I really want to hit the street

Chapter 179 This point is very poisonous and can be added.

Winning: "I'm studying the design of a new book recently. I want to find some poisonous points and avoid them. Can you help me take a look?"

Happiness and peace: "Tell me, I have been writing articles for so many years, and I can tell with my eyes closed what is poisonous and what is pleasant."

Ying Ma said: "Then close your eyes and don't look at the screen. I'll see if you can telepathically sense it."

Happiness and peace: "???"

Winner: "Ahem! Seriously, do you think the maps in the book are often changed? Is that considered a poisonous point?"

Happiness and peace: "Oh my god! This is a really big poisonous point! And the most terrifying thing about this poisonous point is that the reader doesn't say it's poisonous, and then he suddenly stops reading, and you can only see the subscriptions dropping sharply. , but no one said anything. In the past, when online literature first emerged, everyone was used to the protagonist changing the map after a period of time in a place, and then regaining interpersonal relationships and new resources. But it is outdated now, so it is written like this Very poisonous!”

"The family fortune, acquaintances and relationships that we worked so hard to save suddenly disappeared later. The readers could not accept it and they were all gone. For example, in the later stages of writing my book "My Doomsday Simulator", the protagonist was I am invincible on earth, and I am planning to let the protagonist break the void and go to other worlds. I just got this idea, and after two chapters of Shattered to other worlds, my subscription suddenly dropped, and many people abandoned the book, and so did I. I didn’t write any more, so I finished the book after the protagonist became invincible between heaven and earth. Otherwise, it would be too much to order, so I might as well just close it once it’s ready.”

"So, remember! Don't change the map! Don't deliberately suppress the protagonist. He was awesome at first, but suddenly he went to the next world and became a loser again. Then after he became awesome, he went to the next world and became a loser again. It’s really poisonous to force this kind of writing, and today’s readers will not be able to accept it. You must avoid this kind of writing in your new book.”

Pu Jie nodded, deeply convinced.

His total subscriptions for "Legend of the Stars" could have been higher, but once the map was changed, a large number of people would instantly drop out.

When the mortal world ascends to the fairy world, a group of people leave.

The immortal world ascends to the divine world, and another group of people leave.

That’s a huge drop!

Pu Jie feels that most of those who follow the reading are new readers attracted by Douyin advertisements and the TV series "Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King". They have never read online articles before, and they are too easy to be satisfied like an inexperienced little girl. Yes, there are no high requirements. Just read whatever the author writes, as long as you understand it.

One thing I have to say is that if there were not so many new readers, the performance of his "Legend of the Stars" would definitely drop by more than half, and even ten thousand orders would be a bit unsatisfactory. Repeatedly changing maps would hurt readers.

After answering this question, Pu Jie had the general idea. Since changing maps will affect readers' follow-up subscriptions, new books should be changed frequently!

You can always find a map you don't like, and eventually everyone will run away.

Poison point +1.

Winning Ma: "God of peace, when designing the plot of the new book, are there any other poisonous points that can be added and avoided?"

Happy and safe: "That's too much! We couldn't finish it in a few days, but... you have also written a novel with good results. You are not a newbie. You can avoid many poisonous points based on your feelings. Let me just say There are some special poisonous points, which are not very poisonous when you design them, but they greatly affect your performance.”

Ying Ma said: "That's great! I need these!"

Happiness and peace: ". Just need it? Do you need to avoid it? If you don't know, I would think you are going to write a book full of poisonous points."

Ying Ma was stunned: "How could it be possible! Hahaha~haha~ha."

Happiness and peace: "What I'm going to talk about next is all the practical information I have summarized over the years of writing on the Internet. Most people won't tell them. If you hadn't been innocent and kind-hearted, the most important thing is that you have a good vision! I wouldn't know it. I won’t tell you.”

Pu Jie's heart was filled with 10,000 idiots. You looked so good back then, you looked so much like a bad boy!

I once thought you were the Crouching Dragon I was looking for, but it turned out to be a real dragon!

What a bad luck!

Fortunately, now I have figured out the true identity of this stinky boss like you. When you finish telling me, I will directly do a reverse operation. It will definitely be stable!

Pu Jie is good at summarizing and getting up from where he fell.

I know what the big boss said is right. If I do the opposite, I will definitely fall into the street.

This logic is impeccable, right?

