I really want to hit the street

Chapter 220 Which company’s human resources department has collapsed?

"What!? No one came here???"

Liu Fan, who was entrusted with important tasks by Ding Bo, his first feeling when he heard the news was

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Is it difficult for big companies to recruit people from small companies?

Let me put it bluntly, isn’t the ultimate dream of these programmers, operators, and designers to work in a major Internet company like them?

Internet suppression companies can definitely be regarded as the last stop of their careers.

Coming here is basically equivalent to becoming famous.

Moving forward, you can go to Goose Factory, Alibaba, and ByteDance, but the treatment may not be much better.

"The bargaining chip that Wangji gives you is not small, right? You can't even recruit people here? What do you do for food?"

Several HR people curled their lips.

"Brother Fan, it's really not a matter of our ability. The main thing is that we can give a price, but others don't like it at all. The annual salary is 100,000 more than us. Even the gods can't do it."

Liu Fan: "???"

"Why should Duoyu Tingshu give them so much money?"

After being told by multiple HR personnel, Liu Fan finally figured out why this was the case.

Then he was startled.

"Is Duoyu Company crazy? These are ordinary employees, and their wages are higher than 1/3 of the highest market price?"

"What do you think, Mr. Pu? Capitalist conscience?"

He thought of the place in Duoyu Company that was comparable to the elite office area of ​​the Internet Suppression Headquarters, and he understood a little more.

No wonder when Mr. Pu heard that he was going to suppress Duoyu, he smiled and looked unconcerned.

It seems that we are well prepared!

"Okay, you go and do your work. I'll ask Mr. Bo for instructions again."

Liu Fan knew that it was unlikely that he would raise his salary to recruit more people. After all, Wang Yiyun also wanted to be evenly matched, at least there shouldn't be too much of a gap.

Other programmers earn more than 20,000 yuan a month, and giving more than 30,000 yuan to a group of new people is definitely not appropriate.

When the time comes that every employee will have to get a salary increase, there will be chaos.

You can't hide your salary.

After he asked Boss Bo for instructions, it turned out that it was impossible to increase his salary.

Mr. Bo said with some disdain: "The people in our company have much higher overall quality than theirs. Poaching their people is just a means to attack Duoyu. If you can't get them, forget it. Don't sacrifice the good and just take away the bad from our listening books." Once the function is online, you can suppress them at will.”

This matter has come to an end.

Liu Fan also felt that this was indeed the case.

If you don’t poach their people, then the Internet won’t be able to crush them?

I do not believe.

Wang Yiyun's programmers have recently begun to work overtime until late at night.

The big boss asked them to add a book listening function to Wangyiyun Music in half a month.

Although it is a little rushed, but fortunately, it is based on the Wangyiyun Music Platform, so it is not troublesome to implement this function. The main problem is the pages and interactions inside.

In other words, everyone is used to working overtime.

The biggest headache for product managers is where to get so many books?

The boss has a thought and is about to break his leg.

The boss said that just let Biduoyu listen to the book and do well.

How does he know how to do this thing called listening to books?

Except for Duoyu, no one has done such a new thing, and he has no concept of how to make money from listening to books.

I looked at the Duoyu Tingshu app and listened to a piece of "The Rogue Miracle Doctor" promoted by the website. The product manager's head was blown.

"Is anyone really listening to this?"

"It's so stupid, but it's still the best-selling one?"

"And it doesn't hurt at all. It doesn't match the theme of our website Yiyun!"


But if the boss asks you to do it, you must do it.

Since you want to imitate others, you must imitate the essence.

What kind of books are read by many people will be copied by them.

Although I can’t stand listening to this miracle doctor, readers must be able to stand listening to it. The data is here, it’s unmistakable!

Time is tight, there is no time to think, so hurry up!

He was busy looking for someone to understand the copyright issues and buy books of the same type.

When choosing people to record, the product manager had an idea!

My own music live broadcast has always been tepid, relying entirely on platform subsidies to sustain it. However, some of the anchors have very good voices. Isn't it just right to let them do the dubbing?

