I really want to hit the street

Chapter 168 Qidian Combat Ranking

"Today is the 3rd, and the settlement will be settled in 32 days."

Pu Jie glanced at the system interface and saw that the company had 3.7 million yuan left in funds and was still losing money steadily.

However, the loss ratio has decreased slightly recently.

In the past, 140,000 yuan of manuscript fee was issued every day, but it has been significantly reduced in the past week.

Probably only 110,000 per day.

Pu Jie understood it after thinking about it for a while.

"I asked them not to add more authors. Among these authors, there must be some who have written and stopped writing. After all, the winter vacation is over now and everyone has started school."

Seeing this situation, Pu Jie was happy.

"It just so happens that we don't have enough money to lose money now. We send out 110,000 yuan every day, and we lose almost 3.52 million yuan in 32 days. If we read more books this month, we will lose 200,000 yuan less, and the remaining money should be enough to pay everyone's salary."

He no longer has to deliberately cut some books.

"Not bad, not bad, the loss is just right!"

At this time, Pu Jie received a message on his cell phone, and Jiang Yuhan asked him to have dinner with him in the evening.

A smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"I think of myself as my girlfriend more and more."

"Let's go! Mr. Pu is busy now, you can continue fishing~"

Pu Jie left the office and his expression immediately became serious.

"Zhang Yang, let's go out with me to do something."


Zhang Yang usually advances and retreats with Pu Jie, and they skip classes to go to work together.

After arriving, Pu Jie was in a daze in his boss's office.

Zhang Yang ordered a drink and went to exercise and play games.

Very comfortable.

The two left, leaving behind a group of bastards chatting and spanking in Mr. Pu's eyes.

But Mr. Pu forgot that today is the 3rd, the day when major websites publish manuscript fees, but the day for publishing manuscript fees is on the 5th.

Pu Jie and Jiang Yuhan went to visit the film and television base again.

The two relived the feeling of hanging out for the first time, but now their relationship is not what it used to be.

Pujie can already hit second base from time to time.

Just short of a home run.

But Jiang Yuhan never took the final step.

Pu Jie is not in a hurry either. He, a pure love god of war, likes to take his time.

"Ding ding ding~"

The phone rang, Han Ruyan.

Pu Jie glanced at Jiang Yuhan guiltily and found that she was taking pictures of Megatron in front.

He breathed a sigh of relief and answered the phone.

"Pu Jie, my dad's surgery was successful!"

"That's great, good news."

Pu Jie was also happy for her, so that his 400,000 flowers would not be so painful, and at least he would help the people he should help.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, woo woo woo~"

There were tears of joy over there.

Pu Jie also said a few words of comfort.


Han Ruyan was crying and suddenly laughed, as if all the pressure had been released, and the burden that had been weighing on her was finally relieved.

Her voice suddenly turned playful.

"Pu Jie, wait until I get back and fuck me hard."

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

"Ah this!"

He thought of the wetness of the night and the madness of the morning.

At this time, Jiang Yuhan jumped up behind Pu Jie and patted him.

Pu Jie was so frightened that he hung up the phone directly.

"Eh? Who are you calling? What are you doing?"

"Haha~haha~ It's okay, it's all useless, let's walk around, I'm hungry, let's go eat!"

Pu Jie laughed twice and quickly changed the subject.

Han Ruyan didn't call again.

Pu Jie wiped his head, feeling like he was sweating just now.

When Mr. Pu is happy.

Qidian headquarters has just passed a very important decision.

They want to add a list to let readers see some diligent works.

In the past few months, Pu Ding took the lead in opening books and competing for the list.

Nirvana Divine Phoenix relied on 16,000 daily updates to push a book with not very good results into the top 20 bestsellers.

Later, due to the limitations of the subject matter of Shenhao Wen, the potential was overstretched, so I ordered 5,000 and ended it, and it fell down.

Ping An, the master of external websites, also followed suit. The bottom line was broken again and again. From the human limit of 4,000 words, it was slowly increased to 8,000 daily updates. The results were significantly improved. The book "My Doomsday Simulator" relied on a huge brain The hole and solid writing style made it into the top 15 of Qidian's best-selling list.

Ten thousand copies have been ordered so far, and sales are still among the best.

In order not to be slapped in the face, I stared at the pain in my back and rolled it up.

Four new books took the lead in opening the book, and they continued to kill one big boss after another on the best-seller list, frightening the great masters above. They were all afraid that they would be the next to be killed, so they were forced to follow the book.

