I really want to hit the street

Chapter 203 Duoyu Tingshu is online

Mr. Pu returned to his office and typed for a while.

Niu Zi knocked on the door and came in.

"What's wrong?"

Niu Zi hesitated as he spoke.

"Mr. Pu. Our online literature department is going to spend some money to do offline author training to stimulate the creativity and subjective motivation of our authors. We are currently planning to try to do one issue and it won't cost too much. What do you think?"


Element detection!

Spend some money?

Mr. Pu is worried about how to spend his new book, which has become popular.

Although it's not much, it should be tens of thousands a month. The sooner you spend it, the sooner you can get rid of it.

To avoid any accidents when settling accounts.

And offline training?

When you come, see how I train you, all of you, get excited!

"It's good to spend money! Employees who know how to spend money are good employees of Duoyu Company. How much money are you going to spend this time?"

Niu Zi said carefully: "We are only responsible for the accommodation and catering of the authors. At most, we will use a hotel conference room. The first batch of 30 authors will be trained for about a week. The cost will not be too high. I estimate that each person will spend 1,500 yuan, a total of 50,000 yuan, which is enough!"

Mr. Pu: ? ? ?

After all this time, you only spent 50,000 yuan?

I can't even spend my monthly manuscript fee!

Compare yourself with Meng Xingkong and Dachun!

"Niu Zi! I have to talk about you. What is the corporate culture of our Duoyu Company? Only by improving the quality of life can we work happily. With 1,500 yuan, what kind of hotel can you arrange, what kind of conference room can you arrange? What can you eat? What do the authors think? Isn't Duoyu Cultural Company the same as a small studio? It's too cheap!"

"Let me give you a suggestion. The standard is 10,000, 7,000, and 5,000 yuan per person. In order to better integrate with the authors, our editors will also stay in the hotel and cover all the meals. By the way, our editors are already very tired, and they have to teach classes. Shouldn't we give them some extra subsidies? I'll give you another 10.85 million yuan to arrange our own people properly."

"A total of 200,000 yuan of funds will be allocated to you. You must spend it all! If you don't spend it all, I'll hold you responsible!"

Niu Zi's jaw almost dropped in shock.

The boss bargained back?

He had done planning work before. Usually he would submit an activity budget, then the director would cut it in half, and then the boss would cut it in half again. It would be good to get 1/4 of the budget to do the activity.

Mr. Pu cut the 50,000 to 200,000.

4 times!

"Mr. Pu, I won't say anything. I promise to run this training class well and not embarrass our Duoyu company!"

Mr. Pu smiled and said nothing.

It is impossible to run it well. When the time comes, I will find the editor who teaches the class to come and work overtime, and the author can only study on his own.

After a week, eat and drink enough and go back to your own home.

No one can think of studying well!

Niu Zi continued: "Mr. Pu, I also plan to give a minimum amount of money to the authors with better performance under us. Their performance is relatively good and they earn a lot. It is appropriate to give some money so that the authors can create more attentively."


Element noticed!

It costs money again!

Giving the author a salary for nothing is equivalent to giving the company money for nothing.

Spend the company's money openly in the name of improving the welfare of authors.

This idea is great!

Why didn't I think of it! ?

"Okay! Go ahead and do it. I support your approach. Go ahead and apply for it. Start applying today!"

Niu Zi wanted to say something, but was already driven to work by the excited President Pu.

He could only sigh.

"Anyway, the gold, silver and bronze author grading system, daily tasks, and author rankings are just formalities. For President Pu, it doesn't matter whether he knows it or not. The core content is to improve the welfare of authors and increase cohesion."

After President Pu sent Niu Zi away, he was full of smiles.

He has never been so happy.

"Niu Zi and Xiao Xing are my right-hand men! Not only did they take the lead in slacking off, but they also took the initiative to find ways to spend money to solve problems for President Pu. They are really good!"

The two of them are a great team.

President Pu inspected the company today and found that the entire company was under his control.

Niu Zi and Xiao Xing took the lead in slacking off and spending money to help President Pu solve the unexpected royalties.

Meng Xingkong spent all his money on making an audiobook, and then he had no money to promote it and waited for it to die.

Dachun made a game with his own strength, and if it performs normally, at least 99% of it will be lost.

