I really want to hit the street

Chapter 166 Mr. Pu in the state of throwing coins

Pu Jie found another way to cash out the system money.

Team building.

This kind of activity applied to the company's corporate culture belongs to the company's daily expenses.

Pu Jie asked Assistant Qi to find a high-end restaurant that could accommodate the more than 20 people in their company.

Meng Xingkong hesitated: "Mr. Pu. But it's only 3:30 now."

He was directly interrupted by Pu Jie.

"Lao Meng, your thoughts are very dangerous! You shouldn't work overtime on Saturdays. It's hard enough for so many colleagues to work overtime. Come off work early and go have fun. In the afternoon, you can sing for two hours before going to dinner. , Assistant Qi, arrange a high-end, serious KTV.”

"Okay Mr. Pu."

Assistant Qi can arrange things properly every time, so Pu Jie doesn't have to worry.

This annual salary of 300,000 is well spent.

Pu Jie discovered that Meng Xingkong had recently shown signs of turning towards the direction of struggle, so he had to stamp it out in time. Otherwise, he would lead a group of people to do some saucy operations, which would lead to him not losing enough money and it would be ruined.

Xiaoxing, on the other hand, has been working quietly, never rushing to do anything, and never confronting him. Every time he says to get off work, he takes the lead to go home.

It seems that I have been disgusted by the monotonous review.

He is probably autistic and will be released soon.

"It's better to rely on your own people. Xiaoxing plays well. From now on, you will be the big pendulum of Duoyu Company, taking the lead."

Now that the most difficult initial period of receiving manuscripts is over, stability is needed now.

It's best to be steady and steady like a little star.

Refuse to struggle! Reject Yao Mozi!

After some fun in the afternoon.

Everyone came to the famous Xinrongji Restaurant in Kyoto, a three-star Michelin Chinese restaurant that specializes in Taizhou cuisine and Cantonese cuisine.

Very stylish.

Decorated in a strong Chinese style, there are some excellent-looking bacon, ham, and roast duck hanging on the shelves in the hall.

Most of them have seats for 4 to 6 people.

Pu Jie and his group of 25 people found an unoccupied area in the house and sat down separately.

Everyone looked at this three-star Michelin Chinese restaurant with curious eyes.

The consumption in this kind of place is extremely high, and the migrant workers are absolutely reluctant to part with it.

Unless you come out to show off and treat the little girl to a meal, half a month's salary will go in.

But who is President Pu?

Does he care about the money?

All he cares about is his own little treasury!

Spend the company's money as you wish!

The money is spent ten times as much!

"Everyone can order and eat whatever they want. Today's consumption will all be paid by the company!"

There was a burst of cheers immediately.

The two urban white-collar workers who were dining next to them had a look of disgust on their faces.

"country bumpkin"

It was also Pu Jie's first time to visit such a high-end restaurant, which boasts a three-star Michelin rating of 1,000 yuan per person.

Usually he really doesn't want to eat it himself.

Now, with the company's money, you can build whatever you want.

At worst, we can just cut out some poorly written books later and let the company pay less.

After ordering the food, everyone started chatting and became happy.

Pu Jie is in a very relaxed mood. He has now begun to consider whether to buy a Ferrari or a Lamborghini after receiving 100 million.

"Well, if you want to buy a sports car, you have to take a driver's license yourself. Otherwise, it's just me and Zhang Yang who can seat each other? That's too stupid."

While thinking about it, I chatted casually with the employees, which was very pleasant.


Niu Zi said to Xiaoxing: "Editor-in-Chief, look at Mr. Pu, a company of his level has paid out more than 3 million in royalties. Mr. Pu is still as if nothing has happened, chatting and laughing. He is so stable. Sometimes I am afraid that we will lose money. What should I do? Such a good job. I don’t want to leave.”

Little , I will definitely panic. Like you, sometimes I feel that Mr. Pu spends too much money.”

Niu Zi nodded: "Yes, it's not just me who says this. Others also feel that if we continue to lose money like this, the company's funds will have problems."

"Hey, so, this is Mr. Pu's purpose!"

