I really want to hit the street

Chapter 218 The online writing training class ended perfectly

Huang Shu had just finished scolding Pu Ding. When he woke up in the morning, he found that two chapters had been added.

Subconsciously, I feel happy and click on it.

Then I remembered what I just said last night.

Pull down your face.

"I want to see if you want to change the plot!"

After reading Chapter 2.

Rong Hao was dead.

Pu Ding said he was in a happy mood and added more updates.

Huang Shu:? ? ?

"What the hell?"

"What the hell"

"I'm a bitch too! I've finished reading it all! How unlucky!"

Stop watching!

No matter what I say, I won’t be angry anymore!

Not only Huang Shu, but also Yue Jing and a group of angry readers saw that Pu Ding became more serious and abandoned the book again.

The 24-hour subscription of "Infinite Time and Space" has dropped sharply!

However, this time it has only dropped by about 1/3, leaving more than 5,000.

I don’t know if readers are used to knives, or if Rong Hao is not as popular as Chu Dake.

Pu Jie doesn't care, he can persuade them to retreat as much as he can.

No white knife.

In addition to coding these days, Pu Jie has also seriously interfered with the operation of offline training classes.

The editor who lectures the next day must have tasks and must work overtime.

The online literature department started working collectively.

It completely disrupted Xiaoxing's arrangements.

The authors ate, drank, and entertained, but then learned nothing, so they learned Mr. Pu’s three-piece suit.

Today, the authors have finished hanging out for 7 days and are leaving.

Pujie was very satisfied.

If your article fails, the company will lose money.

Two blooms.

"There's good news everywhere!"

"Good news indeed."

After Niu Zi brought over all the authors' ideas for the next book, Xiaoxing was very satisfied.

This week’s training was very effective!

"The authors' new books reflect how much they have absorbed what they have learned in the past few days. After reading these 30 books, I clearly feel that some of them will be popular from the beginning. They are great!"

Niu Zi sighed: "That's all thanks to Mr. Pu!"

"Bird food."

Time goes back to 6 days ago.

After Mr. Pu finished his lecture and left, Xiaoxing added some more of Mr. Pu’s complete course.

The editor who was going to give a lecture in the afternoon was suddenly transferred by Mr. Pu to work.

It was taken away suddenly without any prior notice.

Xiaoxing and Niu Zi were a little scratched their heads. This course is step-by-step, and each editor has his or her own expertise and responsibility.

After the editor is transferred, we can't just talk about how to write the three golden chapters before designing the title and introduction, right?

Isn’t this a mess?

Young people can’t be so messy!

So in the afternoon, Xiaoxing bravely taught a class and brought over the content prepared by the editor and talked about it with everyone.

Then the editor of Golden Three Chapters was called away to work by Mr. Pu the next morning.


Even if you change your Qi, you can’t do it so frequently!

Mr. Pu is having too much fun!

How do you do this?

Xiao Xingtou wanted to have a good chat with Mr. Pu about this matter.

Niu Zi stopped him.

"Editor Xiaoxing, don't worry, we should think carefully about why Mr. Pu did this? He asked me for our course schedule before and knows all our course arrangements, but why is he doing this?"

"Deliberately not letting us complete the training class? Are you disgusting us? Are you asking the author to come here in vain?"

"Obviously impossible!"

Xiaoxing calmed down.

"That's right. I was in a hurry and cared so much about this training class that I forgot the basic rules of working in Duoyu Company. First of all, you can't just look at the surface of anything. What Mr. Pu said and did must be analyzed in depth."

Niu Zi also smiled happily when he saw Xiaoxing returning to his wise look.

"That's right, caring leads to chaos. I think Mr. Pu used this way of mobilizing our editors to send us a message. He is not satisfied with our current step-by-step offline training courses!"

"Hiss—it's very possible!"

Xiaoxing took a deep breath, and the sweat on her forehead suddenly broke out.

Why did Mr. Pu want to disrupt their plan? He must have a better idea.

"So what should we do now?"

Niu Zi was now possessed by the God of Wisdom.

"I think Po always wanted us to do it this way."

"Since he thinks that our editor's lecture is not suitable, but it is suitable for him to teach the first class, then Mr. Pu's meaning must be to find a master like him to give lectures and share experiences! Instead of forcing the editors to teach themselves working methods.”

"As we all know, although our editors have no problem giving guidance, it is difficult for them to write by themselves. If we finish teaching, the author will probably write the same thing without any innovation, which is exactly the opposite of Mr. Pu's philosophy!"

"He hopes that our authors will be creative and have something of their own, so we want to find some great masters who have recently written popular books to share their experiences. How much they can absorb depends on the individual. These are the best in our studio. Authors, they should not learn our methods, but create their own methods!”

"Just like Mr. Pu! Never constrained by rules and regulations!"

Xiaoxing agreed very much: "That's so right! Mr. Pu didn't promote you in vain!"

The two quickly reached a consensus.

Xiaoxing used her past connections to find two millionaire authors living in Kyoto. They came here to share their experiences in friendship. Of course, food, accommodation and fun were all included.

Before the 20,000 bookings were made, it was Xiaoxing who brought him out, so he gave me some face.

Niu Zi pulled over the author of "My Love Simulator" from Meng Xingkong's secret author group.

I also found the author of the recently popular book "The School Beauty's Personal Dog Licking" through new media channels and called over.

There was even a Twelve Heavenly King who was caught by Xiaoxing in Kyoto and tricked directly into him.

These days, 30 authors are stunned.

The authors of some of the popular books they saw appeared together to share their first-hand experiences.

You can find answers to all kinds of questions about writing books in them, because they walked through it step by step.

Such experience is extremely precious.

The teaching effect is unprecedentedly good!

Although the editor of Duoyu Company did not give a lecture, Xiaoxing believed that this was definitely better than what they arranged.

Niu Zi: "Mr. Pu must have noticed that our previous training plan was inappropriate, but he didn't have the nerve to tell us directly. Instead, he used a tactful way to let us realize it ourselves. It also allowed us to improve the training class. , and protect our dignity, where can we find such a good boss? If we don’t work hard to make money for Mr. Pu, can we be worthy of him?”

Xiaoxing: "Sparrow food!"

The week of training ended perfectly.

Just waiting for the new work to come out after 30 authors have studied it many times!

This is an idea that has been honed over time.

Whether it is the title of the book, the introduction, the three golden chapters, the golden fingers, or the main story line, they have all been thought through.

It’s an idea that even Wanding’s authors think is okay.

As long as you open the book, it is difficult to rush out!

During this training, Xiaoxing also discovered a treasure author.

Wang Dachui.

He has a father who is a black belt in Taekwondo and a mother who is a boxer coach.

Everyday life is "colorful".

The writing style is also humorous and interesting.

He is best at writing reversal plots and making a small slice of life come alive.

For example, he wrote about his experience of being deceived in various ways when he wrote online articles.

"I, the new author, got lucky"

Although it was not posted online, Xiaoxing was very interested after reading it.

I think this is a good seedling that can be cultivated in the future.

In addition to online writing training courses, Duoyu Company also offers online training courses.

The Duoyu Tingshu app has also been booming recently and has gone one step further.

But recently, some people have been sneaking around downstairs of Duoyu Company.

Staring at the people coming down from the 16th floor.

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