I really want to hit the street

Chapter 231 A blessing in disguise?

Bi Gan originally wrapped himself in a rug and didn't want to see the cruel statistics, but the box office on the first day was 300,000 yuan.

The box office on the second day doubled to 600,000!

He was stunned.

When Xuanfa Company saw that the attendance rate could reach 80% during the peak period, they immediately contacted the theater and started operations!

"You don't want to promote such a good movie? You don't want to pay for it to be delivered to your door? Are you out of your mind!?"

But one day's data is not enough to change the views of theaters across the country.

After 3 days.

"The Man from Earth" is a sell-out!

The too low number of films directly aroused the anger of the audience and they were scolded!

Especially adults, they don’t need to watch children’s movies at all!

During the Children's Day period, if you want to find an excuse to ask your baby out to check out a room, why not blame the theater?

They were so angry that they gave Pleasant Goat and Bears bad reviews!

Fortunately, the very enterprising producer had already prepared the hard drive for the film copy before the theater placed an order.

Just waiting for the theater to open its mouth!

Cinemas are not stupid, they will schedule more movies if they make money.

Directly expanding the film schedule of "The Man from Earth" by 4 times!

From 2553 filming scenes nationwide, we went straight to 10451!

On June 4th, there will be a big change in the film schedule!

"The Man Came From Earth" became the third-highest-selling movie in theaters in June!

Second only to the cross talk movie and the bear-infested movie.

There's nothing you can do about it, the former is a traffic movie, and the latter is a children's festival.

But I was finally given a reasonable treatment.

In this way, many viewers who cannot buy tickets or whose time is not suitable will feel comfortable instantly!

There are shows in the morning, afternoon and evening, so you can watch them at any time.

The box office soared that day!

Reached 2 million!

The media in Magic City were the first to report it, and it became a small hit in this city.

Subsequently, due to the fermentation of word-of-mouth, the number of film schedules increased, and more and more people went to the theater to watch it.

In this month, which is not a good month for movie-going, the box office of "The Man from Earth" is rising steadily.

Drive low and go high!

It made Bi Gan laugh so hard.

Originally, he didn't have high expectations. He just hoped to recover the cost domestically, then sell it to foreign theaters to make some money, and then use it to judge awards.

As a result, the domestic box office actually made a profit!

A week after its release.

The single-day box office reached its peak: 5.02 million!

The total weekly box office reached 17.41 million!

After a series of sharing and taxes, Bi Qian was able to get 17% of the total box office, Pu Jie and Wang Xiang got 10%, and Chen Mingdao got 3%.

In other words, in the first week, Bi Gan could get nearly 3 million in box office share! After deducting more than 1 million yuan in costs, he was still left with a profit of nearly 2 million yuan.

Pu Jie and Wang Xiang received 1.74 million. According to the proportion of script creation, Pu Jie received 60%, which is 1.04 million!

Because Chen Mingdao joined with a low salary, Bi Gan felt bad and promised to give him 3% of the box office share, which is 520,000. Although it is not comparable to the appearance fees of young freshmen, this income can at least gradually reduce their salary. To make up for it, this film won't reduce the salary too much.

"Hiss—make money with blood!"

After Pu Jie learned about the share he was going to get, he was so happy!

"Why is it so profitable to make movies?"

He kept talking about it. He really didn't expect this movie to make so much money. You must know that this is only the box office in the first week. There are still three weeks to go, and the box office will definitely not be low.

Because the reputation of "The Man from Earth" is so good!

It completely crushed any film of the same period, so the attendance rate remained high.

Although this month’s movie is cool, there are no tigers in the mountains and the monkey is king!

Although "The Man from Earth" couldn't beat domestic blockbusters and Hollywood blockbusters, it happened to miss the mark at this time, making it the most successful among the movies in June.

Even though the total box office of domestic movies this month is not high, it is enough to keep them fed.

Bi Gan couldn't help but sigh at the wonder of fate.

"How could you know it's a blessing in disguise? If it had been released on May 1st last month, it would have had to compete with the two domestic films. The major director's main theme film was so good, and the film schedule would have to make way for them. We might really be in trouble. Broken blood."

