I really want to hit the street

Chapter 205 ‘Duoyu Tingshu’ fills the gaps in this world


After get off work, Huang Shu returned to his hometown and saw his father sitting in the yard, shaking his head and listening to the radio.

"In the 101st chapter, the imperial envoy Xiao Zhuge abandoned the dark and joined the light, and asked Peng Qi to turn over the Jiang Rat with a soft but firm hand. It is said that Bao Yuanwai was depressed all day long, and he was sitting alone in his study today, hesitating about this matter."

Mr. Shan's classic "Three Heroes and Five Gallants" storytelling.

Huang Shu sighed.

"Dad! How many times have you listened to this novel, and you are not tired of it? I bought you a few popular martial arts novels, why don't you go and read them?"

Hearing this, Old Huang opened his eyes and sneered.

"This is called a classic!"

Huang Shu curled his lips and did not deny it.

No matter how classic something is, you will get tired of it after listening to it too much, right?

Old Huang said, "Besides, you know I can't read. How can I read the book you gave me? I think you are making things difficult for me, Old Huang."

"Really, Dad? Hahaha~haha~ha. I forgot."

Huang Shu scratched his head. He was only concerned with bringing the novels he liked to his father, and forgot that his father could not recognize a few words at all.

At this time, he probably understood.

It's not that his father always likes to listen to these storytellings over and over again, but there are no other novels to listen to.

It's also because of this that he watched old movies on TV over and over again.

Some new terms in the world cannot be understood without explanation by children, and only old TV dramas can understand their meaning.

Huang Shu thought of his youth.

He followed his father to work in the fields, and his father told him interesting martial arts stories while working.

That day running in the sunset sounded back to him, that was his lost youth.

Also gone was his father's time.

He is old, with wrinkles and white hair.

No longer the sturdy man, nor the all-knowing father, he had no more entertainment because he had no culture.

And the children all had their own jobs and did not have much time to care about their father who was gradually withdrawing from society.

Huang Shu's heart suddenly hurt a little.

"Dad, how about I tell you a new story?"

"Oh? You can also tell stories? Hahaha, no one would believe it, but if you insist, I'll listen to it too."

He opened "Duoyu Audiobook" under his father's embarrassed and expectant eyes.

Select the work and play.

"Genius Fortune Teller, author: Taoist Lao Ba."

"Everyone knows that the highest skill is in Maoshan, but he was expelled from the sect and had no choice but to go down the mountain. As a result, he changed his identity... The young Taoist traveled all over the country and saw people, ghosts, demons and monsters. He knew everything about the secrets of heaven and turned danger into fortune! He made accurate predictions and a fortune-telling was worth thousands of gold!"

"Chapter 1: Eight characters are all negative, and the little ghost hanged himself"

As the narration ended, a new voice took over the content.

The voice of a middle-aged man with a bit of gloom in the calm, and the light music make people feel suspenseful when listening to it.

Then the protagonist appears, and the boy's voice appears.

After that, the heroine, supporting roles, and various well-known characters all have their own voices, which do not interfere with each other and are very recognizable.

The story unfolds with layered sounds and background music.

A world full of suspense and imagination, where people and ghosts intertwine, gradually unveils its veil.

Old Huang, who has never had such an experience, was stunned!

His thoughts and music, voices, and plots are perfectly integrated together.

Close your eyes and be immersed in it!

The remaining martial arts world in his mind was suddenly squeezed aside and completely occupied by this strange world.

Huang Shu saw that his father was fascinated by listening, so he turned his mobile phone to the maximum volume, and then quietly went to clean the house.

This "Duoyu Listening Book" app was recommended to me by a colleague, saying that there is a novel called "Rural Rogue Divine Doctor" with amazing dubbing, which can be listened to.

He listened to it last night and found it very interesting. He happened to download two books and listened to them on the way home.

And the price is not expensive. For an office worker like him, a few dozen yuan is not a lot of money.

Just eat one less takeout meal and you will have it.

Unexpectedly, before he had time to listen to much, his father used it first.

Seeing that his father was listening with relish, he took the smartphone he bought for his father some time ago, downloaded the "Duoyu Listening Book" app for him, registered an account, and recharged 300 yuan for him.

"I will teach Comrade Lao Huang how to operate it later. This money should be enough for him to listen for a long time."

"I will thank Brother Zhang later. If he hadn't recommended such a useful app to me, I don't know how many years my father would have to repeat those storytellings. How many years would he have in his life."

Comrade Lao Huang, if you don't enjoy yourself in time, you will get old.

Zhang Peien is an office worker.

Every day, you have to drive 40 minutes to the office and another 40 minutes to go home.

It's very boring.

