I really want to hit the street

Chapter 243 Hurry! Report the good news to Mr. Pu quickly! (Additional update 40135)

Wednesday, July 6th.

It is advisable to study and avoid getting angry.

Pu Jie, who had been avoiding the limelight at home for a week, made sure that no one was guarding the school.

He quickly asked Zhang Yang to take him back to school.

Final exams are just one week away!

Pu Jie is very busy this semester and has to write a new book. The company also has to constantly control how to lose money.

In terms of courses, I fell behind a lot.

You have to hurry up and read it, otherwise you will definitely fail the course.

Of course, with the current level, you will still fail the exam a week later, it just depends on how many subjects you pass.

Therefore, Pu Jie asked his instructor Wang Xiang to help him open up a little more, and also asked his good roommate, the principal's good son Yuan Hua, to help him a little bit.

Yuan Hua saw Pu Jie with a look of resentment on his face.

"Brother Jie, you called all three people from the dormitory to your company, and suddenly I am the only one left this semester. Your conscience won't hurt!"

Pujie was ashamed.

That seems to be the case.

"Ahem! Yuan Hua, um, isn't it because you are so talented in literature? You need further study to be a screenwriter yourself, unlike us bastards."

Yuan Hua became even more resentful: "Brother Jie, "The Man from the Earth" has been released, are you still a gangster? Am I not a gangster?"

"Don't worry about these details! That's what the instructor changed. I'm just a fool. How about you also go to Duoyu Company to take a class?"

Yuan Hua shook his head: "Forget it. My uncle has arranged for me to study with a big theater group this summer. I'm afraid I won't have time. Let's talk about it next semester."


Pu Jie breathed a sigh of relief. If Yuan Hua came to the company, it would be very bad.

He needs a Wolong like Dachun.

No need for a real dragon!

Fortunately, with the help of Yuan Hua and the instructor, Pu Jie was able to cope with this semester without any problems.

As for Duoyu Company?

Pu Jie took a look at the funds and checked with Assistant Qi. Duoyu Tingshu had a good market last month, with steady growth and a profit of more than 9 million, which shocked Pu Jie!

But fortunately, Meng Xingkong took all the money he earned and used it, very consciously.

"Although Lao Meng people are unreliable, this habit deserves praise!"

No matter how much money you earn, it will be spent in the end, which means you have not earned anything.

The gross profit margin is 0%, which is a stable number.

So far, I haven’t given back a penny to the company.

And Dachun has also begun to spend money outside, and one after another has to pay bills to other studios.

The Internet Literature Department carried out reforms last month to improve author benefits and spent an additional 1 million yuan.

The company's money is gradually dwindling.

Completely follow the script written by Mr. Pu.

Don't be too perfect!

"Lao Meng must have been numb from the suppression recently, right? Tsk tsk~ I didn't expect that a struggling person like you would be here today, so comfortable!"

"It is estimated that Duoyu Tingshu's income will plummet this month, and it will be good to break even."

"By the way, the prototype of Dachun's game seems to have been made. I have to go and try it out to prevent him from making any mistakes."

Although Mr. Pu believes in Dachun very much, he must be careful and take a look at it.

Wangyiyun spent a lot of advertising resources to promote its audiobook business and hyped up the concept of audiobook.

But the effect is not ideal.

Our own users are not interested in this feature.

Even if some people want to hear it.

But a book with such a strong flavor of new media is really not their cup of tea.

Net Yiyun focuses on the petty bourgeoisie sentiment.

Isn’t it appropriate for you to marry a miracle doctor?

Although these books are among the best-selling ones on the Duoyu Audiobook platform, people live and trees die when they move.

The soil of Wangyiyun is not suitable for such cultural development.

Their users are not a valid audience.

Just like Wang Yiyun, who saw other live broadcast platforms being very popular, he started supporting his own live broadcast very early, but he hasn't started doing it yet.

Because no one downloads Wangyiyun Music just to watch the live broadcast!

The conversion rate is extremely low!

Occasionally there are some popular live broadcast rooms, but most of them are live voice broadcasts, emotional counseling, late night amsr, etc., mainly for listening to music.

But for Wangyiyun, which has nearly 20 million monthly active users, it is insignificant.

Obviously, users of Wangyiyun are not only not interested in their live broadcasts, but also in their listening to books function.

But for new customers from outside, the conversion rate is much higher.

After all, they are accurate users of big data push.

However, due to the hasty launch and lack of operational experience, the library was too small, causing many users to lose it after listening to it for a while.

Many listeners even openly recommended the Duoyu Listening Book app in the comment areas under those books.

On the contrary, it attracted a wave of traffic to Duoyu Audiobook!


The online Yiyun listening book column has been online for half a month, cool.

It’s as cool as their live broadcast.

It didn't achieve the effect they wanted at all.

Not to mention taking over the entire audiobook market, not even Duoyu Audiobook can suppress it!

Wang Yiyun Company held a meeting.

Ding Bo sat on the main seat, his face ashen.

The company invested 20 million in publicity expenses, but as a result, there were less than 500,000 paying users, and the payment amount was also very low.

A total of 3 million was recovered, a serious loss.

Damn it!

And paying users are still losing like crazy.

The losses will only get worse in the future.

At today's meeting, Mr. Bo became furious and criticized the employees of the Wangyiyun Listening Book Project, saying that everyone's year-end bonus this year was gone!

The employees learned the hard way.

the next day.

The human resources department of Duoyu Company received another batch of resumes.

Wangyiyun Music's actions naturally did not hide the actions of many Internet giants in the industry.

Especially Qidian.

They pay more attention to online articles than other companies and are more sensitive.

When Duoyu Audiobooks first approached Qidian Copyright Department to buy the audio rights, they were already observing the project.

And at that time, some senior officials suggested that Qidian should also build its own audiobook platform, produce and sell it by itself, and not sell the copyright to other companies. Wouldn't it be a monopoly?

As a result, Xingchen rejected it at the conference.

He gave the reason: "Most of our own customers read e-books, and the demand for listening to books is not large. Moreover, we also have our own AI smart reading, and some readers who like to listen to books are also used to using this." Well, if we want to engage in audio-book listening, we are just trying to steal our own users, which is just internal friction.”

In the end, the proposal was not adopted.

Xingchen: "However, if this audiobook software becomes popular, it will also be a good supplement to our online literature industry. It will not only increase the copyright income of many of our authors, but also attract some new customers to come into contact with online literature, although they cannot I will definitely come to Qidian to read books, but the plate is too big. Overall and in the long run, everyone will get better and better. Therefore, I suggest deepening the cooperation with Duoyu Listening and supporting them to stand up. This is a win-win situation. ”

But now, Wangyiyun Tingshu column has encountered Waterloo.

Qidian's senior management commented: "It was a hasty battle, but the imitation was not adequate. Wangyiyun Music overestimated itself and misassessed the needs of the real audience in the listening market. Handan is learning to walk, which makes people laugh."

In this quick battle, Wang Yiyun was completely defeated.

They don't know how to listen to books at all.

But their publicity fees were not in vain.

Half a month after the online listening function of Wangyiyun was launched.

The number of downloads of the Duoyu Tingshu app has gradually returned to its original normal value, and has even begun to increase!

Everyone in the Duoyu audio reading department was shocked!

What does it mean?

Did Mr. Pu secretly advertise for us behind our back?

Or did Wangyiyun bring their software with them when promoting it?

"It's just pretty bald."

Meng Xingkong and the others were stable for a week, running their own software properly, and then they turned around.

"Quick! Report the good news to Mr. Pu!"

Three updates today.

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