I really want to hit the street

Chapter 197 How many words are you updating now? (Additional update, 31/135)

Chapter 197 How many words are you updating now? (Additional update, 31135)

The Qidian Great God Group is different from the Longkong Forum and the ordinary author group.

They all speak very objectively and humbly.

The more bossy you are, the more humble you are, and the more ignorant you are, the more arrogant you are.

This is vividly reflected in the Internet literary circle.

Encourage the great gods.

We are also discussing Pu Ding’s new book.

Slap in the face: "Kangkang, what did I discover? The first order of Pu Ding's new book has exceeded 10,000 yuan. I'm just halfway through writing this book, and their new book has already been put on the shelves. Young people are really capable. I can't compare with you."

Snail Master: "Didn't the face-slapping god have been updated for a while before? Why can't you hold on? There are bonuses for the top ten on the combat power list, give it a try?"

Slap in the face: "Shit! If you hit me again, my waist will be broken. Have you seen those group of simulators? The combat power list is controlled by them, with a stable update of 10,000 per day. I would never dare to think like this in my wildest dreams. I can't do it in my life." I’ll fight with them if I have two more livers in my next life. Now I just hope I can finish the book slowly in one year.”

Silent Cake: "I read this book. It's quite interesting. It has an entirely original plot. It seems to me that it's for the copyright."

Secret Big Watermelon: "It's awesome. It's awesome. The old book is strong enough. This new book is even more powerful and has first-class creative techniques. I think it will join our group this year. I'm ready to start licking it. The new god will take the throne." !”

"Sparrow Food" has a little problem at the beginning, but after reading it, it is a rare masterpiece. I haven't seen such a creative plot in a long time. Pu Ding's book is full of creativity from beginning to end, and it is so fresh. It’s enough, no matter what readers say this or that, no one can refuse a book like this, and its book-to-book ratio proves that readers are very sticky.”

"I browsed his book review area, you can see (Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3)"

"This is full of original fan content, drawn by people who drew stories, wrote stories, and chronicled movie plots. Oh, there is also an H version, which is only over 200,000 words. There are already so many fan-derived contents. This is going to be published. The rhythm of the circle.”

Slap in the face: "Wait! I just reached the top ten of the best-selling list, he can't."

"I can't say for sure~ I gave him an initial subscription of 10,000 yuan for Pu Ding's updated update. Tsk tsk~ I'm not saying that none of the people here, including the great gods who are not here, are his opponents."

For a while, no one refuted.

too exaggerated!

Pu Ding dares to fight with them if the first order is 1,000 or 2,000, but he is not allowed to take off if the first order is 1,000?

Slap in the face: "Hey, it's good to have more code words. Qidian has been rolled up recently. The few of us in Changshui Group can't beat others in terms of update volume. Sooner or later we will be beaten on the beach."

Beautiful to the depths of the soul: "Sparrow food, I will have to update it more in the future."

Fat Dragon: "Huh? The God of Beauty is here. With your grades, do you still have to beat their newcomers in word count?"

At this time, Meishen became excited.

Beautiful to the depths of the soul: "You are amazing, you are noble! You have thousands of orders, you are such a great god, I jumped on the street, you brought me to the Internet literary circle, have you ever thought of teaching me to write a book! Let me tell you, I I don’t want to go back. Do you know how I’m being bullied here? Just because I have no talent and don’t understand the market, they all laugh at me. I’m a loser. I can’t write a book. I’m scared. I’m scared! They show off their income every day. I'm afraid that one day they will all become rich. You are so amazing and you will become a god! This is a broken place, a broken place, a broken place. I just want to surpass them step by step, step by step, step by step. I want to make money, I don’t want people to laugh at me anymore, I can’t stand it, I don’t want to let others laugh at me anymore, I want to make more updates, I want to be a great god, I want to be a great god with the highest updates, a god king with thousands of orders every day !”

The atmosphere in the group solidified again.

Everyone was once again shocked by the impassioned spirit of the Goddess of Beauty.

Meishen seldom comes out and is devoted to her writing career.

It’s just that the results of my new books haven’t been very good recently.

This is being stimulated and about to explode.

2000 words is no longer an endorsement of the beauty god. Since he said such words, he must have made changes!

At this moment.

All the great gods and platinums seem to see themselves in the beauty god.

A self that rises and falls with the rise and fall of the online writing market.


Life has highs and lows.

The more depressed you are, the more you are looked down upon by others, the more you have to fight for your reputation!

Even if you die, you will die bravely!

At least when I'm on the street, I can say out loud: "I have struggled, I have made breakthroughs, and I have tried my best!"

No regrets in life.

There was a wave of emotions brewing in everyone, and they were about to type and advance and retreat with the beauty god.

The editor who had been peeping at the screen bucked his teeth.

The editor bucked his teeth: "How many words have you updated now? @It's so beautiful that it's deep in the soul."

Beautiful to the depths of the soul: "2500."

The editor bucked his teeth: "."

Slap in the face: "."

The secret big watermelon: "."

(.Countless ellipses are omitted here.)

The launch node of "Infinite Time and Space" is stuck in the second world "Alien" and ends at the next world "Midnight Ring".

It has been clearly told to readers that the map will be changed again, new characters will join, and several teammates will be killed.

If you don’t run now, when will you wait?

Pu Ding: I know you are already planning to abandon the book, so don’t hold it back.

Book friend: No! We don't want to!

She Yiqiang is a veteran Qidian reader.

He has a good friend named Liu Yishou who is a physical education teacher, and the two often share good books.

Previously, both of them had followed Pu Ding's traditional fairy tale "Legend of the Stars", which gave them a feeling of changes over time.

At the beginning, they were reading this kind of Internet literature pit that talented writers got into.

