"Real Hammer Qidian's best-selling work "Legend of the Stars" is a scam carefully planned by a big brush! 》

This post is well-founded and logical.

For a time, a large number of editors, authors, and readers poured into the "Legend of the Stars" book and various data websites, looking for evidence in the posts.

Soon, everyone discovered that it was 100% correct!

The content of the post was exactly the same as in the book, and no one even commented on it.

New account subscriptions for blockbusters and a lot of bad reviews.

It's like telling everyone clearly that my grades are just perfect, come and hit me!

For a moment, there was a lot of curses.

"I found it strange that this book was obviously poorly written, yet it never made it down the bestseller list. I read it three times and didn't get into it. I thought it was my own problem. It turned out to be a brush up. No wonder. So low, he~tui!”

"This comment section is really poisonous. They tried to persuade me to quit. I was wondering why a best-selling book had such a comment section. It turned out to be a brush, and I understood."

"It's so disgusting! It's this kind of brush that dominates every list every day, leaving our books with no exposure. If Qidian doesn't cure these brushes, this broken website will take jujube pills!"

"If the poster hadn't pointed it out, I'm afraid many people would have been deceived by this kind of book. If he were to sell the copyright at a high price and make a fortune, it would be really disgusting! Labor and management no longer believe in dreams. ”

"Facts have proven that if it is exposed, a leashed dog can take off. If such a rubbish book is on the bestseller list, everyone will think that this book is very strong, and then go read his book, haha ​​~ like me, a god The book has never been read because it has not been exposed. At this time, I must talk about "The Love from the Sky", which I have worked hard to create. The ups and downs of the plot are comparable to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Please give it a try (also edited by Qidian! You can take a look, it is definitely better than "Legend of the Stars", please contact me quickly to sign a contract)"

"Down with Pu Ding! Down with Brush! Give me a bright future!"

Enthusiastic netizens, Internet article lovers and writers who write for fun are filled with indignation.

It’s even harder to see others making money than them losing money!

They usually rely on their strength to make money, so it doesn't matter if they feel a little uncomfortable, it's just sourness at best.

Now that they see how someone with such poor writing can make a lot of money selling the copyright, it is killing them!

This time, we are on the side of justice and completely defeat this brush of Pu Ding!

The sense of justice has never been so overwhelming.

You can't hide this kind of thing.

The circle is not big to begin with, and everyone will know about it once it is spread.

Soon, people from Qidian Writer Assistant, major author groups, editor groups, and the copyright market operation departments of some film and television companies all knew about it.

Among them, many film and television companies that paid attention to the copyright of "Legend of the Stars" immediately passed on the book.

When they want copyright, the first thing is to avoid tainted works.

These shrewd businessmen will not do anything to get scolded before filming.

Public opinion is one-sided.

Pu Ding was like a rat crossing the street, and everyone was shouting to beat him.

However, the book club circle of "Legend of Stars" has not changed much.

Didn’t even add a few negative reviews!

Because Pu Jie opened a speech with 500 fan points.

These people who scolded Pu Ding were very angry after seeing it!

As we all know, when you want to curse someone and suddenly realize that you have been restricted from speaking, it is the most uncomfortable!

If they don't send money to Pu Ding, they won't be able to scold him.

Before you curse someone, you have to give him money first!

It’s so disgusting!

A group of people ate the Wallace Splatoon meal, and Ollie couldn't let go of his stuffed stomach.

I can only be so helpless and furious inside Long Kong!

I’m so angry! I’m so angry!

And this wind direction only lasted for one day.

During the evening, a post appeared on various websites.

"If criticism is not free, then praise is meaningless - Pu Ding"

"I am the operations officer of "Legend of the Stars", a sophomore in high school. I returned to the dormitory after a day of classes today. I didn't expect such a big thing to happen!"

"My first reaction was to be angry, irritable, and want to curse, but when I thought about what Pu Dingyou said to me, I calmed down again."

"Everyone, in fact, many of you are just like me before. They are just incited. I believe that after you know the truth, you will change your views. Now, please watch the conversation between me and the great author Pu Dingluo."

(.Click to view picture)

Pu decided:

"The comment section is originally used by readers to discuss books. Those who say that this book is not good, are they not readers?"

"Even if they glance at the title, the introduction, and the title of the first chapter! At that moment, he is also a reader of this book."

"Everyone is tired enough in life. Reading novels is supposed to relax you. If you can't say anything about something you don't like and just hold it back, wouldn't it be very uncomfortable?"

"Readers are God! We write books to serve God. If we do not serve God well, we should be criticized! Only criticism can make people progress."

"Word-of-mouth? What is word-of-mouth? Is word-of-mouth based on controlled reviews still considered word-of-mouth?"

"Xin Zhao, I hope you understand that if criticism is not free, praise is meaningless."

Chat records were posted one after another.

The last one is fixed on the sentence "If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless."

"These are the chat records between Pu Ding and I. They are on my mobile phone. The date is September 13. In order to prevent anyone from saying that I am a pornographic picture, I have posted the video below, using my roommate's mobile phone. Photographed of my Qidian private message chat history.”

