I really want to hit the street

Chapter 211 Pu Ding’s writing experience sharing

When Liu Fan brought the news back to Wangyiyun Company.

Ding Bo was stunned for a moment.

Then he said calmly: "If you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty. Then Duoyu's way of listening to books will end here."

"Ask the R\u0026D department to immediately launch a new project - the Wangyiyun listening book column, to add functions to our Wangyiyun music app. I will give them half a month."

"Let the human resources guys get involved and find a way to poach employees from the development department of Duoyu Listening Book. I don't think a normal person would refuse the offer of Wang Yiyun, a small startup company and a listed company with a giant in the industry." , they know how to choose.”

"Go and do public relations with major mobile phone manufacturers, remove Duoyu Audiobook from their app store download rankings and recommendation positions, and not allow this software to be included in the rankings. After our audiobook section is launched, we will Place a relevant search ad, and when users search for Duoyu Listening, our website Wangyiyun Music will pop up first, with the introduction highlighting our listening function.”


Liu Fan listened to Ding Bo's arrangement and nodded in admiration.

It is said that Mr. Bo did a good job in Goose Factory before.

Sure enough!

Look, isn’t this taking over the core work philosophy?

Penguin's greatest ability has been learned, so why worry about whether Wang Yiyun listens to a book or not?

‘Hey, Duoyu is a very good company. It’s a pity. It’s all because you, Mr. Pu, are too young and have never seen the intrigues in society. ’

In his opinion, Wang Yiyun’s current operation will continue.

Directly forcing Duoyu Company to death, it can also develop Wang Yiyun's audiobook business to a level that Duoyu Audiobook can only hope to achieve.

They have 18 million active paying users!

That’s more than Qidian’s latest active paying user data of 12 million!

Not to mention that Duoyu Tingshu only has 2 million downloads, but it can have 200,000 paying users, even if their software is of high quality!

It’s not of the same magnitude at all!

Moreover, they also have online reading on Yiyun and their own bookstore. Originally, their customers are people who like to listen to stories in the comment area.

Is it true that some people download Net Yiyun just to listen to songs?

If I don’t read the pain literature compiled by netizens for a day, I won’t be able to sleep at night!

As soon as 12 o'clock arrived, I turned on the Internet and started crying.

There are audios, books, customers, and the company still has money!

What you want is what you want.

With such unique conditions, it would be strange if we couldn’t do it.

You have a small start-up company, how can you fight with me?

Ding Bo and Liu Fan decided on the future of Duoyu Company while chatting.

Next, after their audiobook function is launched, they can directly push aside Duoyu Audiobook and become the leader of this new industry.

When the time comes, President Da Ding will definitely look at them, Wang Yiyun, in a new light.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a new Internet industry trend, and this time we actually hit it.”

Ding Bo was a little excited when he thought about it.

Duoyu Company, Mr. Pu’s office.

Niu Zi came to report on the author's offline training class and asked Mr. Pu about his lecture arrangements for tomorrow.

As soon as I entered the door, I noticed that Mr. Pu looked very good!

Much better than the day when the number of users of Duoyu Audiobook surged.

At first glance, something happy happened.

"Oh! It's already time. Don't worry, I will teach them a lesson tomorrow!"

The Internet Literature Department had already reported this matter to him.

Playing right into Mr. Pu’s wish!

He has to bring the set of ideas of fish-fishing companies to the authors to prevent them from making effective efforts.

It’s not okay to make money for the company every day!

"By the way, give me a copy of the lecture content and the edited list of lectures you have arranged these days."

"Here, Mr. Pu."

Niu Zi handed Mr. Pu the list he had already prepared.

Mr. Pu looked at the name above, with a smirk on his face.

"It's impossible for you to have a good time in class. Only by transferring the editor and letting everyone fish together can we barely survive."

First, set an example for the authors to make mistakes before messing up the editor’s teaching plan.

This training course was a waste of 200,000 yuan!

Oh no!

It’s not in vain either.

These authors who have accepted Mr. Pu’s ideological guidance may not update properly after returning home, which will directly make Duoyu Company less money.


Mr. Pu won twice.

the next day.

Saturday, May 21st.

It is advisable to give lectures and avoid talking back.

8:30 in the morning.

In the conference room of the Hengtai four-star hotel, 30 authors were looking forward to it.

"Who do you think the heavyweight that Editor Xiaoxing is talking about is?"

