I really want to hit the street

Chapter 130 Recruiting Assistant to the President

Zhang Yang is Pu Jie's personal assistant and can help him drive and do various things in life.

One that can be fully trusted.

To run a company, Pujie also needs to recruit some professionals to manage it.

For example, he now needs to recruit individuals to help him recruit some professionals.

Pu Jie walked into the talent market, showed the company qualifications he had just applied for, and paid part of the information fee.

Got some talent information that met his needs.

Senior Assistant to the President.

Pu Jie needs this assistant to help him, a pure newbie, manage Duoyu Company.

Pu Jie selected the three candidates that required the most money from the relatively small pool of information in the talent market, and invited them to come to a coffee shop across from the talent market for interviews.

"From now on, money is like a bastard, and you can get it all back after you spend it!"

Pu Jie quickly stepped into his role.

It just so happened that all three of them were in Kyoto and were currently unemployed. When the boss invited me, they could all come in the afternoon.

Pu Jie studied with his senior Luo Moumou and allocated his time a little more rationally.

Sitting in a cafe.

After waiting for less than half an hour, the first interviewer came.

Yang Chao, 32 years old.

He was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a short haircut, and he was walking in a hurry, as if he had just finished a performance somewhere else.

He walked in, looked around first, and then saw Pu Jie waving to him.

His brows wrinkled unconsciously.

Then he quickly relaxed and walked over with a professional smile.

"Mr. Pu?"

"Hello, Mr. Yang."

The two shook hands and took their seats.

Yang Chao immediately asked: "What industry is Mr. Pu's company in? Can you show me the business license? I will have a general understanding."

Pu Jie showed Yang Chao the business license that was still warm in his bag.

Yang Chao nodded and began to chat with Pu Jie seriously.

"Mr. Pu, I have dual master's degrees in economics and management from MIT. I have served as assistant to the general manager, deputy assistant to the president, and assistant to the president in many well-known domestic companies. I have rich experience and a lot of resources at my disposal. This is my personal Please take a look at your resume."

Yang Chao took out a stack of materials from the briefcase he carried with him and pushed it in front of Pu Jie.

A thick stack.

There are many personal resumes, honors and photos of famous scenes.

Pu Jie looked through it for a while and probably understood.

This is a ruthless person.

Yang Chao took advantage of Pu Jie's flipping and said, "I wonder what Mr. Pu's Duoyu Culture Company is planning to do? Entertainment? Animation? Movies? Idol trainee training? Or... something else?"

"Oh, probably in the field of online literature."

"Internet writing? Develop IP? Or build a new online writing platform yourself? Or hoard copyrights and create secondary creations and adapt scripts? Personally, I am more optimistic about the secondary adaptation industry of online writing. Currently, half of the popular TV series in the industry are It comes from the adaptation of online articles, such as "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" which became popular some time ago. The adaptation is quite successful and has a good reputation. If you work in this industry, you can expect a promising future."

Pu Jie frowned. This assistant talks a lot.

"I'll tell you the specifics once I've thought about it."

"Mr. Pu, can you tell me what your family does? Will he give you some resource support to start your own business?"

Pu Jie: "???"

"I'm not a rich second generation."

Yang Chao was obviously a little surprised. After all, Pu Jie looked a bit young, and it would be difficult to be convincing if he was not a rich second generation.

"Oh, what is the company's financial situation? Can you disclose it conveniently? My personal annual salary requirement is 300,000. Do you agree with the company's spending plan?"

Pujie glanced at him.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I have checked your personal information and will notify you if there is any news."

Yang Chao was stunned for a moment, the professional smile on his face disappeared, and he seemed a little confused.

Then he shook his head and left in a hurry.

He muttered: "Recommendations from the talent market are becoming more and more unreliable now. A stupid young rich second generation dare not admit it."

Pu Jie didn't know his subsequent evaluation.

But he felt the interview was over.

This person talks too much and his posture is wrong, although his ability seems to be quite strong.

But Pujie doesn't need so many assistants with personal opinions.

Next person.

After another half an hour, an urban beauty wearing gray professional attire came here.

Three buttons of the white shirt were opened, revealing the luxurious career line. The hip-covering skirt underneath was tight, showing off the hostess's graceful figure.