"The fact is exactly the opposite of what everyone thinks. Not only do we not delete negative reviews like other authors, but we also often have positive reviews deleted by some powerful 'villains'. But Pu Dingliao has taken a dim view. He doesn't bother to fight such people. , he is just a writer who wants to write his own book well.”

"Everyone, I hope you can think about it for a moment. A person who can say 'if criticism is not free, praise is meaningless', a person who never controls criticism, a person who strives to update 12,000 words every day, will be A brush?"

"Everyone, please think for yourself. If you still want to scold, that is your freedom."

The post ends here.

If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless.

These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone on the head.

The comment section, which was full of gunpowder, suddenly went out of flames.

Everyone recalled their careers.

Long Kong posted a post asking people to review his book, but as long as someone said something bad about it, the post would be deleted and banned, and then he would get angry.

"How dare you, a deadbeat, to comment on my work?"

There are also countless people who have been banned by the author for 50 years. Some people are not criticizing the work, but just expressing their objective opinions at a certain period of time. Because they do not conform to the author's meaning, they are immediately deleted and banned.

The criticism comments on Weibo are even more disgusting. Fans of certain celebrities post all kinds of rainbow shit, delete all negative comments, and even send private messages to scold others like crazy people.

"Whoever dares to say a bad word about my brother is mentally retarded!"

"Do you know how hard my brother works? If you can do it, why don't you sing? Rubbish!"

"I am willing to be the enemy of the whole world for my brother!"

There was a time when famous works by famous people on the Internet could not accept even a little criticism.

At this moment, countless people who saw Xin Zhao's post felt that the anger, resentment, jealousy and other emotions in their hearts were greatly reduced.

Because Pu Ding is not afraid of being scolded by them.

Even enjoying the process!

He is a truly lively and transparent person.

Xin Zhao’s post went viral!

Especially Weibo.

This is the most violent place for quarreling, swearing, punching and banning.

A small number of people posted Pu Ding's words in comment areas where the accusations were so serious that no trace of truth could be seen.

Soon, this sentence was quoted by more netizens.

this night.

Weibo netizens have learned a saying: "If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless."

Brush the screen!

Completely refreshed the screen!

No matter whose comment section is opened, this sentence is always there.

Weibo netizens are bitter and commenting for a long time!

# If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless.

Ranked third on Weibo’s hot search list!

But I can't get up no matter what

The manager of the Weibo operation department moved the top two hot searches for recharge to the second or third place overnight, giving concessions to this comment.

"It's so fucking scary. Anyone who dares to go against so many users is seeking death!"

"Tell those two families that today's hot search is No. 1, even if the gods come, they won't be able to take it away."

Under the many books on Qidian, people are also posting this sentence one after another.

Short videos are also being forwarded.

Overnight, it was everywhere on social platforms! ,

the next day.

Qidian’s official Weibo account retweeted Xin Zhao’s post and attached a detailed data chart, clearly showing the source of fans of “Legend of the Stars”.

Only then did everyone realize that the so-called ‘machine accounts’ were actually new readers attracted by other people’s books, so they all looked like fakes.

Because they originally came to Qidian to read "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King", and by the way they also saw two other books by Pu Ding.

Finally, the Qidian official left a sentence: "This successful advertising operation was designed by Pu Dingliao. The Qidian Operations Department is very grateful for his suggestions. We hope that those who have better plans can contact our Operations Department and work with us." Make Qidian bigger and stronger and produce more good works.”

This time, even Qidian supported Pu Ding.

No one dares to question the achievements of "Legend of the Stars"!

On the new media platform, after being spread, a large number of users said that they had indeed read the author Pu Ding's books. "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King", "Country Scoundrel Doctor" and "Legend of the Stars" were higher in the rankings. All books must be good-looking!

"Knives in the Rain"?

Sorry, I don’t like watching it!

I am a local dog, and I just love to see the Dragon King with a crooked mouth!

Not convinced? Come and bite me if you don't accept it!

Public opinion on the entire network reversed.

Pu Ding was not only not defeated, but also relied on a famous saying to lead Qidian to break the circle again!

The traffic of "Legend of Stars" exploded instantly!

On the same day, it climbed to the second place on Qidian’s best-selling list.

After the first-place author of "The Judge of the Qin Dynasty" learned about it, he took the initiative to stop updating for a day and recommended a single chapter for "Legend of the Stars".

"Book friends, when Pu Dingli said the words 'if criticism is not free, praise is meaningless', I knew. I am not as good as him. There must be thinkers in the world who are still thinking. Today's number one, It’s his turn, please give him a helping hand!”

It attracted countless likes from book friends, and even more people subscribed to "Legend of the Stars" whether they liked it or not.

In the evening, "Legend of the Stars" topped the Qidian bestseller list!

Stand out from the crowd!

It may not be as good-looking as other books, but it represents a spirit at this moment!

Tolerance of criticism can highlight the true meaning of praise.

The people in the copyright department of Qidian are like ants.

Watching Pu Ding's unbelievable operation.

They were completely convinced.

"Dingling bell~~"

The Copyright Department phone rang.

I will update 6000 words first, there will be more later.

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