I really want to hit the street

Chapter 195 Thinking of the best in everything, at least the new book didn’t get a lot of push

Mr. Pu stayed in the company all day and finished writing today's update.

By the way, I saved a 2,000-word manuscript.


"Ah~~ I'm quite efficient in the company, as long as I don't go to the video room."

At the end of the day, almost no one came to see him.

The tasks have been assigned, and everyone is busy spending the Duoyu Company's money.

Mr. Pu looked at the time. It was 5:15, and it was almost time to get off work. He still had something to do.

"Assistant Qi!"

Qi Fei's office is right next to Mr. Pu and is not soundproofed. If Mr. Pu speaks loudly here, he can hear it at any time over there.

There is also an internal door between the two offices that can be entered.

Assistant Qi was dressed in professional attire, with a hip-covering skirt that outlined her graceful figure.

The figure walked through the inner door gracefully.

Wearing black-rimmed glasses and professional high heels, she is a proper workplace OL.

Mr. Pu felt happy when he saw it.

Qi Fei: "Mr. Pu."

"Calculate our company's expenses for personnel, space, office supplies, consumables, etc. this month. I'll listen."

Duoyu Company has just recruited 65 new employees, added a lot of new office equipment, and other consumables have also increased accordingly. He has to calculate how much money he can spend in total.

Assistant Qi took out his small brown leather notebook.

No need to calculate at all, just open your mouth.

"Mr. Pu, our company has a total of 103 employees. Among them, the average monthly salary of programmers is 20,000 yuan, the average monthly salary of operations is 15,000 yuan, the average monthly salary of editors is 10,000 yuan, and the average monthly salary of human resources and finance is 10,000 yuan. It is 8,000 yuan, and each person is given various subsidies of 4,000 yuan per month. In addition, everyone's five insurances and one fund are paid according to the actual salary standards, as well as some overtime pay and benefits. It is estimated that the fixed salary expenditure this month is 2 million. Yuan or so."

"This month, 65 new workstations were added, 30 with high configuration and 35 with standard configuration, with a total cost of 1.62 million yuan."

"The total cost of purchasing snack cabinets, game consoles, TVs, bars, and fitness equipment is 50,000 yuan."

"Based on the current number of employees, snacks, fruits, drinks, fuel and other consumables cost about 60,000 yuan per month."

"The venue rental fee and water and electricity bills are about 310,000 yuan a month."

"The estimated total expenditure this month is: 4.04 million yuan. If we maintain the current business, headcount, and salary, we will need to spend 2.42 million yuan every month."

Mr. Pu nodded.

"Okay, I know."

The cost is high!

The money earned this month has almost caught up with the monthly income of the online literature department.

If the monthly income of 5 million yuan remains unchanged, after deducting the company's fixed expenses in the next four months, there will be 8.74 million yuan left.

I lost 15 million of my principal to Dachun.

The profit was 8 million and Meng Xingkong lost money.

The remaining money, plus the possibility of making a little profit, is the guarantee reserved by Mr. Pu himself to prevent the company from losing all the money before 4 months.

"Hiss~ It's not impossible with the great spring here!"

Mr. Pu even needs to save some money to prevent the company from going bankrupt early.

"By the way, the royalties from the new book will be deposited into the company. Although it won't be much, but... according to the current situation, there will always be 10,000 to 20,000 per month, and it has to be counted in the company."

"If this is done, if you find a few reasons to spend the remaining money unexpectedly, you will be able to make a perfect loss!"

Mr. Pu is happy!

This company is really his sales hole.

"Well, in the next cycle, if you don't do anything, the money you make from writing books and the company's business will be enough for employees to support themselves. Then it will be easier to lose money."

Mr. Pu believes that based on the salary he offers, few people will resign voluntarily.

At worst, there is no work to do, so we can all fish together.

"The future is bright!"

"It would be better if this book could be more popular."

Three days later.

Friday, April 22nd.

It is better to put it on the shelf, but avoid deleting comments.

Pu Ding's "Infinite Time and Space" will be officially released at 12 noon today.

After Pu Jie released the VIP chapter, he directly indented his quilt.

Looking at the collection that already reached nearly 100,000, he felt that he could no longer deceive himself.

This book is the worst book he has ever brought!

The results for the new book issue have exploded.

