I really want to hit the street

Chapter 119: Textbook-like TV Drama Promotion

Lime Yingca, hit the target with one stone - Cupid-themed king bed room.

Under dim pink light.

There is an electric sofa, a small coffee table and a double bed in the room.

Seeing this formation, Jiang Yuhan's face turned even redder.

This is too obvious.

The top layer of the coffee table is okay. There is a large fruit plate, some snacks, drinks, beer and so on.

But on the second floor of the coffee table, Pu Jie seemed to see a few boxes of ultra-thin latex products that he was familiar with but had never used before.

He swallowed.

"Sit down, shall we?"


The two of them sat on the sofa in perfect agreement, without looking away, and neither of them mentioned the bed.

It’s as if it doesn’t exist if you don’t look at it.

The maid expertly turned on the device, played the first episode of "Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King", then turned off the light and walked out gently.

Before closing the door, she said: "Our rooms here are very well soundproofed. Don't worry about affecting the guests in other rooms. If something happens, please press the small button on the coffee table to call our staff. If not, , we will not come to disturb your viewing, you pay for one night, and we will call you at 9 o'clock the next morning."

Jiang Yuhan was already so embarrassed.

She pinched her two little hands together, and the blush spread from her neck to the roots of her ears.

She could only be glad that the lights were turned off now, otherwise Pu Jie would have thought she understood when he saw her like this.

Humph, I don’t want to understand!

"Ahem. Got it."

Pu Jie specially booked the night for convenience and not to be rushed. He originally only planned to leave after watching four episodes of the TV series.

But why does it sound so exciting at this moment?

Can I stay overnight in a private movie cafe?

Homeinns call the experts directly!

The waitress exited, and the title of "Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King" was already playing on the big screen. It was worthy of being an 800-price private theater a night. The acoustics in the room were very good, similar to those of a large cinema.

The sound comes together and the atmosphere comes instantly.

Pu Jie also relieved his nervous mood. After all, it was his first time to come to such a relatively private place with a girl.

He stretched out his hand to get something to eat, to relieve some of the slightly awkward atmosphere at this time.

Then he met Jiang Yuhan, who was also about to take the fruit, and touched that soft little hand.

Pu Jie felt that the hand below suddenly froze.

Then he calmly took a strawberry from Jiang Yuhan's hand.

"Ahem. Eat and watch at the same time."


Jiang Yuhan took a small orange and started to stir it by herself.

Jiang Yuhan, who was usually cheerful, spoke a lot less. Pu Jie secretly glanced at her, her face still red.

It became clear immediately.

The little girl is very shy.

Pu Jie suddenly became a little bolder.

People are like this. They are quite shy originally, but when they meet someone who is even shyer than themselves, they can't help but act as the offensive party and try to find ways to arouse the other person's interest.

"It's about to begin. We can see the performance of the Crooked Dragon King and you soon."

"Guan Yunpeng is a better actor than me. His mouth is really good at twisting. He even taught us how to twist our mouths."

Jiang Yuhan made a crooked mouth movement towards Pu Jie, but the corners of her mouth could not be raised, but instead she looked silly and cute.

Jack Pu resisted the urge to squeeze.

"It's just normal, keep trying."

"Ah, it's begun!"

On the big screen, the classic first act is displayed.

[Episode 1: Return of the Dragon King]

"The three-year period has expired. I respectfully invite the Dragon King to come out!"

The two's attention was also drawn to the TV series.

Pu Jie had seen the rough cuts of the first few episodes from the studio and did not look at the final product seriously.

Jiang Yuhan, even more so, has never been to the set since filming was completed.

Publicity relies entirely on the Internet.

Jiang Yuhan, like ordinary netizens, has only seen those 10 videos of the Dragon King's crooked mouth.

Before the official version was released, she had no idea whether the TV series was good or not.

The interest of the chief writer and the heroine was attracted by the TV series.

The two of them looked at each other attentively, but occasionally they bumped into each other while picking up snacks.