Ying Ma said: "God of peace, you said, I will remember it."

Happiness and peace: "When you design the plot, you must pay attention to the uniqueness of the protagonist's identity. That is, the identity and adventure of the protagonist in this world are unique and cannot be copied by others. For example, my book "My End" In "Simulator", the protagonist has the only simulator, and no one else has this thing, which highlights the special nature of the protagonist. "

Winner: "Um? Is there such a thing? I read some novels where group time travel and group activation of game templates are followed by competition, help, battles, etc."

Happiness and peace: "No, this doesn't mean the same thing as what I said. There is no conflict between the two. Let me give you an example. Suppose you have a system."

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

"I don't!"

Happiness and peace: "If only you had it."

"I really didn't!"

Happiness and peace: "Just think you have a system."

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Happiness and peace: "."

Damn it: "."

The two were silent for a long time.

Happy and safe: "Okay, if I have a system, if I want to be the protagonist of a story, then this system must be unique, so that readers will have a stronger sense of involvement. Only if I have it and you don't have it, I will feel better. Although readers don't say it, they subconsciously hope that the protagonist will be unique. I have it and others have it, which is not cool. As for the group time travel and group gamification you mentioned, look carefully. In fact, the protagonist has special features, such as group time travel. The protagonist's birthplace is in a special location, and he has received a certain inheritance, and the inheritance is unique. This is what makes the protagonist special. Therefore, no one has me. Yes, only when people have their own talents can the special characteristics of the protagonist be reflected. When designing the plot, we must avoid that the protagonist and others are on the same starting line. "

Ying Ma: "Oh, I understand if you say that, but I have a question. Do you really have a system?"

Happiness and peace: "."

Damn it: "."

Happiness and peace: "Then shall I go?"

Ying Ma said: "Ahem. Just keep talking and I will remember it. It will help me a lot!"

Pu Jie has already memorized it.

This is the first time he has heard of the logic mentioned by the God of Peace, but usually everyone uses it subconsciously, but they don't know that the underlying logic is like this.

In this case, Pu Jie will have new ideas.

The protagonist's situation at the beginning is the same as everyone else's, there is nothing special about it.

There are even many people who are just like him, others are earlier than him and more awesome than him.

In this way, readers will feel bored at first glance. Not only is the protagonist not special, he is even an ordinary person.

This kind of persuasion effect has no way to win but there is a way to win!


Poison points +2.

Happiness and peace: "Finally, I give you my exclusive tip. The perspective of writing a book must be centered around the protagonist, the newcomer. Even many veteran authors will make a mistake, thinking that their own strength can control the group portrait, writing about the protagonist. It's absolutely not okay to disappear for several chapters! You can write about other people's perspectives, but don't describe it too much. Focus on the protagonist. Other people's perspectives also serve the protagonist, otherwise the sense of immersion will be lost and you can control the character. My ability is not very high. I focused on other people and wrote 5 chapters describing the life and experience of a villain. The readers were immediately stunned and ran away. "

"By the way, to add to this point, if you are not a master, you must not write about dual protagonists or multiple protagonists. In fact, masters rarely write like this now. It is difficult to balance the relationship between the characters, and it will affect your novel. Of course, this is not absolute. Once it is written, it may be a masterpiece, but most people, including myself, cannot write it well. We should be realistic and regard this as a poisonous point. "

Ying Ma said: "Hey~~ It makes sense! I am like this when I am reading a book. Once the protagonist disappears, I will rush to the next page. If I can't see the protagonist after turning ten chapters, I will stop reading."

Moreover, in Pu Jie’s previous life, he only remembered one novel that became popular when writing novels with multiple protagonists: “Little Fish and Flowers”.

Haven't seen the others.

The same is true when watching TV series. "A Song of Ice and Fire" in his previous life was so popular, but he couldn't watch it because the world view was too big and the protagonist was unclear, which made him, an old reader of online articles, uncomfortable. I tried it a few times but just couldn’t stand it anymore.

The idea for the next book came to me immediately, and I immediately arranged some supporting characters to compete for the protagonist's role!

Each supporting character has his or her own story and plot.

Whether enemy or friendly, every character has a backstory.

When one person appears, he or she steals the lead role.

Reader's sense of immersion-N.

Poison points +3.

"Is there more? Is there more? God of Peace will tell you a few more!"

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