"I feel that he must be the master of Qidian. After all, our first class is an elite class, and everyone is an experienced author. There should be no need for basic courses."

Among their group of 30 people, Xiaoxing is an author who has been in the industry for a long time and has certain achievements that can be focused on cultivating.

And all the books I have at hand have been completed or eunuchs.

This training class mainly teaches them how to write a hit book.

Ordinary training will definitely not work.

Everyone has their own understanding of online articles, but it’s just because the treatment given by Duoyu Company is really good, with a minimum guarantee + a share.

Guaranteed harvest during drought and flood, most suitable for people who need stable income.

Many people couldn't bear Qidian's nearly two-month free period and gave up.

This is why veteran authors also join studios to write books.

"A great author? Doesn't Duoyu Company have too much prestige? Qidian invites great experts to give lectures. There are only a few times a year when someone of that level makes more money than the editor-in-chief of Qidian. Why should we listen? Are you in charge?"

"However, since editor-in-chief Xiaoxing said he is a heavyweight, he must not be too bad. At least he is an author with thousands of orders, or the Twelve Heavenly Kings, right?"

"Hey~ That's not bad. I'll just write a masterpiece in my next book."

"Hehe~ Anyway, there is a guarantee. I have a good idea in the Ji Dao style. I will just rush into the next book. It will be updated 12,000 times a day. I will rely on the number of words."

"Don't tell me, after I came to Duoyu Company, not only was I well fed, but my level also improved very quickly."

"At least I don't like fishing anymore."

"Wait a minute? Are we wrong? Aren't we trying to guess who the heavyweight guest is today?"

"Harm! Don't worry about these details."

While 30 authors were chatting, Xiaoxing came.

"Are you ready, everyone? We are about to welcome our heavyweight opening teaching guest today. He has many titles. You may have heard of him."

Everyone's ears perked up. Is there a title?

2 updates in 3 days?

Ouchi manager?

Red-haired monster?

When several frequently heard titles popped into everyone's mind.

Xiaoxing didn't show off and started counting them in detail.

"Those who know about online writing channels call him the King of New Media!"

All the authors were suddenly stunned, as if they had thought of something.

"Those who know about manuscript fees call him the channel income ceiling!"

"People who know how to write call him the writer who knows the best about readers!"

"People who understand the market call him the controller of the new trend of online articles!"

At this time, all the authors took a breath of cold air.

They seemed to have guessed who it was.

A legend!

At the request of the editor, the writers of Duoyu Company deliberately studied his simple and novice writing style and the themes of son-in-law, dragon king, miracle doctor, etc. that are still popular in new media today.

Xiaoxing looked at the authors' excited eyes and shocked looks, smiled slightly and continued:

"And recently, he has a new title - the top of the Twelve Heavenly Kings of Qidian, the unprecedented double king of one year! You must have guessed who I am talking about, let us shout his name loudly!"

All authors stand.

"Pu! Set it!"

Behind the conference room.

Pu Jie covered his face.


"It's so embarrassing. Xiaoxing, I really belong to you!"

Pu Jie walked out amid the cheers of 30 authors.

He waved his hands to everyone awkwardly.

"Ahem, bad praise, all bad praise. I'm just an author with better luck."

Everyone smiled knowingly.


The humility of the strong.

Say good luck once you take off.

But this trick is really useful. Seeing the famous Pu Ding lower his body actively, everyone felt much better.

No one wants to face an arrogant old-timer who teaches them how to do things.

Even if what he said is right.

Pu Jie sat in the lecturer's seat, took out several "poison points" he had prepared yesterday, and was ready to start operating.

"Today, everyone has come to the first offline author training class of Duoyu Company. I am honored that I can share some of my writing experience with you. Next, I will briefly mention three points."

Clatter. Clatter.

Everyone opened their notebooks and prepared to record.

This is a quasi-great, a front-line author who is currently in the ascendant.

His lectures are more valuable than those of many platinum masters!

Because Pu Ding's success has nothing to do with his writing style. They are all replicable experiences. As long as you learn the core, you can probably copy a fire book.

Unlike the writing of great masters, Chun Chun's writing is just awesome.

The same plot would be stupid if written by another person.

The difference between Qidian Dashen and Pu Ding is like the difference between genius theory and methodology.

The former cannot be copied, while the latter can be cultivated.

Pu Jie looked at everyone's expectant eyes and felt that he was safe this time.

“What I’m going to say next may subvert everyone’s understanding of online writing.”

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