I really want to hit the street

Chapter 145 If you don’t leave work on time, there is something wrong with your thinking!


How can the things done by scholars be called copying? This is called borrowing!

When a certain subject becomes popular, it happens every day that other authors learn from it and write about it.

It's like one day suddenly a guy named Xiao Qian wrote a book "Journey to the Piaomiao", officially opening up the subject of cultivation.

Since then, many novels have borrowed his settings and plots, and then each author has come up with some micro-innovations, and finally it has slowly evolved into today's immortal novels.

Internet writers all create by standing on the shoulders of giants.

But today this giant is called Peace and Happiness.

Meng Xingkong was ready to step on his shoulders and show off.

While everyone else was busy looking for authors and screening works, Meng Xingkong pushed this book to his new group.

"Same as usual! Today, everyone quickly read the first 300,000 words of "My Doomsday Simulator", took notes, and reviewed the outline. Tomorrow, we will analyze this book. I feel that this is a .Subjects that are easy to get results from.”

This is just like directors and screenwriters pitching films. They are pitching works and learning from other people's strengths so that they can continue to improve.

Many authors know this method.

But the reality is that most people are too lazy to do this.

It’s so cool to read a novel, just be happy and happy along the way.

If you want to analyze the outline, rhythm, and interesting points of this book, and then take notes, it is really not a pleasant task.

It's like when you go for a massage. You just need to lie there and enjoy the feeling of your sister's little hands roaming around your body. If you have nothing to do, you can just say a few flirty words to tease your sister. It's so cool.

As a result, after you go there, you not only need to analyze the massage process, but also observe where your sister starts pressing, what is the pressing procedure, and which place can best hit your G-spot while enjoying the massage. Finally, in the process of increasing business and bargaining, you have to analyze your sister's words to see how she can persuade you to spend an extra 300 yuan for a deep massage, and finally record them one by one.

It’s completely indifferent, okay!

This is not a stylized cross talk!

However, this can indeed improve the author's writing quality.

It works.

Meng Xingkong often assigns this task to these authors, and everyone does it together, and then discusses and studies.

On the first day of work at Duoyu Company, everyone’s enthusiasm for work was high.

Pu Jie and Assistant Qi made arrangements for the company in the morning.

In the afternoon, I ordered a cup of freshly ground cappuccino and headed into the video room.

Follow the drama!

The busy work of the employees outside cannot affect Mr. Pu's good mood at all.

Sitting on the soft leather sofa, Pu Jie took a sip of coffee and looked at the 100-inch large screen. The tension and exhaustion of a year of hard work writing a book were released.

This feeling of being in charge of your own territory is awesome!

Pu Jie remembered what a well-known entrepreneur said in an interview with reporters in his previous life:

"Do you think being a boss makes you really happy?"

Pu Jie didn't know it before, but now he understands. The boss's happiness is beyond your imagination!

Being the boss means you can do whatever you want!

"Jimmy! Refill!"

Most of the sections of Duoyu Company are separated by green plants, so the sightlines are still very good.

Many people saw Pu Jie entering the video room with a cup of coffee.

The employees looked at each other.

"Mr. Pu, did you go to the movies right after work?"

"What did you say??? Louder!"

The work station is a bit far away.

The editors slid the flexible chairs closer together so that they could communicate normally.

"Won't Mr. Pu come to inspect our work? I just hired a small writing team, and I'm going to show off my merits."

"By the way, is it really possible to go to so many fun places in our company? If Mr. Pu catches me, will he not be able to pass the internship period?"

"Don't be stupid! We don't have an internship period. Mr. Pu said that is just an excuse to exploit workers. The first month will be full salary. If you resign, you will be paid according to the number of days worked."

"Why did Mr. Pu enter the video room at this time? What message did he want to convey to us? I always feel that Mr. Pu's actions have a deeper meaning."

At this time, Xiaoxing walked over and glanced at the employee's badge that just spoke: Niu Zi.

"Niu Zi is very good! Having this idea proves that you can initially keep up with Mr. Pu's pace."

At this point, all editors had their attention.

Xiaoxing is the chief editor of the company, second only to Meng Xingkong, the general manager, but because of his close relationship with Mr. Pu, his status is about the same, and he is the leader of their editors.

"Let me give you a brief analysis of Mr. Pu's meaning."

"Everyone knows that Mr. Pu is a first-rate best-selling author. After "Legend of the Stars" is finished, he naturally wants to conceive of a new book. Mr. Pu never fights with uncertainty, so he has to collect materials, analyze, and find a new trend. , and then lead it! If I guess correctly, Mr. Pu will stay in the video room if he has no other priorities during this time."

