I really want to hit the street

Chapter 117 Why am I doing it myself?

Tuesday, September 19, sunny.

It is advisable to work hard and avoid chatting.

Pu Jie woke up early in the morning, took out his mobile phone and opened the Writer Assistant app.

I casually deleted a few reminders and banned them for 50 years.

"Urgent! I keep urging you every day! I'm afraid that others won't know that there are so many people reading this book. Damn it!"

"Why is it so difficult to create a state where no one cares about you?"

"Damn it, Xin Zhao won't delete the good reviews for me!"

Fortunately, after his last persuasion, Xin Zhao at least would not delete the bad reviews.

Seeing that the comment area was gradually filled with negative reviews, Pu Jie felt slightly better.

Finally, he no longer has to be misunderstood by the brain-filling monster.

"It is still very important to control reviews. The collection of books has obviously not increased recently. Even after it was added to some book lists, readers came here and were scared away when they saw the comment section."

Open the data of "Legend of the Stars".

It's all red!

Pu Jie: (°ー°〃)


Rubbed his eyes.

Go in again.

Still blushing!

"What the hell?"

Without any warning, yesterday, subscriptions suddenly skyrocketed!

"Legend of the Stars" is like having a flying monkey on its butt, and it takes off in a whoosh!

The average booking has increased from 2001 to 2382!

Orders increased by more than 300 per day!

Let's just say that my whole face was confused.

This is completely different from what Pu Jie expected!

He originally expected that "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" would see a surge in sales, but for some reason, in the previous week, he only added favorites but did not increase subscriptions. It was like a ghost collection.

Then, "Legend of the Stars" actually increased in price!


Very strange!

Pu Jie looked at the other two books and found that "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" had a small increase, and "Country Scoundrel Doctor" had a sharp increase, even more than "Legend of the Stars"!

The average order has also increased by more than 300!

but! That's a 300-yuan subscription of 1.5 million words, and its content is twice as high as the 730,000-word "Legend of the Stars"!

It has already entered the top 10 on the best-selling list, directly shoulder to shoulder with the greats!

Such a huge change in data also shocked the experts who were competing for the rankings!

"What happened to the kidney?"

"It's so fast! This book wasn't in the top 100 yesterday, but today it's in the top ten!"

"Oh, when I saw it, it was a young author who had no moral ethics and came to swindle and deceive an author who is more than ten years old. Isn't this ridiculous? This is outrageous."

"I advise this young comrade to be careful and think carefully, and not to act like this again in the future. Little cleverness, ah... The Internet literary circle should value peace, practice martial ethics, and don't engage in slander."

Many great writers and ordinary authors don’t understand why a book that has been completed for more than two months suddenly breaks into the top ten bestseller lists.

He didn’t recommend it, nor was it popular.

How else to explain it other than a brush?

But there is no need to read a complete book, right?

It’s not like we can spawn a Twelve Heavenly Kings.

Today, many Qidian author groups are discussing this matter. They don’t know the details of Qidian’s operations, and they have no idea how the sales came from.

A small number of great masters, especially the books on the ranking list and the more conspicuous recommendation positions on the homepage, also feel the blessing of traffic.

Sales have seen a slight increase.

Everyone discussed this matter in their respective circles, and then checked with the editor, and they probably understood what was going on.

Qidian has a new group of readers!

This made everyone very happy.

This is where everyone can eat some meat and increase their subscriptions.

After these high-exposure works are digested, this group of readers will be brought to other Qidian books and continue to contribute to the entire Qidian ecosystem.

With this huge wave of traffic, the person who takes the first bite will get the biggest gain!

The earlier the piece, the more it is added.

"Who is the first person to eat traffic?"

Looking at "The Rogue Doctor" which ranked tenth on the overall best-seller list and "Legend of the Stars" which ranked thirty.

Some well-informed masters seemed to understand something.

But Pujie doesn’t understand!

"Why? Who did I provoke again?"

After Pu Jie was incompetent and furious.

