I really want to hit the street

Chapter 241 What is the Duoyu Spirit! ?

Net Yiyun Music is suppressed when it says it is suppressed.

Relying on the fast connections on the Internet, whether it is a favor or a purchase, the Duoyu Listening App has been squeezed out of all major mainstream app stores.

Originally, the download volume of Duoyu Tingshu this month has been very good, the reputation is good, and the ratings are gradually rising.

Duoyu Audiobook software can be seen on some fairly reputable lists such as download rankings and monthly popular software.

Now, it's all gone!

Net Yiyun Music (listening to books) directly ranked first!

The introductory words are specially added to their listening module.

Especially when users search for ‘Duoyu Tingshu’, the first one that appears is ‘Wangyiyun Music (Tingshu)’, which is the hottest!

Most users, after hearing that a certain software can listen to books, search and download it, but Duoyu Listening Book has just over 10 million downloads and Yiyun Music has 1.3 billion downloads.

Can the size be the same?

Moreover, Net Yiyun Music’s users are familiar with it!

Even if you don’t usually use it to listen to songs, you have always heard of its jokes, right?

There is often a popular short video platform in the comment area of ​​Yiyun, a famous emotional music software.

So which one to download?

Some people with clear goals will still download Duoyu Audiobook to find their own needs.

And many users who say "I can do anything" will choose "Wang Yiyun Music (Listening to Books)" which has higher download volume, higher ranking, and greater popularity.

This can be reflected in the data.

As soon as this operation of Wang Yiyun Music came out, the number of downloads of Duoyu Listening Books in a single day was instantly halved!

After the surge in users last month.

The Duoyu Listening Book app has now entered a stage of stable development with little advertising exposure, mainly relying on word-of-mouth fermentation.

But fortunately, there is only this audio-book software on the market, and those who have this need will only download Duoyu Audio-book.

There are about 50,000 new users every day.

It’s not as good as the initial surge, but for a software that didn’t spend any money on publicity, it’s already pretty good.


The accuracy of the users I found directly is very high.

The payment rate has also been maintained at an extremely high level.

Meng Xingkong was quite satisfied. He was deeply aware of how correct Mr. Pu's strategy was!

At this stage, quantity is not important, quality is important!

Their current functions are still somewhat single, mainly serving users who like to listen to novels, and are not suitable for large-scale promotion.

Now, based on Mr. Pu’s suggestion, which he did not explicitly state but definitely supports, I have created a daily news column, and the feedback so far is good!

Functionality has been expanded.

User stickiness has been greatly improved.

Now, it was originally a period of continuous improvement. Net Yiyun’s wave of operations directly gave Duoyu Tingshu a head-on blow!

Grab traffic!

Grab users!

Force Duoyu to listen to books.

I killed 50% of the new users on the first day. If I continue like this in the future, I have to give up?

If a software or a game only has old users left, it is not far from being cool. Every day there are people who suddenly don’t want to use this software, such as Qidian.

A reader stayed up late to read a book, and then became depressed. His boss beat him up at work and told him to do whatever he could and get out.

At this time, his intermittent gangster's struggle gene was activated.

If you feel that you can't do this anymore, you should use your free time to learn a side job, and try to do some business on your own in the future, instead of relying on others all your life.

In anger, I deleted all entertainment apps!

Start working hard!

Number of Qidian readers -1.

At this time, new readers are needed to make up for it. Otherwise, Qidian’s daily active readers will become fewer and fewer, and the overall traffic will become lower. Book subscriptions will begin to decrease. Authors will go to other websites if they can’t make money. Readers will find that they can read There are very few books, so I went to other websites to find books.

Authors are lost, and readers are also lost. Such a vicious cycle will eventually lead to nothing but coolness.

"So! What does this case tell us?"

Duoyu Company, Audio Reading Division.

Meng Xingkong remained calm and asked the people in the department.

At this time, an employee raised his hand silently: "So... it would be fine if he doesn't want to struggle?"

Meng Xingkong: "."

He glanced at the speaker's name: Zhao Cai.

He came over from Wangyiyun Music Human Resources Department. It is said that he wanted to poach Zhongcheng at that time, but was instigated to rebel.

Meng Xingkong said with hatred: "Zhao Cai, your thoughts are very dangerous! You don't even understand the core values ​​of Duoyu Company! I have to teach you a lesson today!"

Zhao Cai was shocked when he heard this.

Is this the core content of the company that I haven’t touched even half a month after joining the company?

Meng Xingkong: "According to Mr. Pu's daily instructions, the core value of our Duoyu Company is - refuse to fish and work efficiently! We are ashamed of working overtime and proud of being efficient! Whoever fails to complete their work within the prescribed working hours , causing Mr. Pu to pay you overtime to complete the work that should have been completed during the day, which is a shame for the department! It not only slows down the progress of the department, but also brings a serious financial burden to the company! Mr. Pu brought it up to teach alone and discredited the overall image of our department.”

Zhao Cai opened his mouth wide: "Ah this!"

Is it shameful to work overtime?

Is there any other way to say this?

Meng Xingkong continued: "On the contrary! If you can finish your work during the day, and then go to exercise and play games, you will gain the admiration of all employees in the company, because this is proof that you work efficiently, and also For this good behavior that saves the company overtime pay, Mr. Pu will also specifically praise the employees who use the entertainment facilities the most every week, in order to highlight the importance of high efficiency!”

Zhao Cai: "Hiss~"

"So! Is Pu always opposed to our struggle?"


"Pu always encourages us to struggle effectively! Use your energy in the right place, be full of energy as soon as you go to work every day, and deal with all the things. Only after struggling for a day can you better enjoy the remaining time. No one can enjoy work or life. Don’t delay and maintain a happy mental state every day to ensure your enthusiasm for work. Short-term struggle is not advisable, and sustainable struggle is what Mr. Pu wants!”

"So, if the person I just gave an example was an employee of Duoyu Company, this situation would not happen, because after finishing his work during the day, he would have enough time to do what he likes, and naturally he would not do it at night. I stay up all night reading to numb myself, because the habit of self-discipline has been developed!”

“This is the spirit of many fishes!”

After Zhao Cai finished listening, his eyes shone with light, as if the door to a new world had been opened.

"That's it. Learn and live until you are old!"

The other nine employees who had switched jobs from Wangyiyun also nodded, feeling that they had mastered what Manager Meng said and would soon be able to integrate into the work rhythm of Duoyu Company.

Originally, because they had just come to work at Duoyu Company and were assigned to work on the news column of Duoyu Listening Book, they often worked overtime and were a little proud.

I think I am a struggler.

You will soon be appreciated by your boss. It won't take long for you to get promoted and get a raise, become general manager, become CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of your life. Thinking about it, you will be a little excited!

But I didn’t expect that I would actually fall behind and even add unnecessary financial burden to the company!

I feel ashamed just thinking about it!

After popularizing the spirit of Duoyu to everyone, Meng Xingkong looked at the menacing music of Net Yiyun and continued:

"We already know in advance the means of suppressing the cloud this time, so now it depends on whether we can withstand it."

Although Meng Xingkong looked calm on the surface.

We also prepared ways to deal with it in advance.

But he was still a little panicked.

Mr. Pu always feels uneasy when he is not in charge of such a big matter in the company.

"How about making a call and asking Mr. Pu?"

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