The twelve heavenly kings who did this damn thing never come early or late, but they have to wait until I publish the book.

For one person to occupy two of the Twelve Heavenly Kings is simply eye-catching to the extreme.

No one can refuse to read the new book of Twelve Heavenly Kings: The Two Kings.

Coupled with Styx as the editor-in-chief, with a wave of his hand, he tested the waters and recommended 4 recommendations!

There is also a big promotion on the homepage of the website and a big promotion on the small speaker on the homepage of the app.

If you write "Shuan Tiao Nirvana Divine Phoenix" there, you can get a collection worth tens of thousands!

The new book issue of "Infinite Time and Space" is a complete hit.

After Pu Jie retreated into the quilt, he directly chose not to look at the results!

Otherwise, he was afraid that his blood pressure would rise as he looked at the subscriptions that were jumping crazily.

At this moment, Pu Jie could only comfort himself.

"Traffic. It's all caused by traffic. It has nothing to do with the books I wrote. With such a large traffic, it can take off even if it's the son-in-law of the Dragon King. Oh! It's already taken off. Three books are at the top of the bestseller list. That's okay."

"Eventually, they will be poisoned."

"Think of the best in all things, at least this book didn't get a lot of traction."

at this time.

Editor-in-chief Styx sent a message.

"By the way, you are the big one the day after tomorrow, but I asked you to change today's book to help you get it on the shelves. It should be refreshed by now. How about it? Is it interesting enough?"

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

He tremblingly opened the Kaidian Reading app and saw that the first cover on the homepage was "Infinite Time and Space"!

A beautifully crafted long image.

A protagonist with a firm gaze is roaring, followed by a group of monsters and ruins, as well as the words above:

Qidian Twelve Heavenly Kings Pu Ding has another masterpiece: Infinite Time and Space

Pu Jie: (°ー°〃)

Damn it!

A small star is gone, but there is also a Styx, right?

Even more damn cruel!

Not only do you have more arrangements and recommendations, but you can also exchange them with others?

The Erha next door is just watching the fun, but if I want to be the real dog, it has to be you!

hateful! ! !

Pu decided: "I think it's not good to have so many recommendations to me? I suggest giving more resources to other newcomers next time. For example, "The Love of Heaven" who often hangs out in my comment area would be good."

Styx is in awe!

What is a pattern?

This is called pattern!

Now that I have become a god, I don’t forget to pick up my shoes!

The mind of an old artist.

Minghe probably knows why Pu Dingliao can say "If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless." This magnanimity has already killed many authors who beg him to recommend every day.

Styx: "Don't worry, your recommendation position is all what you deserve. It is calculated based on your performance in the last book. It is not out of specification. And the recommendation position is not given to anyone I want. Every week we give it to whoever I want." Recommended books need to be submitted, and there will be operations staff responsible for reviewing and comparing the data. If the data is too poor, they will be screened out, and our editors’ fixed recommendation slots for this month will be deducted. The rules are like this, so everyone can only submit books with adequate scores. ”

Pu Jie was speechless.

Is your Qidian system so advanced?

Damn it, wouldn't it mean that the better the grades, the more awesome they are, and the best ones are recommended?

He feels that his book may take a different path from the previous three books.

Drive high and go low.

"Alas, the situation has come to this. This is the only way. As long as the channel is not exploding and the copyright cannot be sold, just make some money. Anyway, the company can make 150 million after settlement, and it doesn't care about the 2.4 million subsidy. I just want Don’t cause trouble to the company.”

Pu Jie is becoming more and more Buddhist.

There is no way, this book's performance is like poison.

There are so many poisonous points in the early stage, but it doesn't scare readers away. It's really a damn thing!

Pu Jie cursed and got into his quilt.

In this cold world, only the quilt can bring him a trace of warmth.

"I'm shaking and cold. When will I be able to fight to the death again? I'm so sad. It would be great if someone could help warm the bed."

Pu Jie's eyes lit up and he dialed Han Ruyan's mobile phone number.

Pu Jie: "Here?"

Han Ruyan: "Yes."

Pu Jie: "Uh, that you."

Han Ruyan: "Huh? What do you want to do?"

Pu Jie: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Han Ruyan: "."

That night, the temperature of Pu Jie's quilt rose.

Movement and panting.

The fragrance of gardenia and heather intertwined

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