I can only ask Xiaoxing angrily.

"Dog editor! Come out!" (deleted)


"Edit Xiaoxing, there was something wrong with my subscription data yesterday, look! (Screenshot.jpg)"

“Something is definitely wrong”

Xiaoxing took a sip of jasmine and wolfberry water. She felt that it was not good for a single person to drink wolfberry water all the time. Recently, some pictures that should not have appeared in her mind. In the dead of night, she even wanted to go out to do charity.

He couldn't bear to see those ragged young ladies standing alone under the street lights!

He knew that something was probably wrong with him.

"From now on, I will drink less wolfberry water. Recently, my hands are a little numb when I exercise at night."

He turned around and saw the news that Pu Ding was dead.

"Huh? I'm OK."

Open the screenshot and see that Pu Ding has a large increase in subscriptions circled in a big red circle.

Xiaoxing understood.

Pu Ding's classic question.

If you are a general editor, you really can’t understand it.

You may even think that Pu Ding is asking why there have been so many subscriptions.

This would make people laugh!

But Xiaoxing is no ordinary editor.

He and Pu Dingle had a tacit understanding, so he could naturally find Pu Dingle's "real" meaning from the seemingly ordinary words.

"Pu Dingle is complaining that the subscription increase is too small!"

"He is questioning the conversion rate of Qidian's operation this time!"

"If he had done it himself, there would definitely be more than 6,000 new paying users yesterday. He taught us a little trick, but we only learned this and didn't make anything new. Everything was done step by step under his arrangement. We didn't have anything of our own."

"So, Pu Dingle is unhappy! He should have gotten more users with such excellent ideas!"

After thinking about the key points of the matter, Xiaoxing began to reply.

Dog editor Xiaoxing (Daodaodaodaodao): "The data is indeed not very good, but we have tried our best. In the next half month, it should gradually increase."

Such exaggerated data will increase again? ? ?

Pu Dingle: "What did you do?"

Xiaoxing was ashamed when he saw it.

Pu Dingle was questioning what they did to cause such low traffic.

Dog editor Xiaoxing (Daidaidaidadao): "Our ads just copied your ideas, but the conversion rate of new media users is really not high, and the payment rate is very low, but don't worry, most of these new customers have seen your new book as you thought, and the data will not be less than yesterday's every day."

Pu Dingle: "?"

Here we go again!

Pu Dingle's classic question mark means that he is about to end this topic.

Hurry up and explain the matter.

Dog editor Xiaoxing (Daidaidaidadao): "Don't worry, in order to help you, I also applied for the homepage 'Best Seller Selection' recommendation for you, just in early October, with this wave of traffic, it will definitely take off!"

Pu Dingle: "???"

The avatar is black.

Xiaoxing smiled with relief, Pu Dingle's three question marks expressed shock and gratitude, and ended the topic by the way, and then went offline to write hard.

He has completely mastered the way to chat with Pu Dingle, and can accurately analyze the meaning of every sentence he said.

"Maybe Pu Ding will be happy to find a confidant like me sometimes?"

Seeking a confidant in the mountains and rivers.

Beijing Art University, male dormitory 404.

Pu Jie had a lot of questions in his head.

After talking with Xiao Xing, he thought about it and figured out where the readers came from.

They were all attracted by advertising.

Qidian did the traffic-generating activities according to his ideas, and finally attracted all the traffic to his books!

He dug a hole for himself!

And then he jumped in happily and covered himself with dirt.

Looking at the 100,000 yuan advertising fee share from Wei Fan in his bank card, he felt it was particularly hot.

After getting this 100,000 yuan, his subsidy may be reduced by more than 100,000 yuan!

"Fuck! Why am I messing with myself!"

Pu Jie felt his blood pressure was going to rise.

"Hurry! Let me finish writing quickly, I want to finish the book, I want to finish the book!"

"Fuck Xiaoxing! Fuck Qidian! Fuck new users!"

"My subsidy!"

There will be more later.

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