The face is painted with neither heavy nor light makeup, which is bright and attractive.

Pu Jie's eyes lit up.

Isn't this the 'white-collar' role on the little card that Zhang Yang gave him before?

so similar!

Zhang Zhizhi, 28 years old.

A woman who exudes the charm of a royal sister.

"Mr. Pu, hello~"

"Hello, Miss Zhang."

The two shook hands and sat down.

When the weak little hand pulled away, he hooked Pu Jie with his finger. I don't know if it was accidental or intentional.

Pu Jie directly demonstrated his company's qualifications and his identity as a fresh boss.

He knew he didn't look like a millionaire boss, so he had better be more conscious.

She looked at Pu Jie with curious eyes.

"Mr. Pu is really young and promising. Are you 25?"

Pujie shook his head.

"Age doesn't matter. Miss Zhang, would you like to introduce yourself? What are you good at? Do you have a resume or something?"

Zhang Zhizhi smiled delicately.

"Mr. Pu, I have my resume with me."

Pu Jie took a look: "Huh? Didn't you see it? Where was it placed?"


She pointed at her unbuttoned shirt with her white fingers painted with red nails, bit her lower lip lightly, and cast a confused look at Pu Jie.

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

He seemed to understand something.

"Then can you personally carry out my orders without compromise while working?"

"Of course, I will do whatever you ask me to do. If you say above, I will never be below. If you say lie down, I will never lie down. If you say in the office, I will never go out to find a place. I guarantee that I can meet all your requirements. ”

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

It has a sense of picture.

"Ahem, Miss Zhang, we are talking about serious matters."

Zhang Zhizhi stood up, turned around, walked to Pu Jie and sat down.

The fragrant breeze comes.

"Mr. Pu~ You have a successful career at such a young age, so you definitely need someone to help you solve your life needs. The company is full of people working. I usually have no problem making documents for you and organizing meetings. The most important thing is I can do things that others can't do. Don't you want to try to watch your employees do something exciting in a single-sided office with light? Or maybe there is someone under the desk to help you while others are reporting their work? Handling personal matters?”

A pair of small hands fell on Pu Jie's legs.

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

Zhang Zhizhi showed a smile that was hard to miss. How could she, a college graduate, climb from a secretary to an assistant to the president in five years?

Isn’t it relying on this core competitiveness?

She had worked as a secretary for a rich second generation before, so she naturally understood the thoughts of these young men.

like to play!

All kinds of flowers.

She doesn't object to following the young master either. It's much better than the fat, fat, short, middle-aged man last time who always liked to pull her hair and call her daddy.

What's more, this little boss is still so young. Although he is not a handsome guy at first glance, he is still quite attractive. I don't know who is enjoying it.

At such a young age, if his family dares to invest more than 10 million yuan in assets to start a company, he must be very powerful.

If you get close to it, you will save several years of struggle.

And looking at this shy look, there will be very few people having fun at first glance, so it’s a sure bet!

No one can refuse a proactive secretary!

"Sorry, I don't think you agree with my company's requirements."

Pu Jie took her hand away from his leg and made a gesture to invite her out.

Zhang Zhizhi: "???"


"You! You! Huh! You don't understand anything!"

Zhang Zhizhi left angrily.

Pujie shook his head.

He had seen too many beauties in Beiyi School, and those of this level were barely above average.

Why spend so much money to recruit a high-end chicken?

This is not who he wants.

"I hope the last one can be normal."

Qi Fei, 27 years old.

Master of Management from Peking University.

Senior unlucky guy.

From graduating with high ambitions to being defeated by reality.

Three years after graduation,

She has worked with 5 companies.

Two companies failed due to poor management, and two went bankrupt. The owner of the last company has just been sent to prison and is currently facing the crisis of being sued. The lawyer opposite heard that his surname was Luo.

Wherever she goes, the company falls.

Known as the Kyoto Company Black Widow.

She is a top student at Peking University, and she is absolutely not superstitious! But this is too evil.

Qi Fei's resume has been on the job market for a while, but no one has contacted her.

She knew this resume was scary.

Many bosses ask people to do a feng shui check before opening a company. She is one of those people who brings bad omens.

Today, when she was about to lower her expected annual salary, a young boss called her.

"I hope this boss won't be superstitious."

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