"Tsk tsk~ Fate is unpredictable, the big intestine wraps the small intestine"

The creative staff visited several cities this week.

Originally they didn't have so many interviews and stage appearances.

But when Xuanfa Company saw the dark horse status of "The Man from Earth", they immediately put the publicity resources in place.

The heat hits my stomach!

Therefore, although the promotion and operation took a lot of the film's share, they were really in charge.

Pujie is leaving today.

Bigan and the others still have several cities to go to.

Pu Jie sighed: "It's true. I originally thought we were going to rush into the street, but then there was another big reversal and the needle didn't poke."

"Huh? Wait. Why does this operation sound so familiar?"

Bigan asked: "What seems familiar?"

"It's not important, our movie is done! Although it's far from the hundreds of millions and billions of blockbusters, this time is already pretty good."

Bi Gan: "Yes, the bulk of the box office revenue each year actually occurs at specific times. On important holidays such as the Spring Festival, National Day, and May Day, the traffic in one day may be higher than ours in a month. It is incomparable."

"Besides, we have only been in theaters for one week and already have a box office of 17.41 million. In the next three weeks, even if there is a slight decline, I estimate that the total box office will reach 60 million. I am very satisfied!"

Wang Xiang smiled and said: "Xiao Bi's analysis is very objective, and it is similar to what I expected. We are a movie that is rushing to win awards. In my opinion, it is considered a success if it can recover the cost. Now, it is all an unexpected surprise."

"Xiao Bi, Pu Jie and I are going back to school next. Please take care of us about participating in the Golden Rooster Awards and Golden Horse Awards in the second half of the year. If you have any difficulties, call me. Some old friends can talk to us."

"Don't worry Editor Wang, this time we are aiming for the best screenwriter!"


This is the main purpose of Wang Xiang's participation in this script.

During this week, Pu Jie saw a lot of things and gained contact information of a lot of people. Some film and television companies extended an olive branch to him, hoping that his next script would be written with them in mind.

On the contrary, Bi Gan didn't pay much attention to it, because in the whole story, the most prominent thing was this line and Chen Mingdao's performance.

The director has nothing to praise here.

Um. Is it better than putting a dog there to guide you?

Is this a compliment?

This week, Bi Gan has been able to look away.

The goal he wanted has been achieved, which proves that small-cost movies are still feasible in the current Chinese market.

A good film can break everything.

Just like writing online articles, don’t ask what subject matter, routine, or development will be popular, just four words: the article is good or it can be broken.

On June 8, Pu Jie and Zhang Yang returned to Kyoto by plane.

Without him, there is no manuscript saved.

"Let me know what Kangkang's "Infinite Time and Space" has become recently."


As Xiaoxing's successor, Pu Ding is the editor.

I also paid close attention to the movies he wrote and went to see them on the first day they were released.

Very shocking!

As a writer, he is more sensitive to lines than others, so he can naturally see part of the film's web-text attributes.

"Isn't this just the advanced version of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, pretending to be cool and getting slapped in the face!"

The protagonist has a hidden identity that no one else knows.

When the protagonist was revealed, the crowd was puzzled, questioned, and ridiculed, and then was slapped in the face by the protagonist with his knowledge and experience.

Especially those he slapped in the face were teachers of various subjects and professor-level authorities.

Fill up the pleasure directly!

After all, no reader likes to see the protagonist slap a roadside beggar in the face, which is not pleasant at all.

Later, as the protagonist gradually reveals his identity, the supporting characters begin to react.

Doubt, surprise, shock.

Then he became angry and called a psychiatrist to give the protagonist a fatal blow.

As a result, the helper was convinced and directly supported him.

It feels so good!

"Pu Ding is indeed a master of online writing. His scripts are so flavorful and he no longer hides his overflowing literary talent. Judging from his script skills and his writing skills, the online articles he writes can be directly published on Qidian. top!"

"You can both write and screenplay. If you don't sell the copyright, who will?"

"A best-seller recommendation is given to you to cheer you up for your new movie. You're welcome!"

"I really look forward to how happy Pu Ding will be after he knows how to operate the copyright of his "Infinite Time and Space"!"

"No Xiaoxing said that if you think you can shock Pu Ding, you must think about yourself, because this may have been part of his plan."

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