I really want to hit the street

Chapter 124 Don’t keep asking questions (2/5)

Chapter 124 Don’t keep asking questions (25)

Throughout October, Pu Jie did not wait for his traffic decline period.

The TV series "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" has been popular for a month.

Pu Ding also became popular for a month!

It made seven entries and seven exits on the best-seller list, reaching its peak of fifth place!

It scared the great masters so much that they dropped all their manuscripts.

Regarding this situation, Pu Jie felt like crying without tears.

"What a sin!"

Average bookings have skyrocketed, directly to 13,000!

It is also due to the fact that there is currently no master writing about this subject. Pu Jie is the only traditional fairy tale among the top 100 best-sellers. Even though the writing style is average, it is better in that the plot is coherent and there are no major shortcomings in all aspects.

And the most important thing is that it is full of immersion!

Things like Xiaobaiwen are poisonous.

There is no dyslexia at all when reading, allowing readers to ignore the text and just be immersed in the story, unable to extricate themselves. It is a lot of fun to follow it in one go.

The higher the word count, the more obvious it is.

Pu Jie has written 1.2 million words last month. The protagonist is carrying out the Nth family rescue operation in the fairy world, and is looking for Jiang Lan, who fell in love at first sight.

With 12,000 words written every day, the feeling of catching up is simply addictive for readers!

So cool!

Reject ink-printed plots, reject showy words, and reject literary youth!

Please just flood me with tons of updates!

Pujie did it.

Therefore, his performance on the best-seller list is improving day by day.

Subscriptions are growing every day.

In the beginning, it relied on the traffic recommended by new readers and 'Best Sellers' to reach the top ten of the best-selling list. Generally speaking, when the recommendation effect disappears and the readers stabilize, they will quickly fall off. Basically, it is a , two days of hard work, a flash in the pan.

But Pujie is different.

Behind him is not only the traffic from last month’s advertising, but also a steady stream of TV series fans coming to read his books, which has diverted a large portion of the traffic to new books.

By the way, there is also the traffic blessing of the best-selling list itself.

This creates a cycle.

The more the list is exposed, the more readers will be - the more readers will be, the more subscriptions will be - the more subscriptions will be, the results will be good - the results will be good, the list will be improved - the list will be more exposed, the readers will be more

Pu Jie has created a vicious cycle for himself!

The cycle lasted for a whole month!

After settling the October manuscript fee.

Pu Jie looked at the monthly royalties of 250,000 for "Legend of the Stars" and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Could it be that the book I wrote is really good?"

"Is the guidance from the God of Peace useful? Why do I feel that what he says makes sense?"

"The market for traditional immortality writing is really huge."

"I got everything according to what he said. Why do I have so much stamina now?"

"God of Peace, who are you?"

Pu Jie put down the writer's assistant app that had become a mess. He could no longer control it. The operations officer and disciplinary assistant went crazy and turned against him.

As a team of three, they fight every day.

Those two people had to kill Pu Jie to be happy.

Pu Jie has become a Buddha and will no longer quarrel with the two of them.

It’s all the dog system’s fault!

Seeing that Xin Zhao was not allowed to be relieved of his status as operations officer after helping to promote the book, he was disgusted.

"I won't ask the operations officer for anything in the next book! No one can be trusted as much as your own hands!"


Pu Jie opened QQ, which he had not watched for a long time, and dragged out the Qidian Group 2 group chat from the message box.

He wanted to see who this Ping An was.

Why do you feel vaguely that you have been cheated?

When things have developed to this point, something seems not quite right.

Pu Jie entered the second group and silently peered at the screen.

It seemed like there was a party inside.

Everyone was wildly sending out 'cheering' expressions.

Also mixed in with a few rainbow farts.

Xiao Zhou: "Ping An Shenniubi! Killed another big boss in the rankings!"

Brother Xiaoyan: "The god of peace is too powerful! Even the great gods are afraid of the power he exerts!"

Magic Conch: "How can I witness such a prosperous age created by the God of Peace!"

Hui Yao Yougui: "We, the second group of ordinary authors, can brag a lot. God of Peace and I have bragd together!"

Uncle Tian: "Bah! I even suppressed the God of Peace. Am I proud? Did I show off? Now, I am the number one licking dog of the God of Peace, and no one can compete with me for this position! God of Peace, look at the licking ! (I will lick you to death today.jpg)"

Happy and safe: "Huh? Uncle Tian, ​​don't be like this. I still like the feeling when you pointed at my nose and scolded me. Please recover."

Uncle Tian: "Okay, the dog is safe! I now order you to give me a quick push! Otherwise, I will scold you! You... you little idiot!"

Everyone: "."

Xiao Zhou: "In a situation like ours, Uncle Tian, ​​who can compose an impromptu poem?"

Confused: "I'll do it!"

"I'm looking for you Zhang Tui and being scolded for having a hairy gouba in his mouth. He's such a hot chick. He's going to take off in a spiral and witness 24K pure dog licking!"

Happiness and peace: "What a poem! What a poem! Misty, you have the chapter recommendation!"

Confused: "Thank God for peace! Wuhu~ take off!"

"I'm jealous!"

"I wish I could compose poems too."