During this period, it attracted readers' carnival.

My favorite works are starting to get updated, which is so cool!

With the volume of books, rewards and subscriptions have improved significantly.

This made the editors of Qidian smell a business opportunity.

The author rolled up this phenomenon and it was a win-win-win situation!

The first is the readers. They can see more chapters every day, which makes them more enjoyable to follow!

Next is the author. The more updates he makes, the more he sells. And when the author sees a lot of updates, readers give more rewards, and the royalties increase significantly! You can calculate it with a simple formula. The manuscript fee for a daily update of 8,000 is twice that of a daily update of 4,000.

Finally, the website is a winner!

There are only so many works, and the more updates they make, the more they will sell. Each author’s royalties increase through updates, and Qidian will also increase profits accordingly!

With so many authors writing together, Qidian is simply so happy.

They accomplished an amazing feat: without any new readers joining, the website’s profits increased out of thin air!

It can be seen that once the authors roll up, everyone will benefit!

This is a win-win situation.

You must know that Qidian of this world has been following the path of high-quality online articles since the day it was established.

In the beginning, if the author can steadily update 2,000 words every day, he is already a model worker.

At that time, authors did not earn much royalties from publishing their books online. For many popular books, they still earned a lot of money through publishing.

But later, the Internet speed became faster and faster, and the rise of mobile reading also took off with Qidian.

Qidian also quietly increased the quota for Quanqin from 2,000 words per day to 4,000 words, a number that the author can complete with hard work.

At that time, it also received opposition from many people.

They say that 2,000 daily updates is already the limit of the human body.

But at that time, in order to improve website performance, this regulation was enforced.

Later, the authors of Qidian gradually got used to it, and have always regarded 4,000 words as the human limit.

The masters don't care about perfect attendance of 1,500 per month, and the updates are even more unruly.

2000 updates per day, two updates every three days, weekly updates, monthly updates, and yearly updates.

No way, if it is well written, there will never be a lack of audience.

It's just that these great gods have one thing in common. They never reveal their real names and addresses online. After all, life safety is no small matter.

It can be said that before Pu Ding arrived.

Qidian authors can be accepted by readers with a stable daily update of 4,000.

6,000 updates per day is something to boast about!

8,000 updates per day, that’s God!

10,000 updates per day. I can’t imagine it. It’s extremely rare. It’s simply terrifying!

Until Pu Ding, the catfish, entered the pond of Qidian and crushed all living beings with 12,000 daily updates.

Slowly, the wind changed direction.

Many readers realize that 4,000 words is not the human limit!

Dog authors are all lazy!

Qidian readers are awake!

They hold high the banner of asking authors to update more and force them to update more.

Public opinion is abuzz!

Qidian had no choice but to take advantage of the situation and launch a new list: the combat power list!

Works with more than 500 orders and no less than 5,000 words updated every day can be listed!

This list does not look at other data, just the number of updates!

Qidian Operations has also developed a set of subsidies for this list.

1. Bronze Weekly Competition: The person who ranks first in weekly updates will receive an internal letter notification on the Kaidian client. All readers can see it in their private messages. It is a powerful exposure and is equal to a big recommendation;

2. Silver Monthly Contest: The top three books on the monthly strength list will be displayed on the whole site, and the top ten will be rewarded with manuscript fees, ranging from 10,000 to 1,000 yuan;

3. Golden Season: The top 10 web version announcement area for one week + exclusive badges for the top 3 works / achievement display for the top 4-10 works + top 5 starting client splash screen recommendation spots + key recommendations within the editorial team;

4. Annual Competition of Kings: Writer bonus + exclusive badges for the top 3 works/achievement display of the top 4-10 works + special topic/copyright promotion.

The bonus for NO.1 works is 20,000 (an invitation letter for Qidian Annual Meeting), the bonus for NO.2 works is 10,000, and the bonus for NO.3 works is 6,000.

As soon as the combat power list comes out, Qidian will start the era of Big Scroll King!

Xingchen showed a bright smile in the office.

"Pu Ding, thank you for your update that inspired us and opened a way for Qidian. We must not only attract readers from outside, but also expand domestic demand and let each reader subscribe more, thereby generating higher profits."

“This route is less expensive and more efficient.”

"Authors from Qidian, go crazy for the list!"

"Let me see which works are the first to receive the benefits of the list."

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