I really want to hit the street

Chapter 128 Mr. Pu’s first employee

After opening the ‘Pei’s Internet Article Operation Module’.

That is, the ‘ten times the manuscript fee critical attack module’.

A row of new data appears on Pujie's system interface, adding some richness to the monotonous system.

【Company Name:】

[Total funds: 11512470 yuan]

[Challenge period: 90 days]

[Challenge rules: One week before settlement, the company must not have backlogged copyrights, unreleased movies and TV series, unsold products, etc. If there are, it will affect the system settlement. Please pay attention to the time. 】

【.(Click to expand detailed rules)】

[Conversion ratio: Profit settlement 100:1, loss settlement 1:10]

The system displays Pu Jie’s first mission information of a critical hit of 10 times the royalties.

If you open it and look at it, there are still many restrictions.

Pu Jie browsed through it briefly, and there were two words: it cannot be left in a bad state.

"Similar to writing a book, you can't deliberately ruin a company, don't do immoral things that violate laws and regulations, and don't throw money around like a fool. It's not a big problem."

Pu Jie, who is used to not showing off, naturally accepted this regulation when he saw it.

"Haha, there are so many casualties in business. Don't say I'm going to mess around. I just try my best to run a company to make a profit. This clause can't restrict me at all."

"Do you really think I can make money?"

Pu Jie shook his head. The system had been upgraded and it had become stupid.

Instead of giving money away for free.

"Okay, starting from today, I, Pu Jie, will officially activate the Shenhao Golden Finger. I will first set a small goal to lose 10 million!"

"The first step is to register a company."

The company name displayed on the system is still blank. Currently, he does not have a company in his name and needs to register it himself.

Pu Jie glanced at today's date.

January 5th.

"The Chinese New Year is just over a month away. We have to seize the time to set up the company. We started losing money a year ago. Time is precious. We only have three months in the first round. We must ensure that we lose almost the same amount."

This is 11.51 million!

It is quite challenging to spend it normally within 3 months without purchasing a large amount of assets.

"Then the question is. Who knows how to register a company?"

Pu Jie's eyes darkened.

Don't understand at all.

So, started Baidu.

Check out how companies are registered in this world.

After looking at it for a while.

Pu Jie probably understood the process of company registration.

Although he had never opened a company in his previous life, he heard that it was still quite complicated and it would take some time to apply.

But the work efficiency in this world is very high. As long as there is no record of breach of trust, you fill in the information, pay a certain deposit, and go through other procedures, you can quickly get a business license.

"It seems that starting a company is quite simple!"

Just as Pu Jie was about to go out and run the formalities, he had already stepped out of the dormitory door.

Suddenly I remembered something.

"I'm going to be the boss now, how can I do everything myself? It's better to find someone to do it for me."

The registration of a company is still very strict, and Pu Jie cannot directly recruit someone from outside to help him register, as he may be tricked somehow.

But my roommates won’t!

After Pu Jie traveled to this world, what he was most thankful for was that he had three great roommates.

Although their respective abilities are uneven, they definitely meet all his expectations of the best roommate.

Liu Dachun, who brings free breakfast every day, and Yuan Hua, who never cares about money, take care of everyone's excitement and publicity.

He still remembered that he had just traveled through time and had only 857 yuan on him. It took him three months to write his first book, and he relied on the selfless support of his three roommates to survive.

What a good man!

They are all good people!

If there were such good people in the world, he wouldn't have such a hard time getting system subsidies.

Pu Jie turned his eyes around and saw Dachun playing LoL on the upper bunk.

Shaked his head.

No, Dachun is a big killer, and there is no need to use it now. This is the person who has the final say, and 10 million is not enough for him to compensate.

He glanced at Yuan Hua who was writing again.

Shaked his head.

No, the second-generation rich family is too rich, and I may not be able to look down on the more than 11 million, and I can't control it.

Then, the target is locked.

"Zhang Yang! Is there something wrong? Follow me out to do something."

"Okay Brother Jie!"

Zhang Yang jumped down from the upper bunk without saying a word, got dressed and left.

Crisp and neat.

Pu Jie and his dormitory have a habit of starting to leave as soon as someone tells them to leave. As for what they are doing, they don’t know.