Niu Zi: "Ah???"

Xiaoxing looked at Mr. Pu who was chatting and laughing with a confident smile on his lips.

"Everyone knows that Mr. Pu is usually serious, thinks about things every day, and rarely communicates with editors like you. So today, why did Mr. Pu go out of his way and suddenly start a team building? And why did he deliberately act like he has the pearls of wisdom in his hands? Woolen cloth?"

"Obviously! This is what Mr. Pu specially made for everyone to see, so that everyone can know his confidence, thus uniting our entire team. I call it... Mr. Pu in a state of throwing money. When the company is losing money and spending money, Instead, he smiles and builds confidence in everyone.”

"Oh~~When you say that, it's true!"

Otherwise, if he is the editor-in-chief, look at this, Mr. Pu has already studied it thoroughly.

Meng Xingkong sat next to Xiaoxing with a wine glass in hand.

"Editor Xiaoxing, should we report our recent operations and the news that our losses will be flat in the next month to Mr. Pu? He should be happier."

"Brother Meng, you're confused!"

Xiaoxing said with hatred: "We have just made some small achievements, and we made them under Mr. Pu's ideological leadership, and we have to show them off? Is this appropriate? Not appropriate!"

"If Mr. Pu asks us how much money we can make now? Wouldn't it look embarrassing if we, Ababa, Ababa, say we just made no losses?"

"We need to stay stable and do the company well first. When we turn losses into profits, it won't be too late to tell Mr. Pu."

Meng Xingkong nodded: "That makes sense!"

The two reached a consensus.

After dinner, Assistant Qi went to settle the accounts.

There were 25 of them, and they ate a total of 38,000 yuan.

The average per capita is around 1,500.

Pu Jie seemed to hear the sound of 380,000 being credited, and was delighted.

In the blink of an eye, two weeks passed.

Pu Jie had some things to do after school started and was a little busy. He hasn't come to the company for a week.

Wednesday, March 3rd.

Pu Jie is almost busy with the start of school and is planning to go to the company in the afternoon.

Supervise this group of people and don't work overtime while he's away.

At the same time, I would like to emphasize the recent new regulations that strictly prohibit overtime work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Also check to see if employees are using other entertainment areas as often as they should.

Why work when you can lose money lying down?

Inside Duoyu Company.

Xiaoxing and Meng Xingkong sat together, nervously looking at Qidian's backend page.

All other editors are also looking at the background of their work.

Today is the day when Qidian and some other websites pay for their contributions.

Most websites will calculate the author's royalties for the last month before the 3rd.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the office.

"I am Cao! The order for my book "Wu Dalang's Sims" is 3,000, and the daily update is 8,000 words. The manuscript fee is actually 24,000! That's awesome!"

"My book has also come out. The average order for "Simulating the World of Five Thousand Years" is 1,500, with daily updates of 10,000 words. Including the full attendance fee, it is 15,000, which is not bad,"

"Me, me, me! My "My NBA Simulator", which has the worst performance, is priced at 800 yuan. It is updated at 8,000 words per day, which is also 7,000 yuan."

The editors first look at the results of 30 simulators.

These are probably the most profitable books.

The background of "My Immortal Cultivation Simulator" is open on Xiaoxing's computer.

"The author of this book is amazing. He is really good at it. He updates 12,000 words every day. The subscription is lower than that of Wu Dalang's book, but the manuscript fee is definitely a lot. I am Kangkang. 30,000!"

"Wow~ Everyone seems to be doing well."

In Meng Xingkong's hands is currently the best-performing book in the entire Duoyu Company: "My Strategy for the Goddess Simulator", with an average order of 8,000, and daily updates of 10,000!



The editors also took a breath of the green air of Duoyu Company.

Then everyone cheered.

After dividing the money between these 30 simulators and the authors, Duoyu Company can still earn nearly 200,000 yuan.

Already 30 books have become profitable.

The royalties for other books have been paid into the account one after another, and Duoyu Company's money has begun to return quickly.

at this time.

Pu Jie walked into the company.

"What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

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