It has been more than ten years since I graduated from college.

Recently, he is pursuing Pu Ding's new book "Infinite Time and Space".

Originally, he didn't like the operation of changing maps, but as an old reader and an old Shennong, it didn't affect his continued reading.

But after watching the two wonderful original worlds, he had become accustomed to Pu Ding's setting of traveling between different worlds, and it actually seemed inexplicably refreshing.

Especially when you come back from a world with scars and scars, you shout: "The Lord God deducts points from me and repairs them all!"

It ignited inexplicably.

He was very moved when he saw the life and death separations between different teammates.

Because the reality is like this. One of his classmates coded every day after graduation. He died suddenly at work the year before last. It was very sudden.

There was also a young boy who was hit and killed by a drunk driver while walking at a traffic light last year.

Life is fragile, and accidents may happen in such a safe world.

Not to mention those scary movie worlds.

They are all alive, but it is unreal.

He likes Pu Ding's setting, where the sword is used when necessary, and the cruel world of reincarnation is brought to a standstill.

This can highlight the difficulty of the protagonist's life.

"Old Liu, why do I feel like this book is about to become a god? A new genre seems to be rising?"

Teacher Liu Yishou naturally watched together.

He said directly: "Indeed, this setting is so interesting. It splices countless worlds together through a main god space, abandoning the traditional routine of exploring maps, fighting monsters and upgrading. After reading this plot, readers will never know the next one. What's it like? It's fresh. Keep it fresh at all times. This is no longer a poisonous point of changing the map, but a feature! After accepting his settings, the poisonous point will disappear automatically. The design is also very consistent with human nature and human survival wisdom. Humans can become the overlord of the earth through unity and cooperation. In such a cruel and terrifying environment, human beings can only survive by cooperation. The protagonist Zheng Tuo did the right thing. He surpassed He’s becoming more like a captain.”

"And Lao She, have you noticed that Pu Ding no longer seems to hide his writing style? The two worlds he released are very interesting. The plot, background, and logic are all self-consistent. I even doubt that these two movies really exist. Same!"

She Yiqiang is a professional film critic.

"Based on my level of appreciation, the previous two worlds can really be made into movies and are very watchable. However, the backgrounds are all foreign. If they are made, they will have to be adapted to erase the traces of the protagonists. , it’s just a plot based on that world. Why does Pu Ding look like an old screenwriter? Isn’t this his own script?”

She Yiqiang went to Douban to search for Pu Ding.

one look.


"Old Liu, look what I discovered? Pu Ding is actually a screenwriter! "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" was adapted by him as the chief screenwriter. During the Labor Day holiday next month, he and gold medal screenwriter Wang Xiang The film "The Man from Earth" co-written by him is released."

"Wait a minute! Old She, are you saying the opposite? Shouldn't it be Wang Xiang and Pu Ding who are co-screenwriters? Don't get the order wrong. Why do you, a professional film critic, still make such mistakes? Are you old?"

"Fuck you, you're old! I ran 4 kilometers yesterday and didn't even take a breath."

"Okay, just go there?"

"I've never heard of it! Pu Ding is the chief screenwriter of this movie, and Wang Xiang is the second screenwriter. Hiss~ Wang Xiang actually helped Pu Ding. Can you believe it???"

"That's a bit awesome. I'll go check it out during May Day. The name sounds good, like a science fiction movie."

"Let's go together. Invite your wife and children. Let's go play together for a day and watch a movie in the evening. By the way, during the summer vacation, he also has a TV series "Country Love" on Neiku Films. Pu is determined to be the chief screenwriter. , together with two new screenwriters whose names I have never heard of.”

"Oh? She's as productive as a sow! This author not only updates 10,000 times a day, but also writes so many scripts when he has nothing to do???"


"Incredible indeed!"

Dried Mango TV is currently studying the prospects of adapting the plot of the new Wanding work "Infinite Time and Space".

After being described by the marketing department and some veteran directors, the adaptation is very enjoyable to watch.

And they also discovered that the author Pu Ding was an all-rounder!

I can write and adapt myself. I have served as the chief screenwriter three times. Currently, my first work has a Douban score of 7.5, which is a very good score.

There is also a movie and a TV series that will be released soon.

Producer Lisa: "I think that when it comes to adapting novels into film and television works, no one knows their own books better than the author. If the author has the ability to write the script himself, it will be a great guarantee for the integrity of the script!"

"I suggest that we obtain the copyright of Pu Ding's "Infinite Time and Space" and invite him to personally adapt his first two movie worlds, and we, Dried Mango, will film and produce them."

"Who's for it and who's against it?"

Pu decided to be both an author and a screenwriter. With the news that the first order of the new book exceeded 10,000 yuan, he was scouted by many film and television companies.

Everyone realized that this was a good opportunity, and asked Pu Dingliao to complete the world view and write a movie script. The filming was definitely a feast for the eyes.

Another wave of people contacted Qidian Copyright Department.

However, Qidian Copyright Department has already discussed it and rejected all of them. Currently, they do not plan to sell the entire copyright of the entire book.

They have a better way to sell

Thousands of dollars a day, please vote for me! Your monthly passes and subscriptions are important factors that differentiate me from Meishen.

Friendly recommendation of a book by a book friend: "My weakest brother has become the devil after a thousand years of closure"

After traveling back to the game that he had worked so hard to clear, Zhou Mu found that the whole world was in a daze for some reason.

Why was the mainland unified in its own name?

What is going on with this religion that bears its own name?

Why do members of the royal family claim to have their own bloodline? I wonder if this game doesn’t have this function?

"What on earth have you done in the thousand years since I was gone!"

Note: Advanced food and grass writing, don’t be influenced by the title of the book.

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