I really want to hit the street

Chapter 252 I admit, I spoke a little loudly before

The update on the first day did not cause much of a storm.

Many readers who continued to read even scolded it directly in the latest chapter.

"What the hell! Died and resurrected after death? Is it such a child's play? I didn't say a word in the previous plot, but you suddenly became so bloody. This book has changed for me. The last time Leave a message and leave.”

"Should I say it? It feels like someone tied up the author and put a knife to his neck. It's so weird."

"A bunch of blunt ones, shouldn't the level of the authors be like this? Did they give up on themselves after their grades dropped and throw them into the gun? Start messing around?"

"No! Didn't you object to the author's knife man before? Now that the person has been resurrected, it's still Chu Dake! Are you starting to force this and that again? I've been wronged for the author. I'm really wronged. Author, you continue to follow your own path Write ideas, don’t be influenced by others, I think resurrection is good (don’t care about my opinion, I hope you can bring me more surprises and unexpected plots).”

"The plot has just begun. I can't see it yet. By the way, why is Chu Dake so nervous? I feel that these two sentences after his resurrection are a bit too confident. I wonder if the expectations are so high in the front. Will he be able to hold on in the future? Let's wait and see. , if it doesn’t work, withdraw.”

"I bet a bag of spicy strips that Chu Dake will die again in the next world! Pu Ding, this bitch, said that he is a devil who is so happy that we can't imagine him. Don't believe him!!!"

The latest chapters are all left by readers who are currently reading them, and their reviews are not very high.

After Pu Jie saw it, his face lit up with joy!

This is the effect you want!

Driving away the chasing readers is his purpose!

So it got worse!

Three days later.

Readers of "Infinite Space and Time" realized something was wrong!

It’s true!

He really wants to start resurrecting his dead teammates one by one!

Chu Dake has used his wisdom to help plan a feasible method, which sounds very reliable.

It turns out that Chu Dake, who helped with his heart, can be so strong!

The comment section, which had been a bit cold before, has revived.

"Holy shit! A buddy just said this in other book club groups. I thought I was hallucinating, but I didn't expect that when I came back, my Chu Dake was really resurrected! I'm just going to make up for the full order. , Brothers, am I doing the right thing?”

"I had already deleted the book from my bookshelf, but I am back! This plot is really amazing!"

"Wait a minute. Do you think this plot seems a bit familiar? I seem to have seen it in some big book review in the comment area?"

"Hahahaha! That's right! It's me, Daxiang! I said it before in the first world of "The Mummy". The author arranged the 'Death Bible' to resurrect people in that world, so there is no reason why he can't resurrect his own people. , it’s just that no one in the Chinese team discovered it at that time, and the author didn’t write it, but I feel that this foreshadowing was laid by the author a long time ago, so he was so open and close when writing the plot later, killing. Death, battles, and team destruction were all within his expectations! This writing style is worthy of being a student of the gold medal screenwriter! ——Da Xiang.

"Good guy, I was waiting here! Who could have imagined such a foreshadowing! The effect is really amazing! I have to quickly comment on those who abandoned the book in the comment area, and revive them all! This What the hell is not Bibo Ran?”

The comment area is just like the Chinese New Year.

Super Plus enjoy!

A small number of discordant voices could not make any waves at all, and they were all crushed by righteous readers!

They just like to watch resurrections and happy reunions!

What's wrong? No?

It’s so cruel in real life, why is it so painful to read an online article? are you crazy?

A huge force began to erupt from the comment area of ​​"Infinite Time and Space".

Qidianquan, Tieba, Longkong, major book club groups, and writer assistant apps are all places where readers have the opportunity to see the news about Chu Dake's resurrection in "Infinite Time and Space".

Many Qidian authors are confused!

There is a traitor in my book club!

Why are we suddenly talking about the plots of other books and inviting everyone to read them quickly?

"Oh, it's "Infinite Time and Space". That's okay. I'll watch it too!"

The readers of this book are no longer limited to readers of Qidian, many authors are following it!

Mature authors will scan the lists, that is, look at the recently popular books from the Qidian list.

Twelve Heavenly Kings Pu Ding's new work "Infinite Time and Space" is at the top of the best-seller list, and it is obviously their focus (reference).

Needless to say, people who copy Pu Ding’s new media two-part series can still make a good living.

This traditional book about cultivating immortals keeps up with the formality and adopts a retro style, which is just right for the money.

It can be said that Pu Ding is the traffic password.

And his "Infinite Time and Space" is so beautiful!

The authors originally came here to scan the books, but in the end they were all obsessed with it. Just look at Qidian’s group of great authors, and a bunch of people are reading it.

