy as they watched the new user data increase crazily!

How long have they not seen this kind of data?

and! The most frightening thing is that almost all of these people read the novel after downloading it. They are not at all the kind that used to rely on psoriasis advertising pop-ups to cause customers to accidentally click and download.

This group of users is really interesting!

They came just to read novels!

After new users registered and signed in, they all received a free reading card for one day, and then they started reading happily.

For most Douyin users who have never read online novels.

"Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is extremely attractive!

Simply can not stop!

If a masterpiece like "Swordsman in the Rain" is released, which sells IP, they may not be able to read it, but "Little White Dragon Wang Wen" is really good!

These users are essentially new media users!

But this time, Qidian diverted these people who have never read the novel to its own app through short videos, preventing middlemen from making the difference!

At present, all the data is looking good!

Tell Qidian Operations Department that this investment in advertising is a wise choice!

Editor-in-chief Xingchen came to the operations department early in the morning.

He stared at the big screen. All data such as the number of app downloads, the number of new users registered, the number of check-ins, the number of users reading for more than 10 minutes, etc. were all rising crazily!

Feeling numb!

The corners of Xingchen's mouth turned up higher and higher unconsciously.

His expression gradually became that of a dragon.

"Okay, okay!"

"As long as this trend is maintained, the number of new users on our main website will definitely increase significantly. We must do a good job in user retention and push all activities to it."

"In addition, a new Dragon King short video advertisement will be launched in two days, and all 10 of them will be uploaded before October 1."

"Understood boss!"

The people in the operations department are very motivated.

Although the idea comes from the editorial department, these rising figures will be bonuses for their department in the future!

How to motivate employees?

Send money!

What if it doesn't work?

Send more!

Qidian's bonus policy ensures that people in each department will receive additional compensation for their performance.

"Pu Ding, it's interesting."

Xingchen unconsciously sketched the image of a talented market operator in his mind. He was in a neat suit, moved quickly, and had an absolutely confident smile on his face as a professional manager.

"Isn't this kind of talent the right-hand man I'm looking for?"

If he wants to run for the president of Qidian Group, he must have his own team. He is an editor, and he has gradually reached the position of editor-in-chief and become the vice president of the group.

Currently, it is showing its prowess in the operation of online articles, which has brought two major waves of profit growth to the group, and its prestige is currently high.

If this year's Qidian main website can be operated well, next year's board of directors may directly win the position of president in one go!

But Xingchen thought for a moment and gave up on this unrealistic idea.

"For a best-selling author at the top of the channel, it is difficult for Qidian to offer him enough treatment to impress him."

Pu has set a one-month subscription fee of one million yuan, can Qidian pay it?

Take it out.

But won't give it.

As a vice president, his annual salary is only two million, not counting shareholding.

"Hey, there are really geniuses in this world."

Xingchen is gone, and the operations department continues to operate.

Pu Jie lay dead for a day before reluctantly crawling out of his quilt.

He had no choice but to accept the fact that his operating officer had changed from a 'believer of Shadow Night Cat' to a 'confirmed fan of Pu'.

Open the Writer Assistant app.

The average subscription of "Legend of the Stars" is still rising.

A cat-and-mouse game is still going on in the comments section.

The praise was hidden by Xin Zhao, and then he moved his position to discuss it under the title of the first chapter.

It's like having an affair in front of Pu Jie.

The post about "Love Sick Teacher Liu" has been deleted by Pujie.

It's really terrible!

This kind of fishing post might as well be praised!

Pu Jie conveniently banned some people who posted positive comments today, then opened the work settings interface and set a fan score of 500 or more before he could speak.

"This way, the workload will be much less."

After all, the most prominent person in this book has rebelled. From now on, he will have to do the work of deleting good reviews by himself.

But how do we get back to the bad reviews we had before?

Pu Jie thought for a while.

Sent a private message to Xin Zhao: “In the future, don’t delete negative reviews!”

Xin Zhao immediately replied: "Why, author? They are hacking your work! If you don't control the reviews, other readers will think it is a bad work and stop reading it. Trust me "

Pu Jie rolled his eyes, don't you understand?

You used to be the leader of Heizi!

Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to be an operations officer!

You have been pretending to be a fool for a long time and are waiting for me here. See you soon, right?

However, he cannot directly say that he just wants to be hacked and wants others not to see his work, otherwise he will be warned by the system that it will be ruined.

"No, you have to find a suitable reason to cheat."

Pu Jie thought for a moment and replied: "It's too small, the layout is too small! Tell me, what is the comment area of ​​the work for?"

Xin Zhao: "Uh, readers discuss books?"

"That's right! The comment area is originally used by readers to discuss books. Those who say that this book is not good, are they not readers? Even if they glanced at the title, the introduction, and the first chapter title! At that moment, he is also a reader of this book! He has the right to write down his feelings at this moment in the comment area!

Xin Zhao: "But... what some people say is too offensive. It's not a normal discussion at all."

"The layout is small again! No matter how uncomfortable this book makes him feel, he can express his feelings, even if it is to vent his emotions! Everyone is tired enough in life, and reading novels is the Relax yourself. If you hold back what you don’t like, wouldn’t it make you miserable? Readers are all God! We write books to serve God, and we should be criticized if we don’t serve well! Make people progress!”

Xin Zhao: "But the reputation of your book is..."

"Word of mouth? What is word of mouth? Is word of mouth based on controlled reviews still considered word of mouth? Xin Zhao, I hope you understand that if criticism is not free, praise is meaningless."

When Xin Zhao saw this sentence in school, his mind exploded!

Like an enlightenment, I felt a higher realm of thought.

He murmured: "If criticism is not free, then praise is meaningless."

“A reader who only watches for a moment is also a reader.”

"Criticism can make people progress."

"Is this the height of Pu Ding's thinking?"

After a while.

Xin Zhao: "Dear author, I understand. I will never delete comments again!"

Pu Jie got the answer he wanted and was satisfied.

I conveniently deleted a good review that just popped up.

"If you don't control reviews? How can you make money if you don't control reviews?"

"Huh? There's also a comment urging updates on the latest chapter, 'Update quickly, I won't be able to sleep at night'?"

"Okay! If you dare to push for an update, I'll leave you after 50 years!"

Pu Jie happily finished the review and took a look at the website recommendation position of "Legend of the Stars". The website recommendation position has been downloaded, the collection is no longer increasing, the new subscriptions have stabilized, and he feels that everything is back to normal again.

Just open Douyin and prepare to reward yourself with 30 minutes of happy time.

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