For them, it can be a lot of extra money.

For Wang Yiyun, if you spend a lot less money, you may be able to support a few anchors if it becomes popular in the future.


Just do it, they only have half a month.

If you can't copy it, prepare to face the wrath of the big boss.

After a series of operations, the product manager felt that the software was ready and should be launched on time.

Duoyu Tingshu didn't realize at all that a huge creature had stared at the meat in their mouths and wanted to tear it off.

Oh no!

Not only eating meat, but also eating them as well.

Duoyu Tingshu has been online for three weeks, and without any publicity, the data has been rising steadily.

Currently, the total number of registered users on the platform has exceeded 3.5 million.

The first batch of users have already passed the 7-day free period and started paying to read.

The number of paying users reached 200,000, far exceeding expectations!

Meng Xingkong analyzed that this is because of the group problem they face. It is not a software for minors with the lowest ability to pay. Their brain activity is higher and they will not listen to audio reading with a slower pace.

This software is intended for fixed groups and fixed scenarios.

Commuting for office workers, entertainment for the elderly, and all kinds of fragmented time that are not suitable for looking at mobile phones.

Through user portrait analysis.

They concluded that 80% of the listeners are over 25 years old and have extremely high paying ability.

Therefore, the payment rate remains very high.

As we all know, underage users are the main group that lowers the payment rate of various software. Because their payment ability is too low and they do not have independent economic conditions, the user group of Duoyu Listening Book software has an inherent advantage.


Meng Xingkong received instructions from Mr. Pu to withdraw the money he would earn in the future in advance to purchase more copyrighted works and find voice actors to speed up recording to ensure that their audible library continues to grow.

Many books are updated every day.

Moreover, Meng Xingkong also discovered that they did not actually need to buy the copyrights of Qidian's well-known works, which was a bit wasteful.

One copy costs 100,000 yuan.

But most readers who listen to books are not readers who read online articles, so their requirements are not so high.

This can be seen from the fact that the best-selling book is still "The Rogue Miracle Doctor".

These people are essentially no different from new media users.

However, Meng Xingkong and others cannot, like new media channels, record a bunch of articles about the king of soldiers, the son-in-law, and the god of war, because many of the readers are elites and have higher paying capacity.

They may not have read online novels, but that’s not all they read. They must have other hobbies.

Therefore, Duoyu Listening Book still needs a rich library to enrich it, so that it can analyze the interests of each reader.

There is currently too little data.

Meng Xingkong purchased a batch of 3,000 to 6,000 books from Qidian at a cheaper price to fill the library.

The copyright price of each copy is between 10,000 and 20,000.

For example, Brother Ji’s book, which had more than 5,000 subscriptions, sold for 20,000.

Don’t be too little!

These books are not originally within the scope of Qidian’s copyright operations. It would be great if they could be sold, let alone just sell audio reading rights.

Before Duoyu Tingshu came out, they didn’t even know that the copyright for online articles could be sold!

How much is too much?

What kind of bike do you want?

Meng Xingkong saved money for the company and obtained a rich library to fill the software.

And these large numbers of books popping up like mushrooms after a rain have greatly increased the stickiness of the first batch of paying users!

These people who might have never read online novels in their lives have experienced a magical world through a listening software.

Here, there are books on medical gods and dragon kings, martial arts and immortality, urban emotions, weird suspense, military wars, and magic and fantasy. There are books in every column.

Funny, scary, passionate and thrilling to satisfy readers' various tastes.

Meng Xingkong sighed: "It has to be Mr. Pu! If we don't expand the library in time and wait until the money arrives next month to start adding new books, we will probably lose a large number of users, and such a good start will be ruined. ”

"With Mr. Pu looking after the company, it will be difficult for us to compensate!"

Chief Designer of Duoyu Listening Book app: “Sparrow food!”

And at this time.

Mr. Pu was looking at a handful of resumes in his office.


"Assistant Qi, we haven't posted any recruitment information recently, have we?"

"There is no Mr. Pu."

"Then why are there so many people applying for human resources positions? Which company's human resources department has closed down?"

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