I really want to hit the street

Chapter 140 I have never fought such a rich battle in my life

"Hey, hey! Why are the desks so close to each other? Are they occupying your home? Keep the distance! Leave an aisle in the middle for horse racing. If nothing happens in the future, let's hold an office chair roller skating contest or something."

Pu Jie was in charge of the company to prevent some people from acting so stingy.

Assistant Qi purchased a single-person double desk combination set and an ergonomic chair according to his requirements.

One person uses two large desks, stacked together in an L shape.

A flat table is used to hold dual screens, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.

The other is a two-layer table. The upper layer can be used to put figurines, green plants and other decorations, while the lower layer can be used for reading documents, writing, eating, etc.

There is also a set of small cabinets under the table for storing other items.

Working here is surrounded by two large desks, and the space can definitely meet the needs of all workers.

Pu Jie was furious when he saw that the furniture mover was trying to put such good tables together to save space.

There is no doubt that such a good desk would be perfect if it were not for working alone!

With an area of ​​1,600 square meters, there are a total of 30 desks in such a large place.

The rest are all functional areas, serving these 30 people and Mr. Pu.

It's not that Pu Jie doesn't want to hire more people, but now Duoyu Company doesn't have much business, so there's no work to do when hiring people, and the system doesn't allow it.

We can only keep a large amount of space, and wait until the company cannot make up for the loss before expanding the number of employees.

But Pu Jie thinks that day will never happen.

These 30 people were enough for him to lose all the money.

If he writes another book later and does not make a big hit, this 11.5 million may be the largest amount of funds for the operation of Duoyu Company.

"Now that the computer desk is done, it's time to equip it with a computer. This is another huge sum of money."

Pu Jie took a look and saw that Assistant Qi was out purchasing and recruiting.

In the office, apart from the front desk, administration, and finance, there are only two people.

Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing.

The two of them sat on ergonomic chairs and stared at their luxurious desks in a daze.

Unheard of, unseen!

Is it worthy of us to hire workers?

Are you sure this is in the right place?

"Lao Meng, come here for a moment."

"Here comes Mr. Pu!"

Meng Xingkong hurriedly ran over to Mr. Pu's office.

He felt that he might have been lucky enough to survive the studio's bankruptcy.

We must seize this hard-won opportunity.

Such a good job cannot be lost.

We must help Mr. Pu run the company well!

Pu Jie got straight to the point: "Lao Meng, do you know anything about computers?"

"You know, I know, I'm a senior Tuba member, so I can install it without any problem."

Pu Jie frowned: "Quickly get rid of this bad habit! Go to the card bar when you have nothing to do. The atmosphere there is more in line with the temperament of our company."


Meng Xingkong secretly pouted, how dare they go shopping in a card bar when they have a studio.

If two computers are removed, the studio’s profit for a month is gone.

Isn't that a pure prodigal?

Pu Jie: "Since you know how to configure computers, that's easy. Have you seen our 30 workstations? Let the finance department follow you and go to Zhongguancun next door to get 30 computers and fill them up."

"Okay Mr. Pu, what are the computer configuration requirements?"

"To be good!"


Meng Xingkong understood clearly that Mr. Pu was still generous.

Don't you have to get a first-hand computer?

Their previous studios were all second-hand goods purchased from Zhongguancun, so they could be repaired or repaired.

To run an online writing studio, you don’t need a computer. You can access QQ, WeChat, and open Word.

Mr. Pu's office here is so new, so he definitely can't use second-hand goods. It needs 30 brand-new office computers.

Just as Meng Xingkong was about to leave, Pu Jie stopped him: "Come back, are you sure you understand?"

"Understood, buy 30 high-quality computers for our office use!"

Pu Jie asked with confusion: "Tell me, what kind of host do you want?"

"Pentium office host! Paired with two 4G memory sticks and a 1TB large-capacity mechanical hard drive!"

"Where's the graphics card?"

“No need for a graphics card, the graphics card is enough for office use!”

"What do you plan to do with the monitor?"

"Mr. Pu, I plan to spend a little more on monitors because we have to stare at the computer screen for a long time every day and spend 12 hours a day with the computer, so I plan to equip you with a brand-name 24-inch 1080p high-definition monitor! "

"Keyboard and mouse.?"

"Shuangfeiyan set! 50 yuan per set, easy to use and not expensive, the best value for money, whoever uses it will know it!"


Pu Jie sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he just asked a question, otherwise he would have asked Meng Xingkong to buy it. This whole set would cost 2,000 yuan!

The few opportunities the company had to spend money were wasted!

After passing this village, there is no such store, and the system does not allow large-scale asset purchases.

With these 30 working computers, he will definitely not be allowed to buy new ones.

"Hey Lao Meng, Lao Meng, what should I say to you? Our Duoyu Company has just been founded, and you are going to do this for me?"

Meng Xingkong was shocked.

Could it be that I am too inflated?

No, we have to make amends as soon as possible!

"Mr. Pu, I just thought about it. In fact, there is no need to make it so good. AMD's Athlon processor can also be used. The screen can be reduced to a 21-inch domestic brand. The other budgets can be smaller. It’s only NT$1,500 to get off.”

The more Meng Xingkong talked, the darker Pu Jie's face became.

Pu Jie pointed at the starry sky with hatred.

"Lao Meng, is your machine of this caliber worthy of our desk? One desk is enough for you to have several computers!"

"Ah this!"

Pu Jie: "I just told you to change your bad habits, and you did it! It seems I have to bargain with you."

"The monitor is the top priority! How can I review manuscripts and read articles without a good monitor? Two 27-inch 2K high-brush brand monitors! Proofreading manuscripts, checking plagiarism, and multi-threaded tasks require dual screens."

Pu Jie felt happy when he saw that the system had no objection.

On the surface, he was telling Meng Xingkong, but in reality, he was telling the system to prevent him from having to return it if he was warned after buying it.

"Also, with such a good monitor, why not get a good graphics card? Not to mention that office work does not require a graphics card, what do we need most as a web writing studio? Inspiration! If the inspiration dries up, how do you guide new people? Write good articles? Are you a genius doctor every day? So, play games, catch up on dramas, and go to station B to collect materials when you have nothing to do. This is the correct way for our new era online writing studio. Give me the graphics card 3090308030703060Ti , yes, just get 3060Ti!”

"Such a good monitor and such a high-end graphics card, can't it be powered by an ordinary processor? Then go directly to the 12th generation i7!"

"The three major parts are so good, so the other ones can't be bad, right? Otherwise, wouldn't it slow down the entire computer? The memory is 32g, the hard drive is a 2T solid state, and by the way, water cooling and light pollution are also arranged. Internet companies should have With the atmosphere of an Internet company, when the time comes, the consoles will be placed on the table, and you can dance with the lights as soon as you turn off the lights.”

"The keyboard is also very important. Editors have to proofread so many manuscripts every day. It hurts my hands to type on a broken keyboard, so I buy an electrostatic capacitor. I don't care about the mouse, so I can just buy one worth a few hundred yuan and use it."

"There should be no shortage of printers. Each workstation is equipped with a color printer so that no one has to wait for others. I want a brand-name printer."

Pu Jie talked so eloquently that everyone in Meng Xingkong was dumbfounded.

The price of a machine went from more than 1,000 to more than 10,000, a 10-fold increase!

"Mr. Pu, you are really good at negotiating a good price."

"Not giving in is the spirit of Duoyu Company. Do you understand?"


"If you understand, go ahead! Add whatever you need, and you won't be allowed to come back if you don't spend 500,000!"


Meng Xingkong was full of hope at this moment. He had never fought such a rich battle in his life!

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