It was a little accidental at first, but then the coincidences became more and more frequent.

Jiang Yuhan didn't say anything, but her face was slightly red, charming.

October 1 is the first day of the National Day holiday. Not only Pu Jie and Jiang Yuhan watched "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" on time, but the 20-day brainwashing advertisement on the short video platform has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone remembers the "Crooked Mouth Dragon King" Embarrassing drama.

There are also some talented UP owners on Station B who edited the crooked mouth scenes in 10 videos to make a ghost video.

Essence extraction!

10 different crooked mouths in different scenes, with a degree of popularity*10, the video became popular immediately.

Netizens laughed like crazy.

There is a crooked mouth trend circulating on the Internet, and everyone is imitating the crooked mouth Dragon King.

The male protagonist Guan Yunpeng also came out in person and posted a video on Station B to teach everyone how to twist his mouth correctly and how to make a nice curve. He received a lot of likes and was jokingly called the most down-to-earth actor by netizens.

There is also a piece about Dragon King's style that has been wildly mocked by netizens.

"The three-year period has come. When the Dragon King returns, his wife turns out to be a cuckold. In a rage, he marries the old mother-in-law. The cuckold disappears automatically and he becomes the father of his original wife."

"The three-year period has come. The Dragon King came back and saw his daughter living in a doghouse. He was furious. One hundred thousand soldiers came back and helped the Dragon King build a big doghouse next to it and let the Dragon King live in it."

"The three-year period has come. The Dragon King returned and saw his daughter being sold to a brothel. He was furious and sent one hundred thousand soldiers back to help his daughter with her performance!"

"The three-year period has come."

This drama became popular before it was aired!

When Wei Fan saw such a miraculous propaganda operation, he almost fell to his knees in front of Pu Bian.

The effect is great!

Not only did he not spend a penny, he also received 200,000 Qidian.

This publicity is amazing!

In the industry, publicity companies in the film and television industry speak highly of this wave of operations.

It is said to be a textbook promotion of the TV series, without any effort, and it is very popular.

Tonight, the news that ""Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" premiered" directly entered the top three hot searches on Weibo!

No recharge. It all depends on strength!

This is rare in Weibo.

It is also a coincidence that there are not enough companies with large recharges today, otherwise the top three will definitely be gone.

However, the vast majority of netizens do not watch it to catch up on a good drama.

But to see if there is any new material to work on.

It's a bit embarrassing, banging on the floor or something.

Theoretically, from past experience, from a normal person's perspective, from any dimension!

Promotional videos are the essence of a movie or TV series. Naturally, only by bringing out the best can others pay for it.

And the promotional video for "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is simply poisonous!

Not only is the plot mindless, it's also very awkward.

It's the top.

It hasn't even started yet, and everyone already thinks it's a bad drama, but it's so bad that it's innovative, it's transparent, and it's bad enough that it dares to admit it.

The director has probably given up on himself by releasing such a promotional video. Instead of being scolded when it is released, it is better to entertain everyone and make everyone happy.

This effect was indeed achieved.

Therefore, after having fun, will netizens still demand the high quality of this TV series?

Not at all!

Who would compete with a fool?

The crew has let themselves go, so who wants to catch them and beat them? Even the most venomous film critics watch it with the intention of having fun.

Everyone's psychological expectations have been stretched to the bottom.

Just to see how many times the Dragon King can twist his mouth and whether he has any new pretentious postures.

By the way, the heroine and supporting actress who flashed through the film looked quite eye-catching. At least the crew still had a good eye for selecting actors. They could see beautiful women and alleviate the embarrassment.

At 8 p.m., "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" will be played on time.

A somewhat interesting edited title was played, and a line of large characters and several lines of small characters appeared on the screen.

["Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is adapted from Pu Dingli's novel of the same name]

[Director: Wei Fan, Screenwriter: Pu Ding]

Some eagle-eyed netizens noticed that the screenwriter of this TV series is actually the original author.

But before we get into details, the TV series begins.

Netizens started watching.

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