Moreover, Pu Jie's "Infinite Time and Space" has just fed readers a poisonous mouthful of poison, and the subscription of the novel will inevitably drop drastically, and the pressure of royalties will not be so great.

"Everything is developing in a good direction. If nothing unexpected happens, 150 million yuan will be a sure thing."

Pu Jie is going to look for a house in Kyoto recently.

As long as you don't buy a courtyard house, you can afford it.

A week later.

May 6, Friday.

"Duoyu Audiobook" is online.

The first app product of Duoyu Culture Company quietly logged into major app stores.

If you don't accidentally search for "Xianyu" and type "Duoyu", almost no one will notice that there is an additional app in the app store.

It is simply sneaking into the village, and don't shoot.

Meng Xingkong and others are sitting in the office, looking at the background data nervously.

"Yes! There are downloads!"

"Some people have started listening to our audio drama."

"The first paying customer has come out!"

Listening to the programmer keep reporting data, Meng Xingkong couldn't be happy.

There are too few people.

Half an hour has passed, and the number of downloads is less than 3,000.

A little cold.

For other apps or games, after early promotion, downloads exceeded one hundred thousand or one million within an hour.

They are mediocre, and even the number of downloads is slowing down.

Meng Xingkong frowned, feeling that Mr. Pu's arrangement this time did not seem to have much effect.

The audio clips on Douyin and Kuaishou have been made and are being serialized on them. A total of hundreds of thousands of users are following their short video accounts of different audio novels.

Why are so few people downloading it?

Under the anxious waiting of Duoyu audio reading department.

The Duoyu audiobook software is slowly increasing the number of downloads.

Cool, but not completely cold.

Meng Xingkong and the others looked at the data for a day and felt numb.

"Don't worry about the data for now, let's take a look at the user feedback, and seize the time to fix the bugs that appear. We don't have many customers to begin with, so we need to provide a good user experience and retain the first batch of people who downloaded."

It's useless to think too much, it's better to do what needs to be done first.

He would know the specific questions by asking Mr. Pu.

Mr. Pu might have found a solution long ago.

It just so happens that Mr. Pu is also in the company today.

At this time, Mr. Pu was enjoying the data of Duoyu Listening Book on his computer.

"Is it cold? It's good to be cold!"

“This is what a company should be like!”

"Lao Meng spent 8 million in anger, and I am pleased to offer 80 million. We all have a bright future, Wuhu~"

"Dong dong dong~"

When he heard someone knocking on the door outside, Mr. Pu put away the increasingly perverted smile on his face.


Meng Xingkong came in with a bitter look on his face. Those who didn't know it thought he went to Zu'an to play League of Legends and his household registration book was scolded.

"Mr. Pu, our data is not very good. Do you think we should add some additional publicity expenses?"


Element detection!

Spend money?

Mr. Pu was happy at first, and then calmed down.

This money cannot be spent.

Once the money is spent, it can come back, and you may not get even more.

Unlike Niu Zi, the training class itself can be ruined, and paying the author is pure compensation.

Thinking of this, Mr. Pu's face turned gloomy.

"Lao Meng, are you doubting my strategy?"

"Ah! No, Mr. Pu. It's just that on the first day of launch, the download volume was so bleak. I feel a little guilty. What if I lose this project? I will feel sorry for you, Mr. Pu."


You deserve me so much!

I promise, when I get the money for 10 times the critical hit, I will give you a bonus!

"Lao Meng, what can I say to you! I have been in the company for so long and I am still impatient. When doing things, don't just focus on temporary gains and losses. Does our software rely on advertising and throwing money at it? We rely on ourselves. Quality, as long as the quality is in place, users will always have it!”

"It's half past five now. After get off work, go take a hot bath, squeeze your feet, and relax."

"Stop thinking about data and let the bullets fly for a while."

Meng Xingkong came out of Mr. Pu's office in a daze. He neither found out about Mr. Pu's new publicity strategy nor received approval for publicity funds.

"Just pinch your feet?"

I went back and looked at the backend. There were very few bugs submitted by users. They had tested it N times in the early stage and it was still very reliable.

"Lao Wang and Xiao Wang, you two are on duty tonight. Keep an eye on the backend and fix all the problems raised by users."

"Xiao Zhao, don't forget to send today's short video."

"Everyone else, please get off work. Let's come back tomorrow to see if a miracle will happen."

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