"Ping'an God, the big one on the best-selling list, pushed it, and confused Giant added at least 1,000 to his collection. I'm going to die of pain."

The group was filled with laughter and laughter.

Pu Jie looked confused.

Is this what he looked like when he left before?

Is it the wrong way to open it?

God of Peace. Isn’t it his own nickname? Why are they licking? Is this a new way of playing group clowns?

But it doesn’t look like it!

Why does it feel like Wolong's aura is getting weaker and weaker, and Long Aotian's smell is coming?

"Grass? Am I not poisoned? Everyone looks like Long Aotian. Why do I feel that the God of Peace is crooked behind the screen?"

Pu Jie left the game in a hurry.

Ying Ma: "What the hell? What happened? God of Peace. Is he so popular now?"

Um? Why do you think your name seems a bit mocking now?

Happiness and Peace (cute new, hope to book thousands of orders): "Ouch? My good disciple is finally online. I have been waiting for you for a long time. How is the new book? Follow my rules, at least you can have fun now. Is it exquisite?”

The number one loser in the group: "Of course, Ping An God will order ten thousand, and the disciple will order 3,000. Is there any problem? No problem!"

Shunliu: "Classmate Ma, let me interview you. How did you know that the God of Ping An was the true God? We have always been curious about this question."

The unsealed secret code: "Yes, I still remember that you were very sure at that time."

"Although the whole group was mocking the God of Peace, you were the only one who saw the extraordinary power of the God of Peace and took the opportunity to learn a lesson. Your eyesight is simply amazing! Has anyone ever praised you as the king of so-and-so? A genius or something?”

"Hey, I'm ashamed to say that I tried my best to dissuade you from learning from the God of Peace. Fortunately, you didn't listen to me. You still have a keen eye for gold!"

Damn it: "."

Trembling, I typed a line: "Ping An Shen Wan has made a reservation?"

Happy and safe: "It's almost time. I'll ask Niba editor for a recommendation later. It's definitely stable. It's in the top ten of the best-seller list. It has a lot of traffic. It can reach 10,000 orders if you go naked, but it's slower."

"Peaceful God Cow Bi!"

"The God of Peace has a book that has been ordered thousands of times, and he can be directly canonized as a god!"

"The new book of Heian Shen must be the creative king of science fiction that kicks off the Twelve Heavenly Kings this year!"

"It's so embarrassing, it's so embarrassing, I actually beat Brother Chicken, and I'm about to catch up with the coward!"

"Hiss~ It's really an honor for this group to have two twelve heavenly kings at the same time."

After Pu Jie saw it, his head was buzzing and he wanted to restart.

I just felt like the world was spinning, as if I was in a whirlpool.

Two words kept repeating in my mind.

"He's already booked it, he's already booked it, he's already booked it."

It took him a long time to recover.

Looking at my royalties of 250,000 yuan last month, I couldn’t help but feel sad.

"I really shouldn't. I really shouldn't trust a person so easily, even if he acts like a middle-aged retard, but the plot is as exaggerated as the comics, the reality is too nonsense!"

"Why is he the boss? He obviously looks like an idiot."

"I thought you were my Crouching Dragon, but I didn't expect you to be a real Crouching Dragon. You hid there for a while and then I invited you out, right?"

"You don't have to go through the process of asking for a job, sir?"

A bunch of random complaints flashed through Pu Jie's heart, and for a moment he didn't know where to start.

at this time.

The discussion in the group has not stopped yet.

Happiness and peace: "Speaking of which, I owe my achievements today to one person, and he is Pu Ding!"

Damn it: "?"

Happiness and peace: "Before I came to Qidian, I always thought that the authors here were just a bunch of chickens and dogs that I could easily suppress. But I didn't expect that so many great masters from Qidian immediately taught me a lesson. I could only Wandering around the 20th place, I was disheartened and thought I had failed this time. Pu Ding took his new book and rushed directly to the top ten of the rankings! "

"He told me with practical actions that bursting is even more useful! As long as you write more, even if the average subscription is twice as low as the other party, you can still crush him with 3 times the amount of updates!"

"I used to think that 4,000 updates per day was the limit of human beings. If you write more, you will lose money. But after being led by him to update for a while, I realized! Updates change my destiny!"

Damn it: "?"

Happiness and peace: "Apprentice, it's a coincidence to say that the subject matter of Pu Ding is actually very similar to what I taught you. If you have time, you can go and study it carefully. It has been ordered thousands of times, and there are many merits."

Damn it: "?"

Happiness and peace: "Sometimes, I also think that Pu Ding's thinking is almost the same as mine, and his judgment of the market is so accurate! Then we must be very compatible people! If there is a chance, we must Let’s drink and have fun with him!”

Pujie was furious.

You are actually really guiding me seriously!

You have so much insight into the market. Why should you write it yourself? Why should you give it to me? ! !

Have a good drink and talk? OK! Just watch how I entertain you and that's it!

You stinky boss is pretending to be a newbie, that's too much!

Especially don't let me catch you in reality!

Happy and safe: "Huh? Disciple, please don't keep asking questions. You haven't said the name of your new book yet. Have you ordered 3,000 copies?"

Ying Ma's avatar has been darkened.

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