Some time ago, Zhang Peien found an interesting account when browsing Douyin, called "Rural Rogue Divine Doctor - Duoyu Audiobook Works".

An account that tells novels.

You don't need to watch the videos, just listen to them.

He had never read online novels before, and didn't know what they were about.

Anyway, he had nothing to do on the road, so he turned on Bluetooth and played it in the car.

Along the way, he listened with great interest, and before he felt anything, he got home.

When he got home, he was amazed.

The 80-minute round-trip driving every day was his most boring time.

The same route, the same streets, the same traffic jams

Even the plastic bag hanging on the street lamp has not fallen off for half a month!

And this journey while listening to the novel gave him a brand new experience.

It seemed that when he was driving, he had a companion who was accompanying him and telling him stories.

No, it’s a lot of company!

After learning that the app "Duoyu Listening" was released, he downloaded it immediately. Especially when he saw that several books he liked to listen to had been updated to the end, he was even more happy.

Buy them all!

"From now on, my daily commute to get off work will depend on you!"

It is perfectly normal for a middle-aged man to spend a little money to please himself.

So, in this cold city, because of an app, there is one less numb soul and one more happy driver.

Zhang San.

Just got out of the bureau.

As usual, I took the subway home, and then I looked hideous.

Crazy struggle between turning on the phone and not turning on the phone.

He has sat and stood several times

It’s the cell phone that’s to blame every time.

"No. I want to be a man with self-control. I want to control that refreshing feeling and not let myself be easily disarmed."

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhang San decided to play with his mobile phone for a while, otherwise it would be too boring now.

It was a crowded carriage, surrounded by big men and not a single girl.

There is no shameless hand on the girl's butt.

Do not misunderstand.

He just wanted to subdue this kind of gangster and find some freshness in his boring and monotonous life.

Seeing his colleagues in the bureau acting on the front line every day, as a civilian, he was still very envious.

I had no choice but to turn on my phone.

He took his eyes away from the "Qidiandu" app to prevent himself from clicking in, and then went directly to the court.

Swipe the phone screen.

Duoyu listens to books.

"By the way! Isn't this the app that my friend who does fake audio just recommended to me? He plays the role of a girl in it, so you can just listen to it."

Put on your own Bluetooth headphones.

Enter the interface and select a book whose name and introduction are interesting.

"The Ming Dynasty Dandy"

"It's been a long time since I've read a historical article. This seems to be Qidian's book, right? I seem to remember seeing it at the top of the historical rankings. Give it a listen."

He couldn't believe that he could still sit and stand while standing here, staring at the gate!

A magnetic male voice came, which immediately attracted Zhang San.

"Huh? This is much better than Qidian's AI reading, it has feelings."

After adjusting to 2x speed.

Zhang San put his cell phone in his trouser pocket and hugged a steel pipe, feeling much more comfortable.

Anyone who has squeezed through the subway knows that it is very tiring to stand and play with your mobile phone.

Time passed little by little.

Zhang San's brows and expressions suddenly relaxed and then tightened as the plot played in his ears.

His facial expressions changed so much that those who didn't know thought he was seriously ill.

The people around him couldn't help but feel that they kept a certain distance from Zhang San.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang San burst out laughing, scaring everyone around him away instantly!

Let me just say this person is abnormal!



Which hospital released this in advance?

Zhang San rubbed his head in embarrassment. The plot just now was so funny that he couldn't hold it back.

this time.

Zhang San finally stopped and successfully transferred to the subway home.


“From now on, I’ll just listen to books when I’m on the subway. This thing is much more reliable!”

"It should be said or not. It has a different flavor when people talk about it."

He quickly accepted this new way of reading novels and applied it to his own life.

With Duoyu listening to books.

He, Zhang San, no longer has to worry about sitting or standing!

I just need to take some time to practice expression management.

Duoyu Tingshu will be online this week.

Many people have felt the charm of listening to books.

This is a completely different way of reading novels.

It transcends words, liberates the eyes, and fills up time.

These days.

The old machine is telling stories to its owner loudly;

The car stereo no longer plays radio broadcasts with music mixed with advertisements, replaced by charming audio dramas;

There are many people listening to stories on the road, subways, and buses wearing Bluetooth headsets. They have an additional way to gain happiness in their free time.

The gap in this world has been filled because of the emergence of Duoyu Listening Book.

However, there is currently a rumor on the Internet

It is said that incidents suspected of being possessed by evil spirits occurred all over the country.

Some people burst into laughter while riding in a car, or start crying while walking.

There are also people whose eyes suddenly become lewd in a public place.

There was also a strange incident where someone was so frightened that he jumped more than 5 meters away after being photographed.

These people all have a characteristic: they are listening to something in their ears.

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