Needless to say the gold content.

As a result, some authors even took the initiative to promote the plot changes of "Infinite Time and Space" with their book friends.

"Damn it! Brothers! Chu Dake from "Infinite Time and Space" is resurrected. I'm going to make up for the previous plot. I'm going to take a break today."

A certain author actually took time off directly to make up the plot.

When other authors take a look, holy shit! Can you still ask for leave like this? Then I'll try it too!

Then, a group of authors who wanted to read the chapters of "Infinite Time and Space" all asked for leave, whether it was true or not. It became popular.

Originally, this book had a special place in the hearts of some Qidian readers. After all, it had brought happiness before. Now, it was like seeing my first love again after graduation, and after chatting for a few words, I discovered that the separation between the two was actually a misunderstanding!

then what should we do?

Let’s go directly to the hotel and talk about how everyone has been spending the past few years.

Is it normal to do some exercise in the evening to pay tribute to the youth that will never come back?

Right, wife?

Why are not you talking?

Wait, why are you looking for scissors?

Ahem! In short, a large number of readers have changed their minds.

First, I checked the latest chapter and found that Chu Dake was indeed resurrected.

Then start cramming the previous chapters.

I actually found it really good!

Some of them withdrew after Chu Dake was stabbed, some withdrew after Rong Hao was stabbed, and some yo-yoed after the team was wiped out.

After knowing that I would be resurrected later, I put down my psychological burden and actually felt that the plot was far better than I imagined.

The readers who had been clamoring the most for abandoning the book came out to apologize one after another.

"I admit, I spoke a little too loudly before, and I would like to apologize to you now."

"I admit, I spoke a little too loudly before, and I would like to apologize to you now."

"I admit"

It was a hit in the book review circle!

Large real fragrance scene.

As for the "Infinite Time and Space" Tieba, the bar staff who had fled ran back overnight carrying the train, and immediately began to sort out the affairs of the Tieba, and delete all the posts that were offensive!

"I'm going to blast this book "Infinite Time and Space"! Anyone who criticizes this book in this forum from now on will be my enemy! Woof~"


Malzaha, who was still waiting for filming in Kyoto, also saw the plot twist for the first time. A bright smile spread across her face, which shocked her agent. In the past few days, it was like someone else owed her hundreds of dollars. Just looking at my phone suddenly made me feel better!

Malzaha posted on Weibo again: ""Infinite Space and Time" is so beautiful! I admit, I spoke a little louder before."

Attached is a picture of myself reading a book beautifully.

He looks like a star-chasing little fan!

The manager was very helpless. Weibo was a showcase for his own artists. How could he write his true thoughts?



Attend a certain event!

How can you have a heart-to-heart relationship with your fans?

Do you know what celebrity personality is, auntie!

However, Malzaha, who has never pursued fame and wealth and is very Buddhist, didn't care. She wanted to share her mood at this moment with others.

And then, when fans saw that Zaha’s pictures were so lifelike and real, they had an orgasm!

On the contrary, the amount of interaction increased significantly.

Naturally, many people read this book that was mentioned twice.

And the same day.

"Infinite Time and Space" is on Qidian's most powerful recommendation - daily guide!

When Styx made the recommended quotations for the introduction, he directly wrote at the end: "Behind reincarnation and death, hope and resurrection are the only answers!"

July 18th.

"Infinite Time and Space", which ranks over 90 on the best-selling list, directly plugged in the flame booster and soared all the way to No. 3 on the overall best-selling list!

Because it exploded so quickly, the first 90 books did not even feel the pain, and the exhaust of "Infinite Time and Space" was no longer visible.

It's really a stab in the ass and an eye-opener for the authors.

After Pu Jie found out about the introduction today, he directly chose not to watch the backstage!

At this time of increasing performance, out of sight, out of mind.

He has to go to the company today because "Goddess Strategy Simulator" is about to be launched.

Today’s 2nd update of 5,000 words, short and sweet, yum yum yum~

Let’s talk about yesterday’s question: Why are all Qidian’s books being recommended to each other recently?

Because the new book issue is too large, it all depends on the number of readers. If it is not enough, there will be no recommendation at all, and it will die immediately. Therefore, everyone is trying to find ways to let more readers see their books. If one opens the book, the others will also open the book. Everyone is promoting it.

However, the books recommended by Binghuo are all by veteran authors with guaranteed quality. If you happen to be interested, you can take a look.

Recommended book: "Sacrifice Training Simulator"

Qin Heng travels through the fantasy world, obtains a sacrifice simulator and sacrifice items, simulates future life, and reaches the top!

Cool writing, compact plot, decisive killing...

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