I really want to hit the street

Chapter 201 Is the online literature department collectively fishing?

As soon as Pu Jie felt better, he wanted to go to the company.

During this time, I was obsessed with writing (poisoning), and the school curriculum was relatively tight, and I didn’t go to the company for several days.

The main reason is that there is nothing he needs to take care of in the company.

The money has been sent out, it just depends on who loses more.

Spend money racing.

"Go to Kangkang, are my bastard employees like Xiaoxing and Niu Zi?"

Friday, April 29th.

It's better to work and avoid getting drunk.

Xiaoxing is holding a live broadcast class in the video room, telling the authors of Duoyu.com’s literary department about their experiences.

The name of today’s live class is: “How to Create a New Media Hit Article”

At present, it seems that new media channels are still continuing to rise.

There are too many people in China who have never read the novel!

There is no end to the wool.

New media channels continue to expand, using the magical thing of online novels to earn money from novice readers.

This thing is so magical.

It's hard to stop watching, especially when you see that key chapters require payment.

No hesitation!

You can endure watching TV series and watching movies, but you can’t endure reading online novels!

There are very few people who stay up all night watching movies or binge-watching dramas, but there are a lot of people who stay up all night reading novels.

And everyone who reads novels will say this to themselves at 12 o'clock in the evening:

"I'll go to sleep after watching it for a while."

Then it dawned.

New media articles entice readers to keep reading and pay.

Xiaoxing has a profound understanding of new media articles. He is the editor who took off with Pu Ding's "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King". Qidian has received the most new media articles and published the most successful books in Qidian.

When he comes to teach this class, it can be said that he is very authoritative.

It is difficult to find an editor who is better than Xiaoxing when it comes to collecting new media articles.

"We have to remember that when we write new media novels, our competitors are different from usual! They are no longer other works of the same type on the same website, but short videos with pictures, music, and plots."

“The recommendation method of new media articles is not to fix the recommendation position on the website, but to attract traffic.”

"Our competitors in writing new media articles have become the videos that users saw in the last second, and the videos that they will see in the next second. We must use the power of words to compete with short videos with pictures and music. Let users stop watching short videos and read our novels instead!”

"So, the opening chapter must be explosive! It must be very topical! It must arouse resonance! It must arouse the reader's emotions! Let him want to know the next plot and jump to the reading page."

Xiaoxing spoke impassionedly. On the other end of the video conference were more than 100 authors in Duoyu Studio who were interested in writing new media articles.

They eagerly absorbed the knowledge narrated by Xiaoxing, a well-known new media editor.

These are all first-hand experiences.

Editors who are not on the front lines of new media fighting this kind of battle cannot have this understanding.

Other editors also asked authors to imitate new media hot articles, and Xiaoxing has already explained the methodology.

With his theory, whether it is a son-in-law or a god of war, everyone can expand new themes within this framework. As long as the core emotional point remains unchanged, it can still be popular, just like "The Rogue Miracle Doctor" pioneered by Pu Dingli 》, it is also unique in new media!

It’s because it echoes the techniques of new media writing.

Since they have hardly received new articles recently, they have all been idle, so they followed Mr. Pu's instructions to train their writers.

These editors, based on what they are good at, conduct a live broadcast class every day to train their more than 900 authors in batches, and keep video teaching materials that the authors can watch over and over again.

the other side.

In the rest area.

Niu Zi and other editors are sitting here.

There are pastries, fruits, and drinks in the room.

tea party.

There is a brainstorming going on here on how to implement Mr. Pu’s instructions on cultivating high-quality and popular articles.

All editors are offering their own insights.

Everyone was very relaxed, and there was absolutely no feeling of embarrassment or nervousness like being forced to express opinions by the leader during a meeting.

The rest area arranged by Mr. Pu is the most suitable place for this kind of chat.

Many wonderful ideas came up during the brainstorming session.

Niu Zi started the conversation and set the tone, then took out pen and paper to record.

"Manager Niu Zi, I feel that since we want to cultivate high-quality authors, we should give them a goal! Just like the monster-fighting upgrade in online articles, give everyone a goal to strive for. The higher you go up, the higher your status and the higher the manuscript fee. The more, the more benefits.”

"It makes sense! Maybe we can create a ranking system, just like the killers in martial arts novels, with bronze medal authors, silver medal authors, and gold medal authors."

"In this case, the tasks we assign to each author will be different. In the front, they can write about topics they like, but later on, we will definitely guide everyone to write about popular topics, unless they have top ideas."

"We can also set a minimum salary for different authors, just like working, so that they will find ways to climb up. The better the articles they write, the better the treatment."

"That's right! Didn't Editor Xiaoxing arrange live online lectures every day? Since we want to cultivate our own writers, it is better to hold offline training classes. Although it costs a little more, the results are more immediate!"

"You can also specify the number of code words per day to ensure high-quality output, hahaha!"

A group of editors are working on special articles inside.

Every thought was recorded by Niu Zi.

"Hello, Mr. Pu!"

Liu Jiannan was watering the tweed when he saw the elevator open and the familiar figure came in.

He jogged all the way and yelled this sentence at the top of his lungs at a speed faster than the receptionist.

The beautiful front desk girl's sweet cherry mouth puckered.

He stole other people's lines and made them lose their sense of presence in Mr. Pu's place.

It's obvious that I'm the one at the front desk.

The sister at the front desk is Zhang Xiaoyu. She is a recent college graduate. She is just 22 years old this year. She is young, beautiful and energetic, with a cheerful and positive personality.

She is a girl who makes everyone in the company feel that their day is wonderful when they see her.

To be honest, there is not much that Zhang Xiaoyu can do. After all, this company does not need to receive people, and the business is all online.

Since Duoyu Company has been in business till now, it has received some interviews.

Then, there is nothing else to do.

Zhang Xiaoyu is purely a company mascot. Fortunately, her computer is also very good, with dual screens.

One is watching dramas and the other is working.

correct! Mr. Pu gave her an extremely important task!

Remember everyone who works overtime

Prevent someone from working overtime without paying overtime pay!

It was the first time Zhang Xiaoyu received this task, and he was all wet.

The eyes were filled with tears, and became star-shaped and bright.

What kind of magical boss is this?

I really want to give him a monkey.

Mr. Pu nodded to the two of them.

Walk into the company directly and take a look at the Internet and Literature Department first.

"Huh? Where are the people?"

Is the online literature department missing collectively?

Just as Mr. Pu was confused, he heard dense laughter coming from the rest area.


There were also chaotic sounds from the video room next to it.

He asked Zhang Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, are the people from the Internet and Literature Department in there?"

"Yes, Mr. Pu. Editor Xiaoxing and two editors are in the video room. Manager Niu Zi and others are in the rest area."

Mr. Pu nodded, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

The manager and editor took the lead in fishing!


I knew you two would definitely be a good match!

A few people were watching movies, and the rest were resting and chatting.

Absolutely amazing!

With you here, why should the online literature department worry about not becoming obscene?

Mr. Pu didn't bother them either, lest they trigger the intermittent gangster's struggle side after being seen by him.

It's good to just open it up like this.

Mr. Pu glanced at the game department, where everyone was working.

The game will take three months to complete, and Mr. Pu needs them to work hard first to complete the game.

Not easily disturbed either.

With this in mind, Mr. Pu went directly to the audio reading department.

In the entire company, the one he was most worried about was Meng Xingkong!

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