"In addition, on everyone's first day at work, Mr. Pu also has another meaning for doing this. He is to take the lead in setting an example! The company has planned so many living areas, which are not just decorations. You can use them as you like without being restricted."

"Think about it, if Mr. Pu told everyone that if you are tired during work hours, you can go have something to eat, take a rest, do some exercise or something, would everyone go? Obviously no one would! So Mr. Pu directly took the lead in using the audio-visual room, that is To reassure everyone.”

After Xiaoxing finished speaking, everyone was amazed.

Niu Zi: "That's it! I think Mr. Pu has a deep meaning."

"Can we really enjoy these company things at will?"

Xiaoxing nodded confidently: "Of course!"

"Okay! I didn't eat at noon, and I've been wanting to eat the little cake in the cabinet for a long time! Let me take a bite, and my energy will definitely double, which will make me feel more energetic when I work overtime!"

"When I finish reviewing the manuscript in the mailbox, I will lift a set of dumbbells. My health has been getting worse recently."

"Jimmy! Give me a cup of coffee!"

Suddenly, the work enthusiasm went to a new level!


Mr. Pu walked out of the video room and saw the same scene as when he entered at 2 o'clock.

Everyone's computer hosts are flashing colorful ambient lights. Everyone is working hard in front of the large dual-screen computer, and the unique muffled crisp sound of the electrostatic capacitive keyboard comes and goes.

“It’s like a group of struggling people”

If Pu Jie had not known who everyone was during the interview, he would have almost been deceived.

"Let's fight and use the pre-term craziness of the intermittent bastard sage! Get the author out first, and then you can lie down and lose money. Then the lounge, entertainment room, and fitness area will be your destination."

Everything is expected.

Pu Jie walked over and clapped his hands.

"Okay, it's time to get off work. Let's pack up and go home!"

Employees: Σ(°△ °|||)︴

What happened to your kidney?

At 5 o'clock, let's get off work?

Did the boss read the wrong watch?

We all work on the Internet, so we don’t want to get off work at 5 o’clock!

Occasionally I get off work at 5 o'clock, and that's also 5 o'clock in the morning.

Meng Xingkong quickly saved the word he wrote, walked over and whispered:

"Mr. Pu, it's 5 p.m. now."

Pu Jie: "Yes, at 5 o'clock, isn't it time to get off work? It's written in the contract you signed."

Meng Xingkong smiled. The contract was written as written in the contract. The contract also stated that overtime pay would be paid over working hours. How many of them could implement it?

As a former studio manager, he works more than 12 hours a day, with no fixed hours, and is often busier at night!

This is the case for everyone who runs online writing studios.

He plans to take everyone to work until 9pm today to test the waters.

"Mr. Pu, isn't it too early? We have a lot of work at hand. If you don't have to be busy in advance, editor Xiaoxing and I can just keep an eye on it."


Xiaoxing has a lot of manuscripts that she has not yet finished reviewing.

Pu Jie was shocked: "We can do it tomorrow if the work is not finished. We are not road rescuers. Why are we in such a hurry? Are we afraid that everyone will not live until tomorrow? If you don't get off work on time, you two managers have a mental problem!"

"Ah this!"

The two of them were unable to refute for a moment.

Meng Xingkong didn't dare to contradict Mr. Pu. After all, he had just arrived and looked at Xiaoxing for help.

Two simple words were conveyed in his eyes: I am very busy at work here. I am contacting authors and websites, looking for high-priced channels to receive articles. I also need to analyze how to write about simulator topics in the evening. No matter what, I can't leave at this time today. So I have to work overtime!

Xiaoxing understood it instantly.

"Mr. Pu, we have contacted many authors and are waiting for replies. I want to lead everyone to get off work hard to review the manuscripts before getting off work. Otherwise, I am afraid that after other studios reply to them, tonight If we open books elsewhere, we will lose many authors."

Pu Jie shook his head and said in an indignant voice: "You are here to review the manuscript, and Lao Meng is here to pull the author, and the cycle is endless. No matter what, you can never finish this job, and the author wants to run away? I said I will give them an offer they can't refuse." What’s the price you set?”

Xiaoxing said confidently: "Twenty per thousand words is definitely the highest rate offered to new writers on the entire Internet."

"It's too small, the layout is too small! You're afraid that the author will run away, so you increase the price! Just give them a price of 10070504030 for a thousand words, yes, 30 yuan for a thousand words! Will they still run away? Wait until we get to work tomorrow to deal with it."

"Is this appropriate?"

The two of them were shocked. There was no refutation of Mr. Pu's plan.

Mr. Pu directly waved his hand: "Everyone is off duty!"

There's still 12 o'clock.

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