Let’s talk later.

On the upper bunk, the screen of Dachun, who was playing LOL, went black, and he looked over.

"Brother Jie, if you go out to do something, do you want me to follow you? I can hang up!"

Pu Jie took a deep look at Dachun: "No need this time, I have other uses for your smart brain."


Pu Jie and Zhang Yang went out and took a taxi and went straight to the Kyoto Government Affairs Convenience Service Hall.

On the way, Pu Jie said to Zhang Yang: "I have made some money recently and I am going to open my own company. How about you help me?"

Zhang Yang originally thought he was going with Pu Jie to pay off an orphan's school loan or something like that.

When I heard this, I was shocked.

"Brother Jie, why did you suddenly think of starting a company? It's not that the novel is well written, the span is too big."

"Hey! You can only make a little money by writing books. It's just a hobby. To really make money, you have to start your own business."

"That seems to be the case. Brother Jie, what company do you want to open?"

"Culture and entertainment, related to the online literature industry."

"Let me go, make it so big? It costs a lot of money to make a movie, right? It can range from several million to tens of millions or 100 million. Hey, we can't afford this. We will all lose by then. , Didn’t you write this year in vain?”

In Zhang Yang's eyes, Pu Jie is a small rich man with a net worth of about two million.

Although he is definitely much better than him, in the entertainment industry, if you invest .2 million, you won't even get a chance.

Pujie was happy.

It’s all good!

By then, if he doesn’t owe foreign debts, he will be considered capable of doing business!

Look, my roommate still knows how to talk and be particular!

Unlike that dog editor Xiaoxing, who opens and shuts his mouth to send himself to the altar.

It's a pity that he still has too little money to invest in film and television dramas now. That will be done later.

Let's turn this 10 million into 100 million first, and then we can make a movie called "Shanghai Fortress".

Tsk tsk!

Pu Jie feels that with this system, the distance between himself and Jack Ma is not that big.

It’s just 10 million*10 to the fourth power.

After 4 cycles of losses, Jack Po came out of the mountain!

However, Pu Jie just took another look at the system requirements and found that this operation could not be achieved.

Because after the loss, all his money became personal assets and could no longer be injected into the company to participate in periodic settlements. Only the royalties earned from writing books could be entered into the ‘Ten times the royalties critical attack module’ for operations.

Therefore, you still have to write a book, earn some money by writing the book, and then take it out after ten times the critical hit.

Perfect flow.

But the premise is that the company must implement it according to its own wishes. From the beginning of its establishment, it must work towards bankruptcy.

"Zhang Yang, don't worry, don't worry about whether it's a loss or not. I never do anything I'm not sure about!"

I have a great idea that I can definitely lose!

"But Brother Jie, neither of us has experience in starting a company. How about we go back and make a careful plan and ask Yuan Hua to come up with something for us. There is someone in his family who specializes in this."

Pujie waved his hand.

"No need! I have already made up my mind."

Just kidding!

Yuan Hua’s principal father, district chief uncle, and film and television company boss uncle

If you call him to serve as a staff officer, you might really make a profit!

His family knows that their child is starting a business with a classmate, so why don't they support him?


Zhang Yang and Dachun, who come from innocent families, are still reliable.

Both of them belong to well-off families, with some money but not much. Apart from marrying a wife, buying a house and a car, they have to rely on their own efforts for the rest.

Zhang Yang is still a little confused.

"Brother Jie, I'm a screenwriter, and I can't write scripts well. What can I do for you?"

"Do you have a driver's license? Can you drive?"

"Yes, I took the exam right after I was a freshman in college. I drive my dad's Buick Thieves 6."

"That's fine! Just drive for me and help me handle some business."

"But Brother Jie, let's do it."

"Give you a salary!"

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, his expression became a little loose, but he still said stubbornly:

"No, Brother Jie, it's not about salary or not. I mainly think..."

"10,000 a month, five insurances and one housing fund."

Zhang Yang:(*゜ー゜*)

"Master, please drive faster, Mr. Pu and I are in a hurry to apply for our company's business license!"

Master driver: ( ̄△ ̄;)

After arriving at the place, the driver mustered up the courage to ask Pu Jie:

"Boss